You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

417 lines
23 KiB

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  77. <label colspan="2" string="Possible values for 'field' can be:"/>
  78. <group>
  79. <label colspan="2" string="* bal for balance (debit - credit)"/>
  80. <label colspan="2" string="* crd for credit"/>
  81. <label colspan="2" string="* deb for debit"/>
  82. </group>
  83. <label colspan="2" string="Possible values for 'mode' are:"/>
  84. <group>
  85. <label colspan="2" string="* nothing or p: variation over the period"/>
  86. <label colspan="2" string="* i: at the beginning of the period"/>
  87. <label colspan="2" string="* e: at the end of the period"/>
  88. </group>
  89. <label colspan="2" string="'accounts' is a comma-separated list of account codes, possibly containing %% wildcards"/>
  90. <label colspan="2" string="'domain' is an optional filter on move lines (eg to filter on analytic accounts or journal)"/>
  91. </group>
  92. <group>
  93. <label colspan="2" string="Examples"/>
  94. <group>
  95. <label colspan="2" string="* bal[70]: variation of the balance of account 70 over the period (it is the same as balp[70]);"/>
  96. <label colspan="2" string="* bali[70,60]: initial balance of accounts 70 and 60;"/>
  97. <label colspan="2" string="* bale[1%%]: balance of accounts starting with 1 at end of period."/>
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  161. <group>
  162. <label colspan="2" string="Expressions are of the form &lt;field&gt;&lt;mode&gt;[accounts][domain]"/>
  163. <label colspan="2" string="Possible values for 'field' can be:"/>
  164. <group>
  165. <label colspan="2" string="* bal for balance (debit - credit)"/>
  166. <label colspan="2" string="* crd for credit"/>
  167. <label colspan="2" string="* deb for debit"/>
  168. </group>
  169. <label colspan="2" string="Possible values for 'mode' are:"/>
  170. <group>
  171. <label colspan="2" string="* nothing or p: variation over the period"/>
  172. <label colspan="2" string="* i: at the beginning of the period"/>
  173. <label colspan="2" string="* e: at the end of the period"/>
  174. </group>
  175. <label colspan="2" string="'accounts' is a comma-separated list of account codes, possibly containing %% wildcards"/>
  176. <label colspan="2" string="'domain' is an optional filter on move lines (eg to filter on analytic accounts or journal)"/>
  177. </group>
  178. <group>
  179. <label colspan="2" string="Examples"/>
  180. <group>
  181. <label colspan="2" string="* bal[70]: variation of the balance of account 70 over the period (it is the same as balp[70]);"/>
  182. <label colspan="2" string="* bali[70,60]: initial balance of accounts 70 and 60;"/>
  183. <label colspan="2" string="* bale[1%%]: balance of accounts starting with 1 at end of period."/>
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