![Fekete Mihai](/avatar/5fb5816ec404ba98246d5b892ec16b3f?size=36) Update links in report, add account group file, update trial balance with hierarchy.
Update indentation, remove empty lines from header.
Update test.
Update pylint.
Remove company_id on computing accounts, since account.group is not a company based model, filtering accounts is done on trial balance report.
Update account variables.
Improve condition in padding on accounts.
Add option to print hierarchy based on defined accounts/computed accounts.
Add VAT report, hierarchy from tax tags ans taxes.
Fix pylint, xlsx report generation header.
Update code to select code_prefix or name.
Update code to select code_prefix or name.
Update code to select code_prefix or name.
Fix domain in base amounts in vat report.
Change trial balance code_prefix or name.
Update trail balance, add tests for vat report.
Update pylint, amounts as monetary, many2one option on generation excels.
Update pulint.
Add VAT Report in readme.
Add VAT Report in readme.
Update array_agg.
Update array_agg.
Update array_agg.
Add option in VAT Report to be printed on Tax Tags - Tax Groups.
Add widget to hierarchy_on on trial balance.
7 years ago ![Fekete Mihai](/avatar/5fb5816ec404ba98246d5b892ec16b3f?size=36) Update links in report, add account group file, update trial balance with hierarchy.
Update indentation, remove empty lines from header.
Update test.
Update pylint.
Remove company_id on computing accounts, since account.group is not a company based model, filtering accounts is done on trial balance report.
Update account variables.
Improve condition in padding on accounts.
Add option to print hierarchy based on defined accounts/computed accounts.
Add VAT report, hierarchy from tax tags ans taxes.
Fix pylint, xlsx report generation header.
Update code to select code_prefix or name.
Update code to select code_prefix or name.
Update code to select code_prefix or name.
Fix domain in base amounts in vat report.
Change trial balance code_prefix or name.
Update trail balance, add tests for vat report.
Update pylint, amounts as monetary, many2one option on generation excels.
Update pulint.
Add VAT Report in readme.
Add VAT Report in readme.
Update array_agg.
Update array_agg.
Update array_agg.
Add option in VAT Report to be printed on Tax Tags - Tax Groups.
Add widget to hierarchy_on on trial balance.
7 years ago ![Fekete Mihai](/avatar/5fb5816ec404ba98246d5b892ec16b3f?size=36) Update links in report, add account group file, update trial balance with hierarchy.
Update indentation, remove empty lines from header.
Update test.
Update pylint.
Remove company_id on computing accounts, since account.group is not a company based model, filtering accounts is done on trial balance report.
Update account variables.
Improve condition in padding on accounts.
Add option to print hierarchy based on defined accounts/computed accounts.
Add VAT report, hierarchy from tax tags ans taxes.
Fix pylint, xlsx report generation header.
Update code to select code_prefix or name.
Update code to select code_prefix or name.
Update code to select code_prefix or name.
Fix domain in base amounts in vat report.
Change trial balance code_prefix or name.
Update trail balance, add tests for vat report.
Update pylint, amounts as monetary, many2one option on generation excels.
Update pulint.
Add VAT Report in readme.
Add VAT Report in readme.
Update array_agg.
Update array_agg.
Update array_agg.
Add option in VAT Report to be printed on Tax Tags - Tax Groups.
Add widget to hierarchy_on on trial balance.
7 years ago ![Fekete Mihai](/avatar/5fb5816ec404ba98246d5b892ec16b3f?size=36) Update links in report, add account group file, update trial balance with hierarchy.
Update indentation, remove empty lines from header.
Update test.
Update pylint.
Remove company_id on computing accounts, since account.group is not a company based model, filtering accounts is done on trial balance report.
Update account variables.
Improve condition in padding on accounts.
Add option to print hierarchy based on defined accounts/computed accounts.
Add VAT report, hierarchy from tax tags ans taxes.
Fix pylint, xlsx report generation header.
Update code to select code_prefix or name.
Update code to select code_prefix or name.
Update code to select code_prefix or name.
Fix domain in base amounts in vat report.
Change trial balance code_prefix or name.
Update trail balance, add tests for vat report.
Update pylint, amounts as monetary, many2one option on generation excels.
Update pulint.
Add VAT Report in readme.
Add VAT Report in readme.
Update array_agg.
Update array_agg.
Update array_agg.
Add option in VAT Report to be printed on Tax Tags - Tax Groups.
Add widget to hierarchy_on on trial balance.
7 years ago ![Fekete Mihai](/avatar/5fb5816ec404ba98246d5b892ec16b3f?size=36) Update links in report, add account group file, update trial balance with hierarchy.
Update indentation, remove empty lines from header.
Update test.
Update pylint.
Remove company_id on computing accounts, since account.group is not a company based model, filtering accounts is done on trial balance report.
Update account variables.
Improve condition in padding on accounts.
Add option to print hierarchy based on defined accounts/computed accounts.
Add VAT report, hierarchy from tax tags ans taxes.
Fix pylint, xlsx report generation header.
Update code to select code_prefix or name.
Update code to select code_prefix or name.
Update code to select code_prefix or name.
Fix domain in base amounts in vat report.
Change trial balance code_prefix or name.
Update trail balance, add tests for vat report.
Update pylint, amounts as monetary, many2one option on generation excels.
Update pulint.
Add VAT Report in readme.
Add VAT Report in readme.
Update array_agg.
Update array_agg.
Update array_agg.
Add option in VAT Report to be printed on Tax Tags - Tax Groups.
Add widget to hierarchy_on on trial balance.
7 years ago |
# © 2016 Julien Coux (Camptocamp) # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html).
from odoo import models, fields, api, _
class GeneralLedgerReport(models.TransientModel): """ Here, we just define class fields.
For methods, go more bottom at this file.
