# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2011 Camptocamp SA (http://www.camptocamp.com) # # Author : Guewen Baconnier (Camptocamp) # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ##############################################################################
import time
from osv import fields, osv from lxml import etree from tools.translate import _ from datetime import datetime
def previous_year_date(date, nb_prev=1): if not date: return False parsed_date = datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d') previous_date = datetime(year=parsed_date.year - nb_prev, month=parsed_date.month, day=parsed_date.day) return previous_date
class AccountBalanceCommonWizard(osv.osv_memory): """Will launch trial balance report and pass required args"""
_inherit = "account.common.account.report" _name = "account.common.balance.report" _description = "Common Balance Report"
# an update module should be done if changed # in order to create fields in db COMPARISON_LEVEL = 3 COMPARE_SELECTION = [('filter_no', 'No Comparison'), ('filter_year', 'Fiscal Year'), ('filter_date', 'Date'), ('filter_period', 'Periods'), ('filter_opening', 'Opening Only')]
M2O_DYNAMIC_FIELDS = [f % index for f in ["comp%s_fiscalyear_id", "comp%s_period_from", "comp%s_period_to",] for index in range(COMPARISON_LEVEL)] SIMPLE_DYNAMIC_FIELDS = [f % index for f in ["comp%s_filter", "comp%s_date_from", "comp%s_date_to"] for index in range(COMPARISON_LEVEL)] DYNAMIC_FIELDS = M2O_DYNAMIC_FIELDS + SIMPLE_DYNAMIC_FIELDS
def _get_account_ids(self, cr, uid, context=None): res = False if context.get('active_model', False) == 'account.account' and context.get('active_ids', False): res = context['active_ids'] return res
_columns = { 'account_ids': fields.many2many('account.account', string='Filter on accounts', help="Only selected accounts will be printed. Leave empty to print all accounts."), 'filter': fields.selection([('filter_no', 'No Filters'), ('filter_date', 'Date'), ('filter_period', 'Periods'), ('filter_opening', 'Opening Only')], "Filter by", required=True, help='Filter by date : no opening balance will be displayed. (opening balance can only be calculated based on period to be correct).'), }
for index in range(COMPARISON_LEVEL): _columns.update( {"comp%s_filter" % (index,): fields.selection(COMPARE_SELECTION, string='Compare By', required=True), "comp%s_fiscalyear_id" % (index,): fields.many2one('account.fiscalyear', 'Fiscal Year'), "comp%s_period_from" % (index,): fields.many2one('account.period', 'Start Period'), "comp%s_period_to" % (index,): fields.many2one('account.period', 'End Period'), "comp%s_date_from" % (index,): fields.date("Start Date"), "comp%s_date_to" % (index,): fields.date("End Date"),})
_defaults = { 'account_ids': _get_account_ids, }
def _check_fiscalyear(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): obj = self.read(cr, uid, ids[0], ['fiscalyear_id', 'filter'], context=context) if not obj['fiscalyear_id'] and obj['filter'] == 'filter_no': return False return True
_constraints = [ (_check_fiscalyear, 'When no Fiscal year is selected, you must choose to filter by periods or by date.', ['filter']), ]
def default_get(self, cr, uid, fields, context=None): """
To get default values for the object.
@param self: The object pointer. @param cr: A database cursor @param uid: ID of the user currently logged in @param fields: List of fields for which we want default values @param context: A standard dictionary
@return: A dictionary which of fields with values.
