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odoo.define('pos_product_multi_price.models', function (require) {
"use strict";
var models = require('point_of_sale.models');
models.load_fields("product.product", ["price_ids_json"]);
var _product_super = models.Product.prototype;
models.Product = models.Product.extend({
get_price: function(pricelist, quantity) {
// partially copied from "point_of_sale.models"
var self = this;
var price_ids_json = JSON.parse(this.price_ids_json);
var price = _product_super.get_price.apply(this, arguments);
var date = moment().startOf('day');
var category_ids = [];
var category = this.categ;
while (category) {
category = category.parent;
var pricelist_items = _.filter(pricelist.items, function (item) {
return (! item.product_tmpl_id || item.product_tmpl_id[0] === self.product_tmpl_id) &&
(! item.product_id || item.product_id[0] === &&
(! item.categ_id || _.contains(category_ids, item.categ_id[0])) &&
(! item.date_start || moment(item.date_start).isSameOrBefore(date)) &&
(! item.date_end || moment(item.date_end).isSameOrAfter(date));
_.find(pricelist_items, function (rule) {
if (rule.min_quantity && quantity < rule.min_quantity) {
return false;
if (rule.base === 'multi_price' && rule.compute_price == 'formula') {
_.forEach(price_ids_json, function (multi_price) {
if (multi_price.price_id == rule.multi_price_name[0]) {
price = multi_price.price;
var price_limit = price;
price = price - (price * (rule.price_discount / 100));
if (rule.price_round) {
price = round_pr(price, rule.price_round);
if (rule.price_surcharge) {
price += rule.price_surcharge;
if (rule.price_min_margin) {
price = Math.max(price, price_limit + rule.price_min_margin);
if (rule.price_max_margin) {
price = Math.min(price, price_limit + rule.price_max_margin);
return true;
return false
return price;