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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2004-Today Odoo S.A.
# License LGPLv3 (
# flake8: noqa
import re
from openerp.osv import fields, osv
from import _
('ean2upc','EAN-13 to UPC-A'),
('upc2ean','UPC-A to EAN-13'),
class barcode_nomenclature(osv.osv):
_name = 'barcode.nomenclature'
_columns = {
'name': fields.char('Nomenclature Name', size=32, required=True, help='An internal identification of the barcode nomenclature'),
'rule_ids': fields.one2many('barcode.rule','barcode_nomenclature_id','Rules', help='The list of barcode rules'),
'upc_ean_conv': fields.selection(UPC_EAN_CONVERSIONS, 'UPC/EAN Conversion', required=True,
help='UPC Codes can be converted to EAN by prefixing them with a zero. This setting determines if a UPC/EAN barcode should be automatically converted in one way or another when trying to match a rule with the other encoding.'),
_defaults = {
'upc_ean_conv': 'always',
# returns the checksum of the ean13, or -1 if the ean has not the correct length, ean must be a string
def ean_checksum(self, ean):
code = list(ean)
if len(code) != 13:
return -1
oddsum = evensum = total = 0
code = code[:-1] # Remove checksum
for i in range(len(code)):
if i % 2 == 0:
evensum += int(code[i])
oddsum += int(code[i])
total = oddsum * 3 + evensum
return int((10 - total % 10) % 10)
# returns the checksum of the ean8, or -1 if the ean has not the correct length, ean must be a string
def ean8_checksum(self,ean):
code = list(ean)
if len(code) != 8:
return -1
sum1 = ean[1] + ean[3] + ean[5]
sum2 = ean[0] + ean[2] + ean[4] + ean[6]
total = sum1 + 3 * sum2
return int((10 - total % 10) % 10)
# returns true if the barcode is a valid EAN barcode
def check_ean(self, ean):
return re.match("^\d+$", ean) and self.ean_checksum(ean) == int(ean[-1])
# returns true if the barcode string is encoded with the provided encoding.
def check_encoding(self, barcode, encoding):
if encoding == 'ean13':
return len(barcode) == 13 and re.match("^\d+$", barcode) and self.ean_checksum(barcode) == int(barcode[-1])
elif encoding == 'ean8':
return len(barcode) == 8 and re.match("^\d+$", barcode) and self.ean8_checksum(barcode) == int(barcode[-1])
elif encoding == 'upca':
return len(barcode) == 12 and re.match("^\d+$", barcode) and self.ean_checksum("0"+barcode) == int(barcode[-1])
elif encoding == 'any':
return True
return False
# Returns a valid zero padded ean13 from an ean prefix. the ean prefix must be a string.
def sanitize_ean(self, ean):
ean = ean[0:13]
ean = ean + (13-len(ean))*'0'
return ean[0:12] + str(self.ean_checksum(ean))
# Returns a valid zero padded UPC-A from a UPC-A prefix. the UPC-A prefix must be a string.
def sanitize_upc(self, upc):
return self.sanitize_ean('0'+upc)[1:]
# Checks if barcode matches the pattern
# Additionnaly retrieves the optional numerical content in barcode
# Returns an object containing:
# - value: the numerical value encoded in the barcode (0 if no value encoded)
# - base_code: the barcode in which numerical content is replaced by 0's
# - match: boolean
def match_pattern(self, barcode, pattern):
match = {
"value": 0,
"base_code": barcode,
"match": False,
barcode = barcode.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("{", '\{').replace("}", "\}").replace(".", "\.")
numerical_content ="[{][N]*[D]*[}]", pattern) # look for numerical content in pattern
if numerical_content: # the pattern encodes a numerical content
num_start = numerical_content.start() # start index of numerical content
num_end = numerical_content.end() # end index of numerical content
value_string = barcode[num_start:num_end-2] # numerical content in barcode
whole_part_match ="[{][N]*[D}]", # looks for whole part of numerical content
decimal_part_match ="[{N][D]*[}]", # looks for decimal part
whole_part = value_string[:whole_part_match.end()-2] # retrieve whole part of numerical content in barcode
decimal_part = "0." + value_string[decimal_part_match.start():decimal_part_match.end()-1] # retrieve decimal part
if whole_part == '':
whole_part = '0'
match['value'] = int(whole_part) + float(decimal_part)
match['base_code'] = barcode[:num_start] + (num_end-num_start-2)*"0" + barcode[num_end-2:] # replace numerical content by 0's in barcode
match['base_code'] = match['base_code'].replace("\\\\", "\\").replace("\{", "{").replace("\}","}").replace("\.",".")