res = super(AccountBalanceCommonWizard, self).default_get(cr, uid, fields, context=context) for index in range(self.COMPARISON_LEVEL): field = "comp%s_filter" % (index,) if not res.get(field, False): res[field] = 'filter_no' return res
def fields_view_get(self, cr, uid, view_id=None, view_type='form', context=None, toolbar=False, submenu=False): res = super(AccountBalanceCommonWizard, self).fields_view_get(cr, uid, view_id, view_type, context=context, toolbar=toolbar, submenu=submenu)
res['fields'].update(self.fields_get(cr, uid, allfields=self.DYNAMIC_FIELDS, context=context, write_access=True))
eview = etree.fromstring(res['arch']) placeholder = eview.xpath("//page[@name='placeholder']") if placeholder: placeholder = placeholder[0] for index in range(self.COMPARISON_LEVEL): page = etree.Element('page', {'name': "comp%s" % (index,), 'string': _("Comparison %s") % (index+1,)}) group = etree.Element('group') page.append(group) def modifiers_and_append(elem): orm.setup_modifiers(elem) group.append(elem)
modifiers_and_append(etree.Element( 'field', {'name': "comp%s_filter" % index, 'on_change': "onchange_comp_filter(%(index)s, filter, comp%(index)s_filter, fiscalyear_id, date_from, date_to)" % {'index': index}})) modifiers_and_append(etree.Element( 'field', {'name': "comp%s_fiscalyear_id" % index, 'attrs': "{'required': [('comp%(index)s_filter','in',('filter_year','filter_opening'))]," \ " 'invisible': [('comp%(index)s_filter','not in',('filter_year','filter_opening'))]}" % {'index': index}}))
dates_attrs = "{'required': [('comp%(index)s_filter','=','filter_date')], " \ " 'invisible': [('comp%(index)s_filter','!=','filter_date')]}" % {'index': index} modifiers_and_append(etree.Element( 'separator', {'string': _('Dates'), 'colspan': '4', 'attrs': dates_attrs})) modifiers_and_append(etree.Element( 'field', {'name': "comp%s_date_from" % index, 'attrs': dates_attrs})) modifiers_and_append(etree.Element( 'field', {'name': "comp%s_date_to" % index, 'attrs': dates_attrs}))
periods_attrs = "{'required': [('comp%(index)s_filter','=','filter_period')]," \ " 'invisible': [('comp%(index)s_filter','!=','filter_period')]}" % {'index': index} periods_domain = "[('special', '=', False)]" modifiers_and_append(etree.Element( 'separator', {'string': _('Periods'), 'colspan': '4', 'attrs': periods_attrs})) modifiers_and_append(etree.Element( 'field', {'name': "comp%s_period_from" % index, 'attrs': periods_attrs, 'domain': periods_domain})) modifiers_and_append(etree.Element( 'field', {'name': "comp%s_period_to" % index, 'attrs': periods_attrs, 'domain': periods_domain}))
placeholder.addprevious(page) placeholder.getparent().remove(placeholder) res['arch'] = etree.tostring(eview) return res
def onchange_filter(self, cr, uid, ids, filter='filter_no', fiscalyear_id=False, context=None): res = {} if filter == 'filter_no': res['value'] = {'period_from': False, 'period_to': False, 'date_from': False ,'date_to': False} if filter == 'filter_date': if fiscalyear_id: fyear = self.pool.get('account.fiscalyear').browse(cr, uid, fiscalyear_id, context=context) date_from = fyear.date_start date_to = fyear.date_stop > time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') and time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') or fyear.date_stop else: date_from, date_to = time.strftime('%Y-01-01'), time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') res['value'] = {'period_from': False, 'period_to': False, 'date_from': date_from, 'date_to': date_to} if filter == 'filter_period' and fiscalyear_id: start_period = end_period = False cr.execute('''
SELECT * FROM (SELECT p.id FROM account_period p LEFT JOIN account_fiscalyear f ON (p.fiscalyear_id = f.id) WHERE f.id = %s AND COALESCE(p.special, FALSE) = FALSE ORDER BY p.date_start ASC LIMIT 1) AS period_start UNION ALL SELECT * FROM (SELECT p.id FROM account_period p LEFT JOIN account_fiscalyear f ON (p.fiscalyear_id = f.id) WHERE f.id = %s AND p.date_start < NOW() AND COALESCE(p.special, FALSE) = FALSE ORDER BY p.date_stop DESC LIMIT 1) AS period_stop''', (fiscalyear_id, fiscalyear_id))
