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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<templates id="template" xml:space="preserve">
<t t-name="TareScreenWidget">
<div class='tare-screen screen'>
<div class='screen-content'>
<div class='top-content'>
<span class='button back'>
<i class='fa fa-angle-double-left'></i>
<h1>Print a tare label</h1>
<div class="centered-content">
<div class="pos-tare-label-container"></div>
<div class="pos-directions-for-user">
Set the pot on the scale and check the weight above
<div class='print-label'>
<i class='fa fa-angle-double-right'></i>
<t t-name="PosTareLabel">
<div class="pos-center-align">
<div class="pos-tare-paper">
<div class="pos-tare-label">
<img t-att-src="'/report/barcode/EAN13/' + widget.get_barcode_data()" />
<span class="caption">tare = <t t-esc="widget.get_tare_weight()" />kg</span>
<t t-name="TareScreenButton">
<t t-if="widget.pos.config.iface_tare_label">
<span class="control-button">
<i class="fa fa-print"></i>
Print a tare label