Select an PoS Order an choose either *Return Products* (full return of the order) or *Partial Return*. In this case, a wizard allows to select just some products and quantities to return: .. image:: /pos_order_return/static/description/partial_return_wizard.png Register the refund payment to finish the return. If the original order was invoiced, a refund invoice will be made. **Implemented Constraints** * User can not return more products than the initial quantity: .. image:: /pos_order_return/static/description/returned_qty_over_initial.png * If a line has been partially refund, only a reduced quantity can be returned: .. image:: /pos_order_return/static/description/sum_returned_qty_over_initial.png * It is not possible to set a negative quantity if the initial Pos Order is not indicated: .. image:: /pos_order_return/static/description/initial_pos_order_required.png