pattern = pattern[:num_start] + (num_end-num_start-2)*"0" + pattern[num_end:] # replace numerical content by 0's in pattern to match
match['match'] = re.match(pattern, match['base_code'][:len(pattern)])
return match
# Attempts to interpret an barcode (string encoding a barcode)
# It will return an object containing various information about the barcode.
# most importantly :
# - code : the barcode
# - type : the type of the barcode:
# - value : if the id encodes a numerical value, it will be put there
# - base_code : the barcode code with all the encoding parts set to zero; the one put on
# the product in the backend
def parse_barcode(self, barcode):
parsed_result = {
'encoding': '',
'type': 'error',
'code': barcode,
'base_code': barcode,
'value': 0,
rules = []
for rule in self.rule_ids:
rules.append({'type': rule.type, 'encoding': rule.encoding, 'sequence': rule.sequence, 'pattern': rule.pattern, 'alias': rule.alias})
for rule in rules:
cur_barcode = barcode
if rule['encoding'] == 'ean13' and self.check_encoding(barcode,'upca') and self.upc_ean_conv in ['upc2ean','always']:
cur_barcode = '0'+cur_barcode
elif rule['encoding'] == 'upca' and self.check_encoding(barcode,'ean13') and barcode[0] == '0' and self.upc_ean_conv in ['ean2upc','always']:
cur_barcode = cur_barcode[1:]
if not self.check_encoding(barcode,rule['encoding']):
match = self.match_pattern(cur_barcode, rule['pattern'])
if match['match']:
if rule['type'] == 'alias':
barcode = rule['alias']
parsed_result['code'] = barcode
parsed_result['encoding'] = rule['encoding']
parsed_result['type'] = rule['type']
parsed_result['value'] = match['value']
parsed_result['code'] = cur_barcode
if rule['encoding'] == "ean13":
parsed_result['base_code'] = self.sanitize_ean(match['base_code'])
elif rule['encoding'] == "upca":
parsed_result['base_code'] = self.sanitize_upc(match['base_code'])
parsed_result['base_code'] = match['base_code']
return parsed_result
return parsed_result
class barcode_rule(osv.osv):
_name = 'barcode.rule'
_order = 'sequence asc'
_encoding_selection_list = [
('any', _('Any')),
('ean13', 'EAN-13'),
('ean8', 'EAN-8'),
('upca', 'UPC-A'),
_get_type_selection = [
('alias', _('Alias')),
('product', _('Unit Product')),
# Backport Note : come from point_of_sale V9.0 module
('weight', _('Weighted Product')),
('price', _('Priced Product')),
('discount', _('Discounted Product')),
('client', _('Client')),
('cashier', _('Cashier')),
# Backport Note : come from stock V9.0 module
('location', _('Location')),
('lot', _('Lot')),
('package', _('Package')),
_columns = {
'name': fields.char('Rule Name', size=32, required=True, help='An internal identification for this barcode nomenclature rule'),
'barcode_nomenclature_id': fields.many2one('barcode.nomenclature','Barcode Nomenclature'),
'sequence': fields.integer('Sequence', help='Used to order rules such that rules with a smaller sequence match first'),
'encoding': fields.selection(selection=_encoding_selection_list,string='Encoding',required=True,help='This rule will apply only if the barcode is encoded with the specified encoding'),
'type': fields.selection(selection=_get_type_selection,string='Type', required=True),
'pattern': fields.char('Barcode Pattern', size=32, help="The barcode matching pattern", required=True),
'alias': fields.char('Alias',size=32,help='The matched pattern will alias to this barcode', required=True),
_defaults = {
'type': 'product',
'pattern': '.*',
'encoding': 'any',
'alias': "0",
def _check_pattern_multi(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
res = []
for rule in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
res.append(self._check_pattern_one(cr, uid, rule, context=context))
return all(res)
_constraints = [
"There is a syntax error in the barcode pattern. "
"One of the following errors occured : \n"
"- braces can only contain N's followed by D's.\n"
"- empty braces\n"
"- a rule can only contain one pair of braces\n"
"- '*' is not a valid Regex Barcode Pattern. "
"(Did you mean '.*' ?)",
def _check_pattern_one(self, cr, uid, rule, context=None):
p = rule.pattern.replace("\\\\", "X").replace("\{", "X").replace("\}", "X")
findall = re.findall("[{]|[}]", p) # p does not contain escaped { or }
if len(findall) == 2:
if not"[{][N]*[D]*[}]", p):
return False
elif"[{][}]", p):
return False
elif len(findall) != 0:
return False
elif p == '*':
return False
return True