You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

187 lines
9.9 KiB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <odoo>
  3. <template id="account_financial_report_qweb.report_open_items_qweb">
  4. <t t-call="report.html_container">
  5. <t t-foreach="docs" t-as="o">
  6. <!-- Saved flag fields into variables, used to define columns display -->
  7. <t t-set="has_second_currency" t-value="o.has_second_currency"/>
  8. <t t-call="account_financial_report_qweb.internal_layout">
  9. <!-- Defines global variables used by internal layout -->
  10. <t t-set="title">Open Items</t>
  11. <t t-set="company_name" t-value=""/>
  12. <div class="page">
  13. <!-- Display filters -->
  14. <t t-call="account_financial_report_qweb.report_open_items_qweb_filters"/>
  15. <t t-foreach="o.account_ids" t-as="account">
  16. <div class="page_break">
  17. <!-- Display account header -->
  18. <div class="act_as_table list_table" style="margin-top: 10px;"/>
  19. <div class="act_as_caption account_title" style="width: 1141px !important;">
  20. <span t-field="account.code"/> - <span t-field=""/>
  21. </div>
  22. <!-- Display account partners -->
  23. <t t-foreach="account.partner_ids" t-as="partner">
  24. <div class="page_break">
  25. <!-- Display partner header -->
  26. <div class="act_as_caption account_title">
  27. <span t-field=""/>
  28. </div>
  29. <!-- Display partner move lines -->
  30. <t t-call="account_financial_report_qweb.report_open_items_qweb_lines"/>
  31. <!-- Display partner footer -->
  32. <t t-call="account_financial_report_qweb.report_open_items_qweb_ending_cumul">
  33. <t t-set="account_or_partner_object" t-value="partner"/>
  34. <t t-set="type" t-value='"partner_type"'/>
  35. </t>
  36. </div>
  37. </t>
  38. <!-- Display account footer -->
  39. <t t-call="account_financial_report_qweb.report_open_items_qweb_ending_cumul">
  40. <t t-set="account_or_partner_object" t-value="account"/>
  41. <t t-set="type" t-value='"account_type"'/>
  42. </t>
  43. </div>
  44. </t>
  45. </div>
  46. </t>
  47. </t>
  48. </t>
  49. </template>
  50. <template id="account_financial_report_qweb.report_open_items_qweb_filters">
  51. <div class="act_as_table data_table" style="width: 1140px !important;">
  52. <div class="act_as_row labels">
  53. <div class="act_as_cell">Date at filter</div>
  54. <div class="act_as_cell">Target moves filter</div>
  55. <div class="act_as_cell">Account balance at 0 filter</div>
  56. </div>
  57. <div class="act_as_row">
  58. <div class="act_as_cell">
  59. <span t-field="o.date_at"/>
  60. </div>
  61. <div class="act_as_cell">
  62. <t t-if="o.only_posted_moves">All posted entries</t>
  63. <t t-if="not o.only_posted_moves">All entries</t>
  64. </div>
  65. <div class="act_as_cell">
  66. <t t-if="o.hide_account_balance_at_0">Hide</t>
  67. <t t-if="not o.hide_account_balance_at_0">Show</t>
  68. </div>
  69. </div>
  70. </div>
  71. </template>
  72. <template id="account_financial_report_qweb.report_open_items_qweb_lines">
  73. <div class="act_as_table data_table" style="width: 1140px !important;">
  74. <!-- Display table headers for lines -->
  75. <div class="act_as_thead">
  76. <div class="act_as_row labels">
  77. <!--## date-->
  78. <div class="act_as_cell first_column" style="width: 60px;">Date</div>
  79. <!--## move-->
  80. <div class="act_as_cell" style="width: 100px;">Entry</div>
  81. <!--## journal-->
  82. <div class="act_as_cell" style="width: 40px;">Journal</div>
  83. <!--## account code-->
  84. <div class="act_as_cell" style="width: 50px;">Account</div>
  85. <!--## partner-->
  86. <div class="act_as_cell" style="width: 140px;">Partner</div>
  87. <!--## ref - label-->
  88. <div class="act_as_cell" style="width: 290px;">Ref - Label</div>
  89. <!--## date_due-->
  90. <div class="act_as_cell" style="width: 60px;">Due date</div>