The class hierarchy is : * GeneralLedgerReport ** GeneralLedgerReportAccount *** GeneralLedgerReportMoveLine For non receivable/payable accounts For receivable/payable centralized accounts *** GeneralLedgerReportPartner For receivable/payable and not centralized accounts **** GeneralLedgerReportMoveLine For receivable/payable and not centralized accounts """
_name = 'report_general_ledger' _inherit = 'account_financial_report_abstract'
# Filters fields, used for data computation date_from = fields.Date() date_to = fields.Date() fy_start_date = fields.Date() only_posted_moves = fields.Boolean() hide_account_at_0 = fields.Boolean() foreign_currency = fields.Boolean() show_analytic_tags = fields.Boolean() company_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='res.company') filter_account_ids = fields.Many2many(comodel_name='account.account') filter_partner_ids = fields.Many2many(comodel_name='res.partner') filter_cost_center_ids = fields.Many2many( comodel_name='account.analytic.account' ) filter_analytic_tag_ids = fields.Many2many( comodel_name='account.analytic.tag', ) filter_journal_ids = fields.Many2many( comodel_name='account.journal', ) centralize = fields.Boolean()
# Flag fields, used for report display show_cost_center = fields.Boolean( default=lambda self: self.env.user.has_group( 'analytic.group_analytic_accounting' ) )
# Data fields, used to browse report data account_ids = fields.One2many( comodel_name='report_general_ledger_account', inverse_name='report_id' )
# Compute of unaffected earnings account @api.depends('company_id') def _compute_unaffected_earnings_account(self): account_type = self.env.ref('account.data_unaffected_earnings') self.unaffected_earnings_account = self.env['account.account'].search( [ ('user_type_id', '=', account_type.id), ('company_id', '=', self.company_id.id) ])
unaffected_earnings_account = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='account.account', compute='_compute_unaffected_earnings_account', store=True )
class GeneralLedgerReportAccount(models.TransientModel):
_name = 'report_general_ledger_account' _inherit = 'account_financial_report_abstract' _order = 'code ASC'
report_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='report_general_ledger', ondelete='cascade', index=True )
# Data fields, used to keep link with real object account_id = fields.Many2one( 'account.account', index=True )
# Data fields, used for report display code = fields.Char() name = fields.Char() initial_debit = fields.Float(digits=(16, 2)) initial_credit = fields.Float(digits=(16, 2)) initial_balance = fields.Float(digits=(16, 2)) currency_id = fields.Many2one('res.currency') initial_balance_foreign_currency = fields.Float(digits=(16, 2)) final_debit = fields.Float(digits=(16, 2)) final_credit = fields.Float(digits=(16, 2)) final_balance = fields.Float(digits=(16, 2)) final_balance_foreign_currency = fields.Float(digits=(16, 2))
# Flag fields, used for report display and for data computation is_partner_account = fields.Boolean()
# Data fields, used to browse report data move_line_ids = fields.One2many( comodel_name='report_general_ledger_move_line', inverse_name='report_account_id' ) partner_ids = fields.One2many( comodel_name='report_general_ledger_partner', inverse_name='report_account_id' )
class GeneralLedgerReportPartner(models.TransientModel):
_name = 'report_general_ledger_partner' _inherit = 'account_financial_report_abstract'
report_account_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='report_general_ledger_account', ondelete='cascade', index=True )
# Data fields, used to keep link with real object partner_id = fields.Many2one( 'res.partner', index=True )
# Data fields, used for report display name = fields.Char() initial_debit = fields.Float(digits=(16, 2)) initial_credit = fields.Float(digits=(16, 2)) initial_balance = fields.Float(digits=(16, 2)) currency_id = fields.Many2one('res.currency') initial_balance_foreign_currency = fields.Float(digits=(16, 2)) final_debit = fields.Float(digits=(16, 2)) final_credit = fields.Float(digits=(16, 2)) final_balance = fields.Float(digits=(16, 2)) final_balance_foreign_currency = fields.Float(digits=(16, 2))
# Data fields, used to browse report data move_line_ids = fields.One2many( comodel_name='report_general_ledger_move_line', inverse_name='report_partner_id' )
@api.model def _generate_order_by(self, order_spec, query): """Custom order to display "No partner allocated" at last position.""" return """
ORDER BY CASE WHEN "report_general_ledger_partner"."partner_id" IS NOT NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END, "report_general_ledger_partner"."name" """
class GeneralLedgerReportMoveLine(models.TransientModel):
_name = 'report_general_ledger_move_line' _inherit = 'account_financial_report_abstract'
report_account_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='report_general_ledger_account', ondelete='cascade', index=True ) report_partner_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='report_general_ledger_partner', ondelete='cascade', index=True )
# Data fields, used to keep link with real object move_line_id = fields.Many2one('account.move.line')
# Data fields, used for report display date = fields.Date() entry = fields.Char() journal = fields.Char() account = fields.Char() taxes_description = fields.Char() partner = fields.Char() label = fields.Char() cost_center = fields.Char() tags = fields.Char() matching_number = fields.Char() debit = fields.Float(digits=(16, 2)) credit = fields.Float(digits=(16, 2)) cumul_balance = fields.Float(digits=(16, 2)) currency_id = fields.Many2one('res.currency') amount_currency = fields.Float(digits=(16, 2))
class GeneralLedgerReportCompute(models.TransientModel): """ Here, we just define methods.
