You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

172 lines
9.7 KiB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <openerp>
  3. <data>
  4. <record model="ir.ui.view" id="mis_report_view_tree">
  5. <field name="name"></field>
  6. <field name="model"></field>
  7. <field name="arch" type="xml">
  8. <tree string="MIS Reports">
  9. <field name="name"/>
  10. <field name="description"/>
  11. </tree>
  12. </field>
  13. </record>
  14. <record model="ir.ui.view" id="mis_report_view_form">
  15. <field name="name"></field>
  16. <field name="model"></field>
  17. <field name="arch" type="xml">
  18. <form string="MIS Report" version="7.0">
  19. <sheet>
  20. <group col="2">
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  22. <field name="description"/>
  23. <field name="style_id"/>
  24. </group>
  25. <group string="Sub KPI's">
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  27. <tree string="Sub KPI's" editable="bottom">
  28. <field name="sequence" widget="handle"/>
  29. <field name="description"/>
  30. <field name="name"/>
  31. </tree>
  32. </field>
  33. </group>
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  36. <tree string="Queries" editable="bottom">
  37. <field name="name"/>
  38. <field name="model_id"/>
  39. <field name="field_ids" domain="[('model_id', '=', model_id)]" widget="many2many_tags"/>
  40. <field name="field_names"/>
  41. <field name="aggregate"/>
  42. <field name="date_field" domain="[('model_id', '=', model_id), ('ttype', 'in', ('date', 'datetime'))]"/>
  43. <field name="domain"/>
  44. </tree>
  45. </field>
  46. </group>
  47. <group string="KPI's">
  48. <field name="kpi_ids" nolabel="1" colspan="2">
  49. <tree string="KPI's">
  50. <field name="sequence" widget="handle"/>
  51. <field name="description"/>
  52. <field name="name"/>
  53. <field name="type"/>
  54. <field name="compare_method" attrs="{'invisible': [('type', '=', 'str')]}"/>
  55. <field name="multi"/>
  56. <field name="expression"/>
  57. </tree>
  58. </field>
  59. </group>
  60. <group col="2" string="Legend (for kpi expressions)">
  61. <group>
  62. <label colspan="2" string="Expressions are of the form &lt;field&gt;&lt;mode&gt;[accounts][domain]"/>
  63. <label colspan="2" string="Possible values for 'field' can be:"/>
  64. <group>
  65. <label colspan="2" string="* bal for balance (debit - credit)"/>
  66. <label colspan="2" string="* crd for credit"/>
  67. <label colspan="2" string="* deb for debit"/>
  68. </group>
  69. <label colspan="2" string="Possible values for 'mode' are:"/>
  70. <group>
  71. <label colspan="2" string="* nothing or p: variation over the period"/>
  72. <label colspan="2" string="* i: at the beginning of the period"/>
  73. <label colspan="2" string="* e: at the end of the period"/>
  74. </group>
  75. <label colspan="2" string="'accounts' is a comma-separated list of account codes, possibly containing %% wildcards"/>
  76. <label colspan="2" string="'domain' is an optional filter on move lines (eg to filter on analytic accounts or journal)"/>
  77. </group>
  78. <group>
  79. <label colspan="2" string="Examples"/>
  80. <group>
  81. <label colspan="2" string="* bal[70]: variation of the balance of account 70 over the period (it is the same as balp[70]);"/>
  82. <label colspan="2" string="* bali[70,60]: initial balance of accounts 70 and 60;"/>
  83. <label colspan="2" string="* bale[1%%]: balance of accounts starting with 1 at end of period."/>
  84. </group>
  85. </group>
  86. </group>
  87. </sheet>
  88. </form>
  89. </field>
  90. </record>
  91. <record id="mis_report_view_kpi_form" model="ir.ui.view">
  92. <field name="name"></field>
  93. <field name="model"></field>
  94. <field name="arch" type="xml">
  95. <form string="MIS Report KPI">
  96. <group col="4">
  97. <field name="description"/>
  98. <field name="name"/>
  99. <field name="type"/>
  100. <field name="compare_method"/>
  101. <field name="style_id"/>
  102. <field name="style_expression"/>
  103. <!--<field name="sequence" />-->
  104. <field name="report_id" invisible="1"/>
  105. </group>
  106. <group string="Expression">
  107. <field name="multi"/>
  108. <field name="expression_ids" colspan="4" nolabel="1"
  109. delete="0" create="0"
  110. attrs="{'invisible': [('multi', '=', False)]}">
  111. <tree editable="bottom">
  112. <field name="subkpi_id" domain="[('report_id', '=', parent.report_id)]"/>
  113. <field name="name"/>
  114. </tree>
  115. </field>
  116. <field name="expression" colspan="4" nolabel="1"
  117. attrs="{'invisible': [('multi', '=', True)],
  118. 'readonly': [('multi', '=', True)]}"/>
  119. </group>
  120. <group col="4" string="Auto expand">
  121. <field name="auto_expand_accounts"/>
  122. <field name="auto_expand_accounts_style_id"
  123. attrs="{'invisible': [('auto_expand_accounts', '!=', True)]}"/>
  124. </group>
  125. <group col="2" string="Legend (for kpi expressions)">
  126. <group>
  127. <label colspan="2" string="Expressions are of the form &lt;field&gt;&lt;mode&gt;[accounts][domain]"/>
  128. <label colspan="2" string="Possible values for 'field' can be:"/>
  129. <group>
  130. <label colspan="2" string="* bal for balance (debit - credit)"/>
  131. <label colspan="2" string="* crd for credit"/>
  132. <label colspan="2" string="* deb for debit"/>
  133. </group>
  134. <label colspan="2" string="Possible values for 'mode' are:"/>
  135. <group>
  136. <label colspan="2" string="* nothing or p: variation over the period"/>
  137. <label colspan="2" string="* i: at the beginning of the period"/>
  138. <label colspan="2" string="* e: at the end of the period"/>
  139. </group>
  140. <label colspan="2" string="'accounts' is a comma-separated list of account codes, possibly containing %% wildcards"/>
  141. <label colspan="2" string="'domain' is an optional filter on move lines (eg to filter on analytic accounts or journal)"/>
  142. </group>
  143. <group>
  144. <label colspan="2" string="Examples"/>
  145. <group>
  146. <label colspan="2" string="* bal[70]: variation of the balance of account 70 over the period (it is the same as balp[70]);"/>
  147. <label colspan="2" string="* bali[70,60]: initial balance of accounts 70 and 60;"/>
  148. <label colspan="2" string="* bale[1%%]: balance of accounts starting with 1 at end of period."/>
  149. </group>
  150. </group>
  151. </group>
  152. </form>
  153. </field>
  154. </record>
  155. <record model="ir.actions.act_window" id="mis_report_view_action">
  156. <field name="name">MIS Report Templates</field>
  157. <field name="view_id" ref="mis_report_view_tree"/>
  158. <field name="res_model"></field>
  159. <field name="view_type">form</field>
  160. <field name="view_mode">tree,form</field>
  161. </record>
  162. <menuitem id="mis_report_conf_menu" parent="account.menu_finance_configuration" name="MIS Reporting" sequence="90"/>
  163. <menuitem id="mis_report_view_menu" parent="mis_report_conf_menu" name="MIS Report Templates" action="mis_report_view_action" sequence="21"/>
  164. </data>
  165. </openerp>