  91. <!--## amount_total_due-->
  92. <div class="act_as_cell" style="width: 75px;">Original</div>
  93. <!--## amount_residual-->
  94. <div class="act_as_cell" style="width: 75px;">Residual</div>
  95. <t t-if="has_second_currency">
  96. <!--## currency_name-->
  97. <div class="act_as_cell" style="width: 35px;">Cur.</div>
  98. <!--## amount_total_due_currency-->
  99. <div class="act_as_cell amount" style="width: 75px;">Cur. Original</div>
  100. <!--## amount_residual_currency-->
  101. <div class="act_as_cell amount" style="width: 75px;">Cur. Residual</div>
  102. </t>
  103. </div>
  104. </div>
  105. <!-- Display each lines -->
  106. <t t-foreach="partner.move_line_ids" t-as="line">
  107. <!-- # lines or centralized lines -->
  108. <div class="act_as_row lines">
  109. <!--## date-->
  110. <div class="act_as_cell left"><span t-field=""/></div>
  111. <!--## move-->
  112. <div class="act_as_cell left"><span t-field="line.entry"/></div>
  113. <!--## journal-->
  114. <div class="act_as_cell left"><span t-field="line.journal"/></div>
  115. <!--## account code-->
  116. <div class="act_as_cell left"><span t-field="line.account"/></div>
  117. <!--## partner-->
  118. <div class="act_as_cell left"><span t-field="line.partner"/></div>
  119. <!--## ref - label-->
  120. <div class="act_as_cell left"><span t-field="line.label"/></div>
  121. <!--## date_due-->
  122. <div class="act_as_cell left"><span t-field="line.date_due"/></div>
  123. <!--## amount_total_due-->
  124. <div class="act_as_cell amount"><span t-field="line.amount_total_due"/></div>
  125. <!--## amount_residual-->
  126. <div class="act_as_cell amount"><span t-field="line.amount_residual"/></div>
  127. <t t-if="has_second_currency">
  128. <!--## currency_name-->
  129. <div class="act_as_cell"><span t-field="line.currency_name"/></div>
  130. <t t-if="line.currency_name">
  131. <!--## amount_total_due_currency-->
  132. <div class="act_as_cell amount"><span t-field="line.amount_total_due_currency"/></div>
  133. <!--## amount_residual_currency-->
  134. <div class="act_as_cell amount"><span t-field="line.amount_residual_currency"/></div>
  135. </t>
  136. <t t-if="not line.currency_name">
  137. <!--## amount_total_due_currency-->
  138. <div class="act_as_cell"></div>
  139. <!--## amount_residual_currency-->
  140. <div class="act_as_cell"></div>
  141. </t>
  142. </t>
  143. </div>
  144. </t>
  145. </div>
  146. </template>
  147. <template id="account_financial_report_qweb.report_open_items_qweb_ending_cumul">
  148. <!-- Display ending balance line for account or partner -->
  149. <div class="act_as_table list_table" style="width: 1141px !important;">
  150. <div class="act_as_row labels" style="font-weight: bold;">
  151. <!--## date-->
  152. <t t-if='type == "account_type"'>
  153. <div class="act_as_cell first_column" style="width: 380px;"><span t-field="account_or_partner_object.code"/> - <span t-field=""/></div>
  154. <div class="act_as_cell right" style="width: 290px;">Ending balance</div>
  155. </t>
  156. <t t-if='type == "partner_type"'>
  157. <div class="act_as_cell first_column" style="width: 380px;"></div>
  158. <div class="act_as_cell right" style="width: 290px;">Partner ending balance</div>
  159. </t>
  160. <!--## date_due-->
  161. <div class="act_as_cell" style="width: 60px;"></div>
  162. <!--## amount_total_due-->
  163. <div class="act_as_cell amount" style="width: 75px;"></div>
  164. <!--## amount_currency-->
  165. <div class="act_as_cell amount" style="width: 75px;"><span t-field="account_or_partner_object.final_amount_residual"/></div>
  166. <t t-if="has_second_currency">
  167. <!--## currency_name + amount_total_due_currency + amount_residual_currency -->
  168. <div class="act_as_cell" style="width: 185px;"></div>
  169. </t>
  170. </div>
  171. </div>
  172. </template>
  173. </odoo>