For class fields, go more top at this file. """
_inherit = 'report_general_ledger'
@api.multi def print_report(self, report_type): self.ensure_one() if report_type == 'xlsx': report_name = 'a_f_r.report_general_ledger_xlsx' else: report_name = 'account_financial_report.' \ 'report_general_ledger_qweb' return self.env['ir.actions.report'].search( [('report_name', '=', report_name), ('report_type', '=', report_type)], limit=1).report_action(self)
def _get_html(self): result = {} rcontext = {} context = dict(self.env.context) report = self.browse(context.get('active_id')) if report: rcontext['o'] = report result['html'] = self.env.ref( 'account_financial_report.report_general_ledger').render( rcontext) return result
@api.model def get_html(self, given_context=None): return self._get_html()
@api.multi def compute_data_for_report(self, with_line_details=True, with_partners=True): self.ensure_one() # Compute report data self._inject_account_values()
if with_partners: self._inject_partner_values() if not self.filter_partner_ids: self._inject_partner_values(only_empty_partner=True) # Add unaffected earnings account if (not self.filter_account_ids or self.unaffected_earnings_account.id in self.filter_account_ids.ids): self._inject_unaffected_earnings_account_values()
# Call this function even if we don't want line details because, # we need to compute # at least the values for unaffected earnings account # In this case, only unaffected earnings account values are computed only_unaffected_earnings_account = not with_line_details self._inject_line_not_centralized_values( only_unaffected_earnings_account=only_unaffected_earnings_account )
if with_line_details: self._inject_line_not_centralized_values( is_account_line=False, is_partner_line=True)
self._inject_line_not_centralized_values( is_account_line=False, is_partner_line=True, only_empty_partner_line=True)
if self.centralize: self._inject_line_centralized_values()
if self.show_analytic_tags: # Compute analytic tags self._compute_analytic_tags()
# Refresh cache because all data are computed with SQL requests self.invalidate_cache()
def _get_account_sub_subquery_sum_amounts( self, include_initial_balance, date_included): """ Return subquery used to compute sum amounts on accounts """ sub_subquery_sum_amounts = """
SELECT a.id AS account_id, SUM(ml.debit) AS debit, SUM(ml.credit) AS credit, SUM(ml.balance) AS balance, c.id AS currency_id, CASE WHEN c.id IS NOT NULL THEN SUM(ml.amount_currency) ELSE NULL END AS balance_currency FROM accounts a INNER JOIN account_account_type at ON a.user_type_id = at.id INNER JOIN account_move_line ml ON a.id = ml.account_id """
if date_included: sub_subquery_sum_amounts += """
AND ml.date <= %s """
else: sub_subquery_sum_amounts += """
AND ml.date < %s """
if not include_initial_balance: sub_subquery_sum_amounts += """
AND at.include_initial_balance != TRUE AND ml.date >= %s """
else: sub_subquery_sum_amounts += """
AND at.include_initial_balance = TRUE """
if self.only_posted_moves: sub_subquery_sum_amounts += """
INNER JOIN account_move m ON ml.move_id = m.id AND m.state = 'posted' """
if self.filter_cost_center_ids: sub_subquery_sum_amounts += """
INNER JOIN account_analytic_account aa ON ml.analytic_account_id = aa.id AND aa.id IN %s """
if self.filter_analytic_tag_ids: sub_subquery_sum_amounts += """
INNER JOIN move_lines_on_tags ON ml.id = move_lines_on_tags.ml_id """
sub_subquery_sum_amounts += """
LEFT JOIN res_currency c ON a.currency_id = c.id """
sub_subquery_sum_amounts += """
GROUP BY a.id, c.id """
return sub_subquery_sum_amounts
def _get_final_account_sub_subquery_sum_amounts(self, date_included): """ Return final subquery used to compute sum amounts on accounts """ subquery_sum_amounts = """
SELECT sub.account_id AS account_id, SUM(COALESCE(sub.debit, 0.0)) AS debit, SUM(COALESCE(sub.credit, 0.0)) AS credit, SUM(COALESCE(sub.balance, 0.0)) AS balance, MAX(sub.currency_id) AS currency_id, SUM(COALESCE(sub.balance_currency, 0.0)) AS balance_currency FROM ( """
subquery_sum_amounts += self._get_account_sub_subquery_sum_amounts( include_initial_balance=False, date_included=date_included ) subquery_sum_amounts += """
subquery_sum_amounts += self._get_account_sub_subquery_sum_amounts( include_initial_balance=True, date_included=date_included ) subquery_sum_amounts += """
) sub GROUP BY sub.account_id """
return subquery_sum_amounts
def _inject_account_values(self): """Inject report values for report_general_ledger_account.""" query_inject_account = """
WITH accounts AS ( SELECT a.id, a.code, a.name, a.internal_type IN ('payable', 'receivable') AS is_partner_account, a.user_type_id, a.currency_id FROM account_account a """
if ( self.filter_partner_ids or self.filter_cost_center_ids or self.filter_analytic_tag_ids ): query_inject_account += """
INNER JOIN account_move_line ml ON a.id = ml.account_id """
if self.filter_partner_ids: query_inject_account += """
INNER JOIN res_partner p ON ml.partner_id = p.id """
if self.filter_cost_center_ids: query_inject_account += """
INNER JOIN account_analytic_account aa ON ml.analytic_account_id = aa.id AND aa.id IN %s """
if self.filter_analytic_tag_ids: query_inject_account += """
INNER JOIN account_analytic_tag_account_move_line_rel atml ON atml.account_move_line_id = ml.id INNER JOIN account_analytic_tag aat ON atml.account_analytic_tag_id = aat.id AND aat.id IN %s """
query_inject_account += """
WHERE a.company_id = %s AND a.id != %s """
if self.filter_account_ids: query_inject_account += """
AND a.id IN %s """
if self.filter_partner_ids: query_inject_account += """
AND p.id IN %s """
if ( self.filter_partner_ids or self.filter_cost_center_ids or self.filter_analytic_tag_ids ): query_inject_account += """
GROUP BY a.id """
query_inject_account += """
), """
if self.filter_analytic_tag_ids: query_inject_account += """
move_lines_on_tags AS ( SELECT DISTINCT ml.id AS ml_id FROM accounts a INNER JOIN account_move_line ml ON a.id = ml.account_id INNER JOIN account_analytic_tag_account_move_line_rel atml ON atml.account_move_line_id = ml.id INNER JOIN account_analytic_tag aat ON atml.account_analytic_tag_id = aat.id WHERE aat.id IN %s ), """
