# Copyright 2016-2018 Sylvain LE GAL (https://twitter.com/legalsylvain) # Copyright 2018 David Vidal # Copyright 2018 Lambda IS DOOEL # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). from odoo import _, api, fields, models from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError class PosOrder(models.Model): _inherit = 'pos.order' returned_order_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='pos.order', string='Returned Order', readonly=True, ) refund_order_ids = fields.One2many( comodel_name='pos.order', inverse_name='returned_order_id', string='Refund Orders', readonly=True, ) refund_order_qty = fields.Integer( compute='_compute_refund_order_qty', string='Refund Orders Quantity', ) def _compute_refund_order_qty(self): order_data = self.env['pos.order'].read_group( [('returned_order_id', 'in', self.ids)], ['returned_order_id'], ['returned_order_id'] ) mapped_data = dict( [(order['returned_order_id'][0], order['returned_order_id_count']) for order in order_data]) for order in self: order.refund_order_qty = mapped_data.get(order.id, 0) def _blank_refund(self, res): self.ensure_one() new_order = self.browse(res['res_id']) new_order.returned_order_id = self # Remove created lines and recreate and link Lines new_order.lines.unlink() return new_order def _prepare_invoice(self): res = super(PosOrder, self)._prepare_invoice() if not self.returned_order_id.invoice_id: return res res.update({ 'origin': self.returned_order_id.invoice_id.number, 'name': _( 'Return of %s' % self.returned_order_id.invoice_id.number), 'refund_invoice_id': self.returned_order_id.invoice_id.id, }) return res def _action_pos_order_invoice(self): """Wrap common process""" self.action_pos_order_invoice() self.invoice_id.sudo().action_invoice_open() self.account_move = self.invoice_id.move_id def refund(self): # Call super to use original refund algorithm (session management, ...) ctx = dict(self.env.context, do_not_check_negative_qty=True) res = super(PosOrder, self.with_context(ctx)).refund() new_order = self._blank_refund(res) for line in self.lines: qty = - line.max_returnable_qty([]) if qty != 0: copy_line = line.copy() copy_line.write({ 'order_id': new_order.id, 'returned_line_id': line.id, 'qty': qty, }) return res def partial_refund(self, partial_return_wizard): ctx = dict(self.env.context, partial_refund=True) res = self.with_context(ctx).refund() new_order = self._blank_refund(res) for wizard_line in partial_return_wizard.line_ids: qty = -wizard_line.qty if qty != 0: copy_line = wizard_line.pos_order_line_id.copy() copy_line.write({ 'order_id': new_order.id, 'returned_line_id': wizard_line.pos_order_line_id.id, 'qty': qty, }) return res def action_pos_order_paid(self): res = super(PosOrder, self).action_pos_order_paid() if self.returned_order_id and self.returned_order_id.invoice_id: self._action_pos_order_invoice() return res def _create_picking_return(self): self.ensure_one() picking = self.returned_order_id.picking_id ctx = dict(self.env.context, active_ids=picking.ids, active_id=picking.id) wizard = self.env['stock.return.picking'].with_context(ctx).create({}) # Discard not returned lines wizard.product_return_moves.filtered( lambda x: x.product_id not in self.mapped( 'lines.product_id')).unlink() to_return = {} for product in self.lines.mapped('product_id'): to_return[product] = -sum( self.lines.filtered( lambda x: x.product_id == product).mapped('qty')) for move in wizard.product_return_moves: if to_return[move.product_id] < move.quantity: move.quantity = to_return[move.product_id] to_return[move.product_id] -= move.quantity return wizard def create_picking(self): """Odoo bases return picking if the quantities are negative, but it's not linked to the original one""" orders = self.filtered( lambda x: not x.returned_order_id or not x.returned_order_id.picking_id) res = super(PosOrder, orders).create_picking() for order in self - orders: wizard = order._create_picking_return() res = wizard.create_returns() order.write({'picking_id': res['res_id']}) order._force_picking_done(order.picking_id) return res class PosOrderLine(models.Model): _inherit = 'pos.order.line' returned_line_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='pos.order.line', string='Returned Order', readonly=True, ) refund_line_ids = fields.One2many( comodel_name='pos.order.line', inverse_name='returned_line_id', string='Refund Lines', readonly=True, ) @api.model def max_returnable_qty(self, ignored_line_ids): qty = self.qty for refund_line in self.refund_line_ids: if refund_line.id not in ignored_line_ids: qty += refund_line.qty return qty @api.constrains('returned_line_id', 'qty') def _check_return_qty(self): if self.env.context.get('do_not_check_negative_qty', False): return True for line in self: if line.returned_line_id and -line.qty > line.returned_line_id.qty: raise ValidationError(_( "You can not return %d %s of %s because the original " "Order line only mentions %d %s." ) % (-line.qty, line.product_id.uom_id.name, line.product_id.name, line.returned_line_id.qty, line.product_id.uom_id.name)) if (line.returned_line_id and -line.qty > line.returned_line_id.max_returnable_qty([line.id])): raise ValidationError(_( "You can not return %d %s of %s because some refunds" " have already been done.\n Maximum quantity allowed :" " %d %s." ) % (-line.qty, line.product_id.uom_id.name, line.product_id.name, line.returned_line_id.max_returnable_qty([line.id]), line.product_id.uom_id.name)) if (not line.returned_line_id and line.qty < 0 and not line.product_id.product_tmpl_id.pos_allow_negative_qty): raise ValidationError(_( "For legal and traceability reasons, you can not set a" " negative quantity (%d %s of %s), without using " "return wizard." ) % (line.qty, line.product_id.uom_id.name, line.product_id.name))