# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # © 2014-2016 ACSONE SA/NV (<http://acsone.eu>) # License AGPL-3.0 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html).
from collections import defaultdict import logging
from openerp.addons.report_xlsx.report.report_xlsx import ReportXlsx from openerp.report import report_sxw
from ..models.accounting_none import AccountingNone
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
ROW_HEIGHT = 15 # xlsxwriter units COL_WIDTH = 0.9 # xlsxwriter units MIN_COL_WIDTH = 10 # characters MAX_COL_WIDTH = 50 # characters
class MisBuilderXslx(ReportXlsx):
def __init__(self, name, table, rml=False, parser=False, header=True, store=False): super(MisBuilderXslx, self).__init__( name, table, rml, parser, header, store)
def make_number_format(self, kpi, comparison=False): # TODO FIXME comparison number_format = '#' if kpi.dp: number_format += '.' number_format += '0' * kpi.dp # TODO FIXME factor if kpi.prefix: number_format = u'"{} "{}'.format(kpi.prefix, number_format) if kpi.suffix: number_format = u'{}" {}"'.format(number_format, kpi.suffix) return number_format
def generate_xlsx_report(self, workbook, data, objects):
# get the computed result of the report matrix = objects._compute_matrix()
# create worksheet report_name = '{} - {}'.format( objects[0].name, objects[0].company_id.name) sheet = workbook.add_worksheet(report_name[:31]) row_pos = 0 col_pos = 0 # width of the labels column label_col_width = MIN_COL_WIDTH # {col_pos: max width in characters} col_width = defaultdict(lambda: MIN_COL_WIDTH)
# document title bold = workbook.add_format({'bold': True}) header_format = workbook.add_format({ 'bold': True, 'align': 'center', 'bg_color': '#F0EEEE'}) sheet.write(row_pos, 0, report_name, bold) row_pos += 2
# column headers sheet.write(row_pos, 0, '', header_format) col_pos = 1 for col in matrix.iter_cols(): label = col.description if col.comment: label += '\n' + col.comment sheet.set_row(row_pos, ROW_HEIGHT * 2) sheet.merge_range( row_pos, col_pos, row_pos, col_pos + col.colspan-1, label, header_format) col_pos += col.colspan row_pos += 1
# sub column headers sheet.write(row_pos, 0, '', header_format) col_pos = 1 for subcol in matrix.iter_subcols(): label = subcol.description if subcol.comment: label += '\n' + subcol.comment sheet.set_row(row_pos, ROW_HEIGHT * 2) sheet.write(row_pos, col_pos, label, header_format) col_width[col_pos] = max(col_width[col_pos], len(subcol.description or ''), len(subcol.comment or '')) col_pos += 1 row_pos += 1
# rows for row in matrix.iter_rows(): if row.style: row_xlsx_style = row.style.to_xlsx_format_properties() else: row_xlsx_style = {} row_format = workbook.add_format(row_xlsx_style) col_pos = 0 sheet.write(row_pos, col_pos, row.description, row_format) label_col_width = max(label_col_width, len(row.description or '')) for cell in row.iter_cells(): col_pos += 1 if not cell or cell.val is AccountingNone: sheet.write(row_pos, col_pos, '', row_format) continue kpi_xlsx_style = dict(row_xlsx_style) kpi_xlsx_style.update({ 'num_format': self.make_number_format(row.kpi), 'align': 'right' }) kpi_format = workbook.add_format(kpi_xlsx_style) # TODO FIXME kpi computed style # TODO FIXME pct in comparision columns val = cell.val if row.kpi.type == 'pct': val = val / 0.01 sheet.write(row_pos, col_pos, val, kpi_format) col_width[col_pos] = max(col_width[col_pos], len(cell.val_rendered or '')) row_pos += 1
# adjust col widths sheet.set_column(0, 0, min(label_col_width, MAX_COL_WIDTH) * COL_WIDTH) data_col_width = min(MAX_COL_WIDTH, max(*col_width.values())) min_col_pos = min(*col_width.keys()) max_col_pos = max(*col_width.keys()) sheet.set_column(min_col_pos, max_col_pos, data_col_width * COL_WIDTH)
MisBuilderXslx('report.mis.report.instance.xlsx', 'mis.report.instance', parser=report_sxw.rml_parse)