/* Copyright 2018 GRAP - Sylvain LE GAL Copyright 2018 Tecnativa - David Vidal Copyright 2019 Druidoo - Ivan Todorovich License LGPL-3.0 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl). */ odoo.define('pos_order_mgmt.widgets', function (require) { "use strict"; var core = require('web.core'); var _t = core._t; var PosBaseWidget = require('point_of_sale.BaseWidget'); var screens = require('point_of_sale.screens'); var gui = require('point_of_sale.gui'); var chrome = require('point_of_sale.chrome'); var pos = require('point_of_sale.models'); var QWeb = core.qweb; var ScreenWidget = screens.ScreenWidget; var DomCache = screens.DomCache; screens.ReceiptScreenWidget.include({ render_receipt: function () { if (!this.pos.reloaded_order) { return this._super(); } var order = this.pos.reloaded_order; this.$('.pos-receipt-container').html(QWeb.render('PosTicket', { widget: this, pos: this.pos, order: order, receipt: order.export_for_printing(), orderlines: order.get_orderlines(), paymentlines: order.get_paymentlines(), })); this.pos.from_loaded_order = true; }, click_next: function () { if (!this.pos.from_loaded_order) { return this._super(); } this.pos.from_loaded_order = false; // When reprinting a loaded order we temporarily set it as the // active one. When we get out from the printing screen, we set // it back to the one that was active if (this.pos.current_order) { this.pos.set_order(this.pos.current_order); this.pos.current_order = false; } return this.gui.show_screen(this.gui.startup_screen); }, }); var OrderListScreenWidget = ScreenWidget.extend({ template: 'OrderListScreenWidget', init: function (parent, options) { this._super(parent, options); this.order_cache = new DomCache(); this.orders = []; this.unknown_products = []; this.search_query = false; this.perform_search(); }, auto_back: true, show: function () { var self = this; var previous_screen = false; if (this.pos.get_order()) { previous_screen = this.pos.get_order().get_screen_data( 'previous-screen'); } if (previous_screen === 'receipt') { this.gui.screen_instances.receipt.click_next(); this.gui.show_screen('orderlist'); } this._super(); this.renderElement(); this.old_order = this.pos.get_order(); this.$('.back').click(function () { return self.gui.show_screen(self.gui.startup_screen); }); if (this.pos.config.iface_vkeyboard && this.chrome.widget.keyboard) { this.chrome.widget.keyboard.connect( this.$('.searchbox input')); } var search_timeout = null; this.$('.searchbox input').on('keyup', function () { self.search_query = this.value; clearTimeout(search_timeout); search_timeout = setTimeout(function () { self.perform_search(); }, 70); }); this.$('.searchbox .search-clear').click(function () { self.clear_search(); }); this.perform_search(); }, render_list: function () { var self = this; var orders = this.orders; var contents = this.$el[0].querySelector('.order-list-contents'); contents.innerHTML = ""; for ( var i = 0, len = Math.min(orders.length, 1000); i < len; i++ ) { var order = orders[i]; var orderline = this.order_cache.get_node( order.id || order.uid); if (!orderline) { var orderline_html = QWeb.render('OrderLine', { widget: this, order: order, }); orderline = document.createElement('tbody'); orderline.innerHTML = orderline_html; orderline = orderline.childNodes[1]; this.order_cache.cache_node( order.id || order.uid, orderline); } if (order === this.old_order) { orderline.classList.add('highlight'); } else { orderline.classList.remove('highlight'); } contents.appendChild(orderline); } // FIXME: Everytime the list is rendered we need to reassing the // button events. this.$('.order-list-return').off('click'); this.$('.order-list-reprint').off('click'); this.$('.order-list-copy').off('click'); this.$('.order-list-reprint').click(function (event) { self.order_list_actions(event, 'print'); }); this.$('.order-list-copy').click(function (event) { self.order_list_actions(event, 'copy'); }); this.$('.order-list-return').click(function (event) { self.order_list_actions(event, 'return'); }); }, order_list_actions: function (event, action) { var self = this; var dataset = event.target.parentNode.dataset; self.load_order_data(parseInt(dataset.orderId, 10)) .then(function (order_data) { self.order_action(order_data, action); }); }, order_action: function (order_data, action) { if (this.old_order !== null) { this.gui.back(); } var order = this.load_order_from_data(order_data, action); if (!order) { // The load of the order failed. (products not found, ... // We cancel the action return; } this['action_' + action](order_data, order); }, action_print: function (order_data, order) { // We store temporarily the current order so we can safely compute // taxes based on fiscal position this.pos.current_order = this.pos.get_order(); this.pos.set_order(order); this.pos.reloaded_order = order; var skip_screen_state = this.pos.config.iface_print_skip_screen; // Disable temporarily skip screen if set this.pos.config.iface_print_skip_screen = false; this.gui.show_screen('receipt'); this.pos.reloaded_order = false; // Set skip screen to whatever previous state this.pos.config.iface_print_skip_screen = skip_screen_state; // If it's invoiced, we also print the invoice if (order_data.to_invoice) { this.pos.chrome.do_action('point_of_sale.pos_invoice_report', { additional_context: { active_ids: [order_data.id] } }) } // Destroy the order so it's removed from localStorage // Otherwise it will stay there and reappear on browser refresh order.destroy(); }, action_copy: function (order_data, order) { order.trigger('change'); this.pos.get('orders').add(order); this.pos.set('selectedOrder', order); return order; }, action_return: function (order_data, order) { order.trigger('change'); this.pos.get('orders').add(order); this.pos.set('selectedOrder', order); return order; }, _prepare_order_from_order_data: function (order_data, action) { var self = this; var order = new pos.Order({}, { pos: this.pos, }); // Get Customer if (order_data.partner_id) { order.set_client( this.pos.db.get_partner_by_id(order_data.partner_id)); } // Get fiscal position if (order_data.fiscal_position && this.pos.fiscal_positions) { var fiscal_positions = this.pos.fiscal_positions; order.fiscal_position = fiscal_positions.filter(function (p) { return p.id === order_data.fiscal_position; })[0]; order.trigger('change'); } // Get order lines self._prepare_orderlines_from_order_data( order, order_data, action); // Get Name if (['print'].indexOf(action) !