init_subquery = self._get_final_account_sub_subquery_sum_amounts( date_included=False ) final_subquery = self._get_final_account_sub_subquery_sum_amounts( date_included=True )
query_inject_account += """
initial_sum_amounts AS ( """ + init_subquery + """ ), final_sum_amounts AS ( """ + final_subquery + """ ) INSERT INTO report_general_ledger_account ( report_id, create_uid, create_date, account_id, code, name, initial_debit, initial_credit, initial_balance, currency_id, initial_balance_foreign_currency, final_debit, final_credit, final_balance, final_balance_foreign_currency, is_partner_account ) SELECT %s AS report_id, %s AS create_uid, NOW() AS create_date, a.id AS account_id, a.code, a.name, COALESCE(i.debit, 0.0) AS initial_debit, COALESCE(i.credit, 0.0) AS initial_credit, COALESCE(i.balance, 0.0) AS initial_balance, c.id AS currency_id, COALESCE(i.balance_currency, 0.0) AS initial_balance_foreign_currency, COALESCE(f.debit, 0.0) AS final_debit, COALESCE(f.credit, 0.0) AS final_credit, COALESCE(f.balance, 0.0) AS final_balance, COALESCE(f.balance_currency, 0.0) AS final_balance_foreign_currency, a.is_partner_account FROM accounts a LEFT JOIN initial_sum_amounts i ON a.id = i.account_id LEFT JOIN final_sum_amounts f ON a.id = f.account_id LEFT JOIN res_currency c ON c.id = a.currency_id WHERE ( i.debit IS NOT NULL AND i.debit != 0 OR i.credit IS NOT NULL AND i.credit != 0 OR i.balance IS NOT NULL AND i.balance != 0 OR f.debit IS NOT NULL AND f.debit != 0 OR f.credit IS NOT NULL AND f.credit != 0 OR f.balance IS NOT NULL AND f.balance != 0 ) """
if self.hide_account_at_0: query_inject_account += """
AND f.balance IS NOT NULL AND f.balance != 0 """
query_inject_account_params = () if self.filter_cost_center_ids: query_inject_account_params += ( tuple(self.filter_cost_center_ids.ids), ) if self.filter_analytic_tag_ids: query_inject_account_params += ( tuple(self.filter_analytic_tag_ids.ids), ) query_inject_account_params += ( self.company_id.id, self.unaffected_earnings_account.id, ) if self.filter_account_ids: query_inject_account_params += ( tuple(self.filter_account_ids.ids), ) if self.filter_partner_ids: query_inject_account_params += ( tuple(self.filter_partner_ids.ids), ) if self.filter_analytic_tag_ids: query_inject_account_params += ( tuple(self.filter_analytic_tag_ids.ids), ) query_inject_account_params += ( self.date_from, self.fy_start_date, ) if self.filter_cost_center_ids: query_inject_account_params += ( tuple(self.filter_cost_center_ids.ids), ) query_inject_account_params += ( self.date_from, ) if self.filter_cost_center_ids: query_inject_account_params += ( tuple(self.filter_cost_center_ids.ids), ) query_inject_account_params += ( self.date_to, self.fy_start_date, ) if self.filter_cost_center_ids: query_inject_account_params += ( tuple(self.filter_cost_center_ids.ids), ) query_inject_account_params += ( self.date_to, ) if self.filter_cost_center_ids: query_inject_account_params += ( tuple(self.filter_cost_center_ids.ids), ) query_inject_account_params += ( self.id, self.env.uid, ) self.env.cr.execute(query_inject_account, query_inject_account_params)
def _get_partner_sub_subquery_sum_amounts( self, only_empty_partner, include_initial_balance, date_included ): """ Return subquery used to compute sum amounts on partners """ sub_subquery_sum_amounts = """
SELECT ap.account_id AS account_id, ap.partner_id AS partner_id, SUM(ml.debit) AS debit, SUM(ml.credit) AS credit, SUM(ml.balance) AS balance, c.id as currency_id, CASE WHEN c.id IS NOT NULL THEN SUM(ml.amount_currency) ELSE NULL END AS balance_currency FROM accounts_partners ap INNER JOIN account_account ac ON ac.id = ap.account_id LEFT JOIN res_currency c ON ac.currency_id = c.id INNER JOIN account_move_line ml ON ap.account_id = ml.account_id """
if date_included: sub_subquery_sum_amounts += """
AND ml.date <= %s """
else: sub_subquery_sum_amounts += """
AND ml.date < %s """
if not only_empty_partner: sub_subquery_sum_amounts += """
AND ap.partner_id = ml.partner_id """
else: sub_subquery_sum_amounts += """
AND ap.partner_id IS NULL AND ml.partner_id IS NULL """
if not include_initial_balance: sub_subquery_sum_amounts += """
AND ap.include_initial_balance != TRUE AND ml.date >= %s """
else: sub_subquery_sum_amounts += """
AND ap.include_initial_balance = TRUE """
if self.only_posted_moves: sub_subquery_sum_amounts += """
INNER JOIN account_move m ON ml.move_id = m.id AND m.state = 'posted' """
if self.filter_cost_center_ids: sub_subquery_sum_amounts += """
INNER JOIN account_analytic_account aa ON ml.analytic_account_id = aa.id AND aa.id IN %s """
if self.filter_analytic_tag_ids: sub_subquery_sum_amounts += """
INNER JOIN move_lines_on_tags ON ml.id = move_lines_on_tags.ml_id """
sub_subquery_sum_amounts += """
GROUP BY ap.account_id, ap.partner_id, c.id """
return sub_subquery_sum_amounts
def _get_final_partner_sub_subquery_sum_amounts(self, only_empty_partner, date_included): """Return final subquery used to compute sum amounts on partners"""
subquery_sum_amounts = """
SELECT sub.account_id AS account_id, sub.partner_id AS partner_id, SUM(COALESCE(sub.debit, 0.0)) AS debit, SUM(COALESCE(sub.credit, 0.0)) AS credit, SUM(COALESCE(sub.balance, 0.0)) AS balance, MAX(sub.currency_id) AS currency_id, SUM(COALESCE(sub.balance_currency, 0.0)) AS balance_currency FROM ( """
subquery_sum_amounts += self._get_partner_sub_subquery_sum_amounts( only_empty_partner, include_initial_balance=False, date_included=date_included ) subquery_sum_amounts += """
subquery_sum_amounts += self._get_partner_sub_subquery_sum_amounts( only_empty_partner, include_initial_balance=True, date_included=date_included ) subquery_sum_amounts += """
) sub GROUP BY sub.account_id, sub.partner_id """
return subquery_sum_amounts
def _inject_partner_values(self, only_empty_partner=False): """ Inject report values for report_general_ledger_partner.
