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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2016-Today: La Louve (<>)
# @author: Sylvain LE GAL (
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (
from openerp import fields, models
class PosPartialReturnWizardLine(models.TransientModel):
_name = 'pos.partial.return.wizard.line'
wizard_id = fields.Many2one(
comodel_name='pos.partial.return.wizard', string='Wizard')
pos_order_line_id = fields.Many2one(
comodel_name='pos.order.line', required=True, readonly=True,
string='Line To Return')
initial_qty = fields.Float(
string='Initial Quantity', readonly=True,
help="Quantity of Product initially sold")
max_returnable_qty = fields.Float(
string='Returnable Quantity', readonly=True,
help="Compute maximum quantity that can be returned for this line,"
" depending of the quantity of the line and other possible refunds.")
qty = fields.Float(string='Returned Quantity', default=0.0)