== -1) { order.name = order_data.pos_reference; } else if (['return'].indexOf(action) !== -1) { order.name = _t("Refund ") + order.uid; } // Get to invoice if (['return', 'copy'].indexOf(action) !== -1) { // If previous order was invoiced, we need a refund too order.set_to_invoice(order_data.to_invoice); } // Get returned Order if (['print'].indexOf(action) !== -1) { // Get the same value as the original order.returned_order_id = order_data.returned_order_id; order.returned_order_reference = order_data.returned_order_reference; } else if (['return'].indexOf(action) !== -1) { order.returned_order_id = order_data.id; order.returned_order_reference = order_data.pos_reference; } // Get Date if (['print'].indexOf(action) !== -1) { order.formatted_validation_date = moment(order_data.date_order).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'); } // Get Payment lines if (['print'].indexOf(action) !== -1) { var paymentLines = order_data.statement_ids || []; _.each(paymentLines, function (paymentLine) { var line = paymentLine; // In case of local data if (line.length === 3) { line = line[2]; } _.each(self.pos.cashregisters, function (cashregister) { if (cashregister.journal.id === line.journal_id) { if (line.amount > 0) { // If it is not change order.add_paymentline(cashregister); order.selected_paymentline.set_amount( line.amount); } } }); }); } return order; }, _prepare_orderlines_from_order_data: function ( order, order_data, action) { var orderLines = order_data.line_ids || order_data.lines || []; var self = this; _.each(orderLines, function (orderLine) { var line = orderLine; // In case of local data if (line.length === 3) { line = line[2]; } var product = self.pos.db.get_product_by_id(line.product_id); // Check if product are available in pos if (_.isUndefined(product)) { self.unknown_products.push(String(line.product_id)); } else { // Create a new order line order.add_product(product, self._prepare_product_options_from_orderline_data( order, line, action)); } }); }, _prepare_product_options_from_orderline_data: function ( order, line, action) { var qty = line.qty; if (['return'].indexOf(action) !== -1) { // Invert line quantities qty *= -1; } return { price: line.price_unit, quantity: qty, discount: line.discount, merge: false, } }, load_order_data: function (order_id) { var self = this; return this._rpc({ model: 'pos.order', method: 'load_done_order_for_pos', args: [order_id], }).fail(function (error) { if (parseInt(error.code, 10) === 200) { // Business Logic Error, not a connection problem self.gui.show_popup( 'error-traceback', { 'title': error.data.message, 'body': error.data.debug, }); } else { self.gui.show_popup('error', { 'title': _t('Connection error'), 'body': _t( 'Can not execute this action because the POS' + ' is currently offline'), }); } }); }, load_order_from_data: function (order_data, action) { var self = this; this.unknown_products = []; var order = self._prepare_order_from_order_data( order_data, action); // Forbid POS Order loading if some products are unknown if (self.unknown_products.length > 0) { self.gui.show_popup('error-traceback', { 'title': _t('Unknown Products'), 'body': _t('Unable to load some order lines because the ' + 'products are not available in the POS cache.\n\n' + 'Please check that lines :\n\n * ') + self.unknown_products.join("; \n *"), }); return false; } return order; }, // Search Part search_done_orders: function (query) { var self = this; return this._rpc({ model: 'pos.order', method: 'search_done_orders_for_pos', args: [query || '', this.pos.pos_session.id], }).then(function (result) { self.orders = result; // Get the date in local time _.each(self.orders, function (order) { if (order.date_order) { order.date_order = moment.utc(order.date_order) .local().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'); } }); }).fail(function (error, event) { if (parseInt(error.code, 10) === 200) { // Business Logic Error, not a connection problem self.gui.show_popup( 'error-traceback', { 'title': error.data.message, 'body': error.data.debug, } ); } else { self.gui.show_popup('error', { 'title': _t('Connection error'), 'body': _t( 'Can not execute this action because the POS' + ' is currently offline'), }); } event.preventDefault(); }); }, perform_search: function () { var self = this; return this.search_done_orders(self.search_query) .done(function () { self.render_list(); }); }, clear_search: function () { var self = this; self.$('.searchbox input')[0].value = ''; self.$('.searchbox input').focus(); self.search_query = false; self.perform_search(); }, }); gui.define_screen({ name: 'orderlist', widget: OrderListScreenWidget, }); var ListOrderButtonWidget = PosBaseWidget.extend({ template: 'ListOrderButtonWidget', init: function (parent, options) { var opts = options || {}; this._super(parent, opts); this.action = opts.action; this.label = opts.label; }, button_click: function () { this.gui.show_screen('orderlist'); }, renderElement: function () { var self = this; this._super(); this.$el.click(function () { self.button_click(); }); }, }); var widgets = chrome.Chrome.prototype.widgets; widgets.push({ 'name': 'list_orders', 'widget': ListOrderButtonWidget, 'prepend': '.pos-rightheader', 'args': { 'label': 'All Orders', }, }); return { ListOrderButtonWidget: ListOrderButtonWidget, OrderListScreenWidget: OrderListScreenWidget, }; });