Only for "partner" accounts (payable and receivable). """
# pylint: disable=sql-injection query_inject_partner = """
WITH accounts_partners AS ( SELECT ra.id AS report_account_id, a.id AS account_id, at.include_initial_balance AS include_initial_balance, p.id AS partner_id, COALESCE( CASE WHEN NULLIF(p.name, '') IS NOT NULL AND NULLIF(p.ref, '') IS NOT NULL THEN p.name || ' (' || p.ref || ')' ELSE p.name END, '""" + _('No partner allocated') + """' ) AS partner_name FROM report_general_ledger_account ra INNER JOIN account_account a ON ra.account_id = a.id INNER JOIN account_account_type at ON a.user_type_id = at.id INNER JOIN account_move_line ml ON a.id = ml.account_id LEFT JOIN res_partner p ON ml.partner_id = p.id """
if self.filter_cost_center_ids: query_inject_partner += """
INNER JOIN account_analytic_account aa ON ml.analytic_account_id = aa.id AND aa.id IN %s """
if self.filter_analytic_tag_ids: query_inject_partner += """
INNER JOIN account_analytic_tag_account_move_line_rel atml ON atml.account_move_line_id = ml.id INNER JOIN account_analytic_tag aat ON atml.account_analytic_tag_id = aat.id AND aat.id IN %s """
query_inject_partner += """
WHERE ra.report_id = %s AND ra.is_partner_account = TRUE """
if not only_empty_partner: query_inject_partner += """
AND p.id IS NOT NULL """
else: query_inject_partner += """
AND p.id IS NULL """
query_inject_partner += """
if self.centralize: query_inject_partner += """
AND (a.centralized IS NULL OR a.centralized != TRUE) """
if self.filter_partner_ids: query_inject_partner += """
AND p.id IN %s """
init_subquery = self._get_final_partner_sub_subquery_sum_amounts( only_empty_partner, date_included=False ) final_subquery = self._get_final_partner_sub_subquery_sum_amounts( only_empty_partner, date_included=True )
query_inject_partner += """
GROUP BY ra.id, a.id, p.id, at.include_initial_balance ), """
if self.filter_analytic_tag_ids: query_inject_partner += """
move_lines_on_tags AS ( SELECT DISTINCT ml.id AS ml_id FROM accounts_partners ap INNER JOIN account_move_line ml ON ap.account_id = ml.account_id INNER JOIN account_analytic_tag_account_move_line_rel atml ON atml.account_move_line_id = ml.id INNER JOIN account_analytic_tag aat ON atml.account_analytic_tag_id = aat.id WHERE aat.id IN %s ), """
query_inject_partner += """
initial_sum_amounts AS ( """ + init_subquery + """ ), final_sum_amounts AS ( """ + final_subquery + """ ) INSERT INTO report_general_ledger_partner ( report_account_id, create_uid, create_date, partner_id, name, initial_debit, initial_credit, initial_balance, currency_id, initial_balance_foreign_currency, final_debit, final_credit, final_balance, final_balance_foreign_currency ) SELECT ap.report_account_id, %s AS create_uid, NOW() AS create_date, ap.partner_id, ap.partner_name, COALESCE(i.debit, 0.0) AS initial_debit, COALESCE(i.credit, 0.0) AS initial_credit, COALESCE(i.balance, 0.0) AS initial_balance, i.currency_id AS currency_id, COALESCE(i.balance_currency, 0.0) AS initial_balance_foreign_currency, COALESCE(f.debit, 0.0) AS final_debit, COALESCE(f.credit, 0.0) AS final_credit, COALESCE(f.balance, 0.0) AS final_balance, COALESCE(f.balance_currency, 0.0) AS final_balance_foreign_currency FROM accounts_partners ap LEFT JOIN initial_sum_amounts i ON ( """
if not only_empty_partner: query_inject_partner += """
ap.partner_id = i.partner_id """
else: query_inject_partner += """
ap.partner_id IS NULL AND i.partner_id IS NULL """
query_inject_partner += """
) AND ap.account_id = i.account_id LEFT JOIN final_sum_amounts f ON ( """
if not only_empty_partner: query_inject_partner += """
ap.partner_id = f.partner_id """
else: query_inject_partner += """
ap.partner_id IS NULL AND f.partner_id IS NULL """
query_inject_partner += """
) AND ap.account_id = f.account_id WHERE ( i.debit IS NOT NULL AND i.debit != 0 OR i.credit IS NOT NULL AND i.credit != 0 OR i.balance IS NOT NULL AND i.balance != 0 OR f.debit IS NOT NULL AND f.debit != 0 OR f.credit IS NOT NULL AND f.credit != 0 OR f.balance IS NOT NULL AND f.balance != 0 ) """
if self.hide_account_at_0: query_inject_partner += """
AND f.balance IS NOT NULL AND f.balance != 0 """
query_inject_partner_params = () if self.filter_cost_center_ids: query_inject_partner_params += ( tuple(self.filter_cost_center_ids.ids), ) if self.filter_analytic_tag_ids: query_inject_partner_params += ( tuple(self.filter_analytic_tag_ids.ids), ) query_inject_partner_params += ( self.id, ) if self.filter_partner_ids: query_inject_partner_params += ( tuple(self.filter_partner_ids.ids), ) if self.filter_analytic_tag_ids: query_inject_partner_params += ( tuple(self.filter_analytic_tag_ids.ids), ) query_inject_partner_params += ( self.date_from, self.fy_start_date, ) if self.filter_cost_center_ids: query_inject_partner_params += ( tuple(self.filter_cost_center_ids.ids), ) query_inject_partner_params += ( self.date_from, ) if self.filter_cost_center_ids: query_inject_partner_params += ( tuple(self.filter_cost_center_ids.ids), ) query_inject_partner_params += ( self.date_to, self.fy_start_date, ) if self.filter_cost_center_ids: query_inject_partner_params += ( tuple(self.filter_cost_center_ids.ids), ) query_inject_partner_params += ( self.date_to, ) if self.filter_cost_center_ids: query_inject_partner_params += ( tuple(self.filter_cost_center_ids.ids), ) query_inject_partner_params += ( self.env.uid, ) self.env.cr.execute(query_inject_partner, query_inject_partner_params)
def _inject_line_not_centralized_values( self, is_account_line=True, is_partner_line=False, only_empty_partner_line=False, only_unaffected_earnings_account=False): """ Inject report values for report_general_ledger_move_line.
If centralized option have been chosen, only non centralized accounts are computed.
In function of `is_account_line` and `is_partner_line` values, the move_line link is made either with account or either with partner.