periods = [i[0] for i in cr.fetchall()] if periods: start_period = end_period = periods[0] if len(periods) > 1: end_period = periods[1] res['value'] = {'period_from': start_period, 'period_to': end_period, 'date_from': False, 'date_to': False} return res
def onchange_comp_filter(self, cr, uid, ids, index, main_filter='filter_no', comp_filter='filter_no', fiscalyear_id=False, start_date=False, stop_date=False, context=None): res = {} fy_obj = self.pool.get('account.fiscalyear') last_fiscalyear_id = False if fiscalyear_id: fiscalyear = fy_obj.browse(cr, uid, fiscalyear_id, context=context) last_fiscalyear_ids = fy_obj.search(cr, uid, [('date_stop', '<', fiscalyear.date_start)], limit=self.COMPARISON_LEVEL, order='date_start desc', context=context) if last_fiscalyear_ids: if len(last_fiscalyear_ids) > index: last_fiscalyear_id = last_fiscalyear_ids[index] # first element for the comparison 1, second element for the comparison 2
fy_id_field = "comp%s_fiscalyear_id" % (index,) period_from_field = "comp%s_period_from" % (index,) period_to_field = "comp%s_period_to" % (index,) date_from_field = "comp%s_date_from" % (index,) date_to_field = "comp%s_date_to" % (index,)
if comp_filter == 'filter_no': res['value'] = {fy_id_field: False, period_from_field: False, period_to_field: False, date_from_field: False ,date_to_field: False} if comp_filter in ('filter_year', 'filter_opening'): res['value'] = {fy_id_field: last_fiscalyear_id, period_from_field: False, period_to_field: False, date_from_field: False ,date_to_field: False} if comp_filter == 'filter_date': dates = {} if main_filter == 'filter_date': dates = { 'date_start': previous_year_date(start_date, index + 1).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'date_stop': previous_year_date(stop_date, index + 1).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),} elif last_fiscalyear_id: dates = fy_obj.read(cr, uid, last_fiscalyear_id, ['date_start', 'date_stop'], context=context)
res['value'] = {fy_id_field: False, period_from_field: False, period_to_field: False, date_from_field: dates.get('date_start', False), date_to_field: dates.get('date_stop', False)} if comp_filter == 'filter_period' and last_fiscalyear_id: start_period = end_period = False cr.execute('''
SELECT * FROM (SELECT p.id FROM account_period p LEFT JOIN account_fiscalyear f ON (p.fiscalyear_id = f.id) WHERE f.id = %(fiscalyear)s AND COALESCE(p.special, FALSE) = FALSE ORDER BY p.date_start ASC LIMIT 1) AS period_start UNION ALL SELECT * FROM (SELECT p.id FROM account_period p LEFT JOIN account_fiscalyear f ON (p.fiscalyear_id = f.id) WHERE f.id = %(fiscalyear)s AND p.date_start < NOW() AND COALESCE(p.special, FALSE) = FALSE ORDER BY p.date_stop DESC LIMIT 1) AS period_stop''', {'fiscalyear': last_fiscalyear_id})
periods = [i[0] for i in cr.fetchall()] if periods and len(periods) > 1: start_period = end_period = periods[0] if len(periods) > 1: end_period = periods[1] res['value'] = {fy_id_field: False, period_from_field: start_period, period_to_field: end_period, date_from_field: False, date_to_field: False} return res
def pre_print_report(self, cr, uid, ids, data, context=None): data = super(AccountBalanceCommonWizard, self).pre_print_report( cr, uid, ids, data, context) if context is None: context = {}
# will be used to attach the report on the main account data['ids'] = [data['form']['chart_account_id']]
fields_to_read = ['account_ids',] fields_to_read += self.DYNAMIC_FIELDS vals = self.read(cr, uid, ids, fields_to_read, context=context)[0]
# extract the id from the m2o tuple (id, name) for field in self.M2O_DYNAMIC_FIELDS: if isinstance(vals[field], tuple): vals[field] = vals[field][0]
vals['max_comparison'] = self.COMPARISON_LEVEL data['form'].update(vals) return data