Once the PoS is loaded, you'll find a shopping trolley icon (🛒) in the top bar that grants access to the order list screen. .. image:: /pos_order_mgmt/static/description/order-mgmt-icon.png There you can find the number of past orders loaded according to your configuration (see Configuration) as well as the orders you checked out in the current session: .. image:: /pos_order_mgmt/static/description/order-mgmt-list.png #. You can see their totals as well as their custumers if registered. #. You can reprint their tickets clicking on the printer icon (⎙). #. You can return them pressing on the arrow icon (↶). #. You have a search input as well that lets you find past tickets by its reference number. NOTE: You'll need your PoS to be online to be able to search or return a past ticket.