The "only_empty_partner_line" value is used to compute data without partner. """
query_inject_move_line = "" if self.filter_analytic_tag_ids: query_inject_move_line += """
WITH move_lines_on_tags AS ( SELECT DISTINCT ml.id AS ml_id FROM """
if is_account_line: query_inject_move_line += """
report_general_ledger_account ra """
elif is_partner_line: query_inject_move_line += """
report_general_ledger_partner rp INNER JOIN report_general_ledger_account ra ON rp.report_account_id = ra.id """
query_inject_move_line += """
INNER JOIN account_move_line ml ON ra.account_id = ml.account_id INNER JOIN account_analytic_tag_account_move_line_rel atml ON atml.account_move_line_id = ml.id INNER JOIN account_analytic_tag aat ON atml.account_analytic_tag_id = aat.id WHERE ra.report_id = %s AND aat.id IN %s ) """
query_inject_move_line += """
INSERT INTO report_general_ledger_move_line ( """
if is_account_line: query_inject_move_line += """
report_account_id, """
elif is_partner_line: query_inject_move_line += """
report_partner_id, """
query_inject_move_line += """
create_uid, create_date, move_line_id, date, entry, journal, account, taxes_description, partner, label, cost_center, matching_number, debit, credit, cumul_balance, currency_id, amount_currency ) SELECT """
if is_account_line: query_inject_move_line += """
ra.id AS report_account_id, """
elif is_partner_line: query_inject_move_line += """
rp.id AS report_partner_id, """
query_inject_move_line += """
%s AS create_uid, NOW() AS create_date, ml.id AS move_line_id, ml.date, m.name AS entry, j.code AS journal, a.code AS account, CASE WHEN ml.tax_line_id is not null THEN COALESCE(at.description, at.name) WHEN ml.tax_line_id is null THEN (SELECT array_to_string( array_agg(COALESCE(at.description, at.name) ), ', ') FROM account_move_line_account_tax_rel aml_at_rel LEFT JOIN account_tax at on (at.id = aml_at_rel.account_tax_id) WHERE aml_at_rel.account_move_line_id = ml.id) ELSE '' END as taxes_description, """
if not only_empty_partner_line: query_inject_move_line += """
CASE WHEN NULLIF(p.name, '') IS NOT NULL AND NULLIF(p.ref, '') IS NOT NULL THEN p.name || ' (' || p.ref || ')' ELSE p.name END AS partner, """
elif only_empty_partner_line: query_inject_move_line += """
'""" + _('No partner allocated') + """' AS partner, """
query_inject_move_line += """
CONCAT_WS(' - ', NULLIF(ml.ref, ''), NULLIF(ml.name, '')) AS label, aa.name AS cost_center, fr.name AS matching_number, ml.debit, ml.credit, """
if is_account_line: query_inject_move_line += """
ra.initial_balance + ( SUM(ml.balance) OVER (PARTITION BY a.code ORDER BY a.code, ml.date, ml.id) ) AS cumul_balance, """
elif is_partner_line and not only_empty_partner_line: query_inject_move_line += """
rp.initial_balance + ( SUM(ml.balance) OVER (PARTITION BY a.code, p.name ORDER BY a.code, p.name, ml.date, ml.id) ) AS cumul_balance, """
elif is_partner_line and only_empty_partner_line: query_inject_move_line += """
rp.initial_balance + ( SUM(ml.balance) OVER (PARTITION BY a.code ORDER BY a.code, ml.date, ml.id) ) AS cumul_balance, """
query_inject_move_line += """
c.id AS currency_id, ml.amount_currency FROM """
if is_account_line: query_inject_move_line += """
report_general_ledger_account ra """
elif is_partner_line: query_inject_move_line += """
report_general_ledger_partner rp INNER JOIN report_general_ledger_account ra ON rp.report_account_id = ra.id """
query_inject_move_line += """
INNER JOIN account_move_line ml ON ra.account_id = ml.account_id INNER JOIN account_move m ON ml.move_id = m.id INNER JOIN account_journal j ON ml.journal_id = j.id INNER JOIN account_account a ON ml.account_id = a.id LEFT JOIN account_tax at ON ml.tax_line_id = at.id """
if is_account_line: query_inject_move_line += """
LEFT JOIN res_partner p ON ml.partner_id = p.id """
elif is_partner_line and not only_empty_partner_line: query_inject_move_line += """
INNER JOIN res_partner p ON ml.partner_id = p.id AND rp.partner_id = p.id """
query_inject_move_line += """
LEFT JOIN account_full_reconcile fr ON ml.full_reconcile_id = fr.id LEFT JOIN res_currency c ON ml.currency_id = c.id """
if self.filter_cost_center_ids: query_inject_move_line += """
INNER JOIN account_analytic_account aa ON ml.analytic_account_id = aa.id AND aa.id IN %s """
else: query_inject_move_line += """
LEFT JOIN account_analytic_account aa ON ml.analytic_account_id = aa.id """
if self.filter_analytic_tag_ids: query_inject_move_line += """
INNER JOIN move_lines_on_tags ON ml.id = move_lines_on_tags.ml_id """
query_inject_move_line += """
WHERE ra.report_id = %s AND """
if only_unaffected_earnings_account: query_inject_move_line += """
a.id = %s AND """
if is_account_line: query_inject_move_line += """
(ra.is_partner_account IS NULL OR ra.is_partner_account != TRUE) """
elif is_partner_line: query_inject_move_line += """
ra.is_partner_account = TRUE """
if self.centralize: query_inject_move_line += """
AND (a.centralized IS NULL OR a.centralized != TRUE) """
query_inject_move_line += """
AND ml.date BETWEEN %s AND %s """
if self.only_posted_moves: query_inject_move_line += """
AND m.state = 'posted' """
if only_empty_partner_line: query_inject_move_line += """
AND ml.partner_id IS NULL AND rp.partner_id IS NULL """
if self.filter_journal_ids: query_inject_move_line += """
AND j.id IN %s """
if is_account_line: query_inject_move_line += """
ORDER BY a.code, ml.date, ml.id """
elif is_partner_line and not only_empty_partner_line: query_inject_move_line += """
ORDER BY a.code, p.name, ml.date, ml.id """
elif is_partner_line and only_empty_partner_line: query_inject_move_line += """
ORDER BY a.code, ml.date, ml.id """
query_inject_move_line_params = () if self.filter_analytic_tag_ids: query_inject_move_line_params += ( self.id, tuple(self.filter_analytic_tag_ids.ids), ) query_inject_move_line_params += ( self.env.uid, ) if self.filter_cost_center_ids: query_inject_move_line_params += ( tuple(self.filter_cost_center_ids.ids), ) query_inject_move_line_params += ( self.id, ) if only_unaffected_earnings_account: query_inject_move_line_params += ( self.unaffected_earnings_account.id, ) query_inject_move_line_params += ( self.date_from, self.date_to, ) if self.filter_journal_ids: query_inject_move_line_params += (tuple( self.filter_journal_ids.ids, ),) self.env.cr.execute( query_inject_move_line, query_inject_move_line_params )
def _inject_line_centralized_values(self): """ Inject report values for report_general_ledger_move_line.
