To configure this module, you need to: #. Go to Warehouse / Configuration / Types of Operation #. Select the picking type(s) you want to see in the point of sale #. Check the box 'Available in Point of Sale' .. figure:: ../static/description/stock_picking_type_form.png :width: 800 px Note: This box is NOT enabled by default except in demo data for the type 'Delivery Orders' of the demo company 'YourCompany'. #. Go to Point of Sale / Configuration / Point of Sales #. Select the Point(s) of Sales witch those you want to enable the feature #. Check the box 'Load Pickings' #. Set the max quantity of pickings you want to load .. figure:: ../static/description/pos_config_form.png :width: 800 px Note: This box is enabled by default **Technical Notes** * By default, the Point of Sale will display only the pickings if the state is in 'Waiting Availability', 'Partially Available' or 'Ready to Transfer'. You can change this filter by overloading the ``_prepare_filter_for_pos`` function of the model ``stock.picking``. * By default, the search of pickings will be done on the fields ``name``, ``origin`` and ``partner_id`` of the picking. You can change this feature by overloading the ``_prepare_filter_query_for_pos`` function of the model ``stock.picking``. * By default, when the PoS order is confirmed, the original picking is cancelled and the sale order is set to the state 'Done'. You can change this behaviour by overloading ``_handle_orders_with_original_picking`` function of the model ``pos.order``.