Only centralized accounts are computed. """
if self.filter_analytic_tag_ids: query_inject_move_line_centralized = """
WITH move_lines_on_tags AS ( SELECT DISTINCT ml.id AS ml_id FROM report_general_ledger_account ra INNER JOIN account_move_line ml ON ra.account_id = ml.account_id INNER JOIN account_analytic_tag_account_move_line_rel atml ON atml.account_move_line_id = ml.id INNER JOIN account_analytic_tag aat ON atml.account_analytic_tag_id = aat.id WHERE ra.report_id = %s AND aat.id IN %s ), """
else: query_inject_move_line_centralized = """
WITH """
query_inject_move_line_centralized += """
move_lines AS ( SELECT ml.account_id, ( DATE_TRUNC('month', ml.date) + interval '1 month' - interval '1 day' )::date AS date, SUM(ml.debit) AS debit, SUM(ml.credit) AS credit, SUM(ml.balance) AS balance, ml.currency_id AS currency_id, ml.journal_id as journal_id FROM report_general_ledger_account ra INNER JOIN account_move_line ml ON ra.account_id = ml.account_id INNER JOIN account_move m ON ml.move_id = m.id INNER JOIN account_account a ON ml.account_id = a.id """
if self.filter_cost_center_ids: query_inject_move_line_centralized += """
INNER JOIN account_analytic_account aa ON ml.analytic_account_id = aa.id AND aa.id IN %s """
if self.filter_analytic_tag_ids: query_inject_move_line_centralized += """
INNER JOIN move_lines_on_tags ON ml.id = move_lines_on_tags.ml_id """
query_inject_move_line_centralized += """
WHERE ra.report_id = %s AND a.centralized = TRUE AND ml.date BETWEEN %s AND %s """
if self.only_posted_moves: query_inject_move_line_centralized += """
AND m.state = 'posted' """
query_inject_move_line_centralized += """
GROUP BY ra.id, ml.account_id, a.code, 2, ml.currency_id, ml.journal_id ) INSERT INTO report_general_ledger_move_line ( report_account_id, create_uid, create_date, date, account, journal, label, debit, credit, cumul_balance ) SELECT ra.id AS report_account_id, %s AS create_uid, NOW() AS create_date, ml.date, a.code AS account, j.code AS journal, '""" + _('Centralized Entries') + """' AS label, ml.debit AS debit, ml.credit AS credit, ra.initial_balance + ( SUM(ml.balance) OVER (PARTITION BY a.code ORDER BY ml.date) ) AS cumul_balance FROM report_general_ledger_account ra INNER JOIN move_lines ml ON ra.account_id = ml.account_id INNER JOIN account_account a ON ml.account_id = a.id INNER JOIN account_journal j ON ml.journal_id = j.id LEFT JOIN res_currency c ON ml.currency_id = c.id WHERE ra.report_id = %s AND (a.centralized IS NOT NULL AND a.centralized = TRUE) """
if self.filter_journal_ids: query_inject_move_line_centralized += """
AND j.id in %s """
query_inject_move_line_centralized += """
ORDER BY a.code, ml.date """
query_inject_move_line_centralized_params = () if self.filter_analytic_tag_ids: query_inject_move_line_centralized_params += ( self.id, tuple(self.filter_analytic_tag_ids.ids), ) if self.filter_cost_center_ids: query_inject_move_line_centralized_params += ( tuple(self.filter_cost_center_ids.ids), ) query_inject_move_line_centralized_params += ( self.id, self.date_from, self.date_to, self.env.uid, self.id, ) if self.filter_journal_ids: query_inject_move_line_centralized_params += (tuple( self.filter_journal_ids.ids, ),) self.env.cr.execute( query_inject_move_line_centralized, query_inject_move_line_centralized_params )
def _compute_analytic_tags(self): """ Compute "tags" column""" query_update_analytic_tags = """
UPDATE report_general_ledger_move_line SET tags = tags_values.tags FROM ( ( SELECT rml.id AS report_id, array_to_string(array_agg(t.name ORDER BY t.name), ',') AS tags FROM account_move_line ml INNER JOIN report_general_ledger_move_line rml ON ml.id = rml.move_line_id INNER JOIN report_general_ledger_account ra ON rml.report_account_id = ra.id INNER JOIN account_analytic_tag_account_move_line_rel tml ON ml.id = tml.account_move_line_id INNER JOIN account_analytic_tag t ON tml.account_analytic_tag_id = t.id WHERE ra.report_id = %(report_id)s GROUP BY rml.id, ml.id ) UNION ( SELECT rml.id AS report_id, array_to_string(array_agg(t.name ORDER BY t.name), ',') AS tags FROM account_move_line ml INNER JOIN report_general_ledger_move_line rml ON ml.id = rml.move_line_id INNER JOIN report_general_ledger_partner rp ON rml.report_partner_id = rp.id INNER JOIN report_general_ledger_account ra ON rp.report_account_id = ra.id INNER JOIN account_analytic_tag_account_move_line_rel tml ON ml.id = tml.account_move_line_id INNER JOIN account_analytic_tag t ON tml.account_analytic_tag_id = t.id WHERE ra.report_id = %(report_id)s GROUP BY rml.id, ml.id ) ) AS tags_values WHERE report_general_ledger_move_line.id = tags_values.report_id """
params = { 'report_id': self.id, } self.env.cr.execute(query_update_analytic_tags, params)
def _inject_unaffected_earnings_account_values(self): """Inject the report values of the unaffected earnings account
for report_general_ledger_account."""
# Fetch the profit and loss accounts query_unaffected_earnings_account_ids = """
SELECT a.id FROM account_account as a INNER JOIN account_account_type as at ON at.id = a.user_type_id WHERE at.include_initial_balance = FALSE """
self.env.cr.execute(query_unaffected_earnings_account_ids) pl_account_ids = [r[0] for r in self.env.cr.fetchall()] unaffected_earnings_account_ids = \ pl_account_ids + [self.unaffected_earnings_account.id] # Fetch the current fiscal year start date date = fields.Datetime.from_string(self.date_from) res = self.company_id.compute_fiscalyear_dates(date) fy_start_date = res['date_from'] query_select_previous_fy_unaffected_earnings_params = { 'date_to': fy_start_date, 'company_id': self.company_id.id, 'account_ids': tuple(unaffected_earnings_account_ids), 'analytic_tag_ids': tuple(self.filter_analytic_tag_ids.ids), } query_select_previous_fy_unaffected_earnings = '' q_analytic_tags = '' if self.filter_analytic_tag_ids: q_analytic_tags = """
WITH move_lines_on_tags AS ( SELECT DISTINCT ml.id AS ml_id FROM account_account a INNER JOIN account_move_line ml ON a.id = ml.account_id INNER JOIN account_analytic_tag_account_move_line_rel atml ON atml.account_move_line_id = ml.id INNER JOIN account_analytic_tag aat ON atml.account_analytic_tag_id = aat.id WHERE aat.id IN %(analytic_tag_ids)s ) """
query_select_previous_fy_unaffected_earnings += q_analytic_tags
query_select_previous_fy_unaffected_earnings += """
SELECT sum(ml.balance) as balance FROM account_move_line as ml INNER JOIN account_move as am ON am.id = ml.move_id INNER JOIN account_journal j ON am.journal_id = j.id """
if self.filter_cost_center_ids: query_select_previous_fy_unaffected_earnings += """
INNER JOIN account_analytic_account aa ON ml.analytic_account_id = aa.id AND aa.id IN %(cost_center_ids)s """
query_select_previous_fy_unaffected_earnings_params[ 'cost_center_ids'] = tuple(self.filter_cost_center_ids.ids) if self.filter_analytic_tag_ids: query_select_previous_fy_unaffected_earnings += """
INNER JOIN move_lines_on_tags ON ml.id = move_lines_on_tags.ml_id """
query_select_previous_fy_unaffected_earnings += """
WHERE ml.date < %(date_to)s AND ml.company_id = %(company_id)s AND ml.account_id IN %(account_ids)s """
if self.filter_journal_ids: query_select_previous_fy_unaffected_earnings += """
AND j.id IN %(journal_ids)s """
query_select_previous_fy_unaffected_earnings_params[ 'journal_ids'] = tuple(self.filter_journal_ids.ids) if self.only_posted_moves: query_select_previous_fy_unaffected_earnings += """
AND am.state = 'posted' """
self.env.cr.execute( query_select_previous_fy_unaffected_earnings, query_select_previous_fy_unaffected_earnings_params) res = self.env.cr.fetchone() unaffected_earnings_initial_balance = res[0] or 0.0 # Now select the current period unaffected earnings, # excluding the current period P&L. query_select_period_unaffected_earnings_params = { 'date_from': self.date_from, 'date_to': self.date_to, 'company_id': self.company_id.id, 'unaffected_earnings_id': self.unaffected_earnings_account.id, 'analytic_tag_ids': tuple(self.filter_analytic_tag_ids.ids), } query_select_period_unaffected_earnings = '' if self.filter_analytic_tag_ids: query_select_period_unaffected_earnings += q_analytic_tags query_select_period_unaffected_earnings += """
SELECT sum(ml.debit) as sum_debit, sum(ml.credit) as sum_credit, sum(ml.balance) as balance FROM account_move_line as ml INNER JOIN account_move as am ON am.id = ml.move_id INNER JOIN account_journal j ON am.journal_id = j.id """
if self.filter_cost_center_ids: query_select_period_unaffected_earnings += """
INNER JOIN account_analytic_account aa ON ml.analytic_account_id = aa.id AND aa.id IN %(cost_center_ids)s """
query_select_period_unaffected_earnings_params[ 'cost_center_ids'] = tuple(self.filter_cost_center_ids.ids) if self.filter_analytic_tag_ids: query_select_period_unaffected_earnings += """
INNER JOIN move_lines_on_tags ON ml.id = move_lines_on_tags.ml_id """
query_select_period_unaffected_earnings += """
WHERE am.date >= %(date_from)s AND ml.date <= %(date_to)s AND ml.company_id = %(company_id)s AND ml.account_id = %(unaffected_earnings_id)s """
if self.filter_journal_ids: query_select_period_unaffected_earnings += """
AND j.id IN %(journal_ids)s """
query_select_period_unaffected_earnings_params[ 'journal_ids'] = tuple(self.filter_journal_ids.ids) if self.only_posted_moves: query_select_period_unaffected_earnings += """
AND am.state = 'posted' """
self.env.cr.execute(query_select_period_unaffected_earnings, query_select_period_unaffected_earnings_params) res = self.env.cr.fetchone() unaffected_earnings_period_debit = res[0] or 0.0 unaffected_earnings_period_credit = res[1] or 0.0 unaffected_earnings_period_balance = res[2] or 0.0 # pylint: disable=sql-injection query_inject_account = """
INSERT INTO report_general_ledger_account ( report_id, create_uid, create_date, account_id, code, name, is_partner_account, initial_debit, initial_credit, initial_balance, final_debit, final_credit, final_balance ) VALUES ( %(report_id)s, %(user_id)s, NOW(), %(account_id)s, %(code)s, %(name)s, False, %(initial_debit)s, %(initial_credit)s, %(initial_balance)s, %(final_debit)s, %(final_credit)s, %(final_balance)s ) """
initial_debit = unaffected_earnings_initial_balance >= 0 and \ unaffected_earnings_initial_balance or 0 initial_credit = unaffected_earnings_initial_balance < 0 and \ -1 * unaffected_earnings_initial_balance or 0 final_balance = unaffected_earnings_initial_balance + \ unaffected_earnings_period_balance query_inject_account_params = { 'report_id': self.id, 'user_id': self.env.uid, 'account_id': self.unaffected_earnings_account.id, 'code': self.unaffected_earnings_account.code, 'name': self.unaffected_earnings_account.name, 'initial_debit': initial_debit, 'initial_credit': initial_credit, 'initial_balance': unaffected_earnings_initial_balance, 'final_debit': initial_debit + unaffected_earnings_period_debit, 'final_credit': initial_credit + unaffected_earnings_period_credit, 'final_balance': final_balance, } self.env.cr.execute(query_inject_account, query_inject_account_params)