Browse Source

[ADD] grouped by partner and currencies on open invoices

(lp:c2c-addons/6.1  rev 50)
unknown 13 years ago
  1. 31
  2. 196
  3. 7
  4. 1


@ -22,14 +22,26 @@ import pooler
from collections import defaultdict
from report import report_sxw
from osv import osv
from tools.translate import _
from datetime import datetime
from itertools import groupby
from operator import itemgetter
from mako.template import Template
from tools.translate import _
from openerp.osv import osv
from common_partner_reports import CommonPartnersReportHeaderWebkit
from webkit_parser_header_fix import HeaderFooterTextWebKitParser
from openerp.addons.report_webkit import report_helper
import addons
def get_mako_template(obj, *args):
template_path = addons.get_module_resource(*args)
return Template(filename=template_path, input_encoding='utf-8')
report_helper.WebKitHelper.get_mako_template = get_mako_template
class PartnersOpenInvoicesWebkit(report_sxw.rml_parse, CommonPartnersReportHeaderWebkit):
def __init__(self, cursor, uid, name, context):
@ -65,6 +77,18 @@ class PartnersOpenInvoicesWebkit(report_sxw.rml_parse, CommonPartnersReportHeade
def _group_lines_by_currency(self, account_br):
account_br.grouped_ledger_lines = {}
if not account_br.ledger_lines:
for part_id, plane_lines in account_br.ledger_lines.items():
account_br.grouped_ledger_lines[part_id] = []
for curr, lines in groupby(plane_lines, key=itemgetter('currency_code')):
tmp = [x for x in lines]
account_br.grouped_ledger_lines[part_id].append((curr, tmp)) #I want to reiter many times
def set_context(self, objects, data, ids, report_type=None):
"""Populate a ledger_lines attribute on each browse record that will be used
by mako template"""
@ -84,6 +108,7 @@ class PartnersOpenInvoicesWebkit(report_sxw.rml_parse, CommonPartnersReportHeade
result_selection = self._get_form_param('result_selection', data)
date_until = self._get_form_param('until_date', data)
chart_account = self._get_chart_account_id_br(data)
group_by_currency = self._get_form_param('group_by_currency', data)
if main_filter == 'filter_no' and fiscalyear:
start_period = self.get_first_fiscalyear_period(fiscalyear)
@ -129,6 +154,8 @@ class PartnersOpenInvoicesWebkit(report_sxw.rml_parse, CommonPartnersReportHeade
account.partners_order = self._order_partners(ledg_lines_pids, init_bal_lines_pids)
account.ledger_lines = ledger_lines_memoizer.get(, {})
if group_by_currency:


@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
<html xmlns="">
<style type="text/css">
@ -19,11 +20,12 @@
def amount(text):
return text.replace('-', '&#8209;') # replace by a non-breaking hyphen (it will not word-wrap between hyphen and numbers)
<% import addons %>
<% template1 = helper.get_mako_template('account_financial_report_webkit','report', 'templates', 'open_invoices_inclusion.mako.html') %>
<% context.lookup.put_template('open_invoices_inclusion.mako.html', template1) %>
<% template2 = helper.get_mako_template('account_financial_report_webkit','report', 'templates', 'grouped_by_curr_open_invoices_inclusion.mako.html') %>
<% context.lookup.put_template('grouped_by_curr_open_invoices_inclusion.mako.html', template2) %>
<div class="act_as_table data_table">
@ -70,181 +72,13 @@
<div class="act_as_cell">${ display_target_move(data) }</div>
%for account in objects:
%if account.ledger_lines:
if not account.partners_order:
account_total_debit = 0.0
account_total_credit = 0.0
account_balance_cumul = 0.0
account_balance_cumul_curr = 0.0
<div class="account_title bg" style="width: 1080px; margin-top: 20px; font-size: 12px;">${account.code} - ${}</div>
%for partner_name, p_id, p_ref, p_name in account.partners_order:
total_debit = 0.0
total_credit = 0.0
cumul_balance = 0.0
cumul_balance_curr = 0.0
part_cumul_balance = 0.0
part_cumul_balance_curr = 0.0
<div class="act_as_table list_table" style="margin-top: 5px;">
<div class="act_as_caption account_title">
${partner_name or _('No Partner')}
<div class="act_as_thead">
<div class="act_as_row labels">
## date
<div class="act_as_cell first_column" style="width: 60px;">${_('Date')}</div>
## period
<div class="act_as_cell" style="width: 70px;">${_('Period')}</div>
## move
<div class="act_as_cell" style="width: 70px;">${_('Entry')}</div>
## journal
<div class="act_as_cell" style="width: 70px;">${_('Journal')}</div>
## partner
<div class="act_as_cell" style="width: 60px;">${_('Partner')}</div>
## label
<div class="act_as_cell" style="width: 255px;">${_('Label')}</div>
## reconcile
<div class="act_as_cell" style="width: 80px;">${_('Rec.')}</div>
## maturity
<div class="act_as_cell" style="width: 60px;">${_('Due Date')}</div>
## debit
<div class="act_as_cell amount" style="width: 80px;">${_('Debit')}</div>
## credit
<div class="act_as_cell amount" style="width: 80px;">${_('Credit')}</div>
## balance cumulated
<div class="act_as_cell amount" style="width: 80px;">${_('Cumul. Bal.')}</div>
%if amount_currency(data):
## currency balance
<div class="act_as_cell amount sep_left" style="width: 80px;">${_('Curr. Balance')}</div>
## curency code
<div class="act_as_cell amount" style="width: 30px; text-align: right;">${_('Curr.')}</div>
<div class="act_as_tbody">
total_debit = 0.0
total_credit = 0.0
%for line in account.ledger_lines.get(p_id, []):
total_debit += line.get('debit') or 0.0
total_credit += line.get('credit') or 0.0
label_elements = [line.get('lname') or '']
if line.get('invoice_number'):
label_elements.append("(%s)" % (line['invoice_number'],))
label = ' '.join(label_elements)
<div class="act_as_row lines ${line.get('is_from_previous_periods') and 'open_invoice_previous_line' or ''} ${line.get('is_clearance_line') and 'clearance_line' or ''}">
## date
<div class="act_as_cell first_column">${formatLang(line.get('ldate') or '', date=True)}</div>
## period
<div class="act_as_cell">${line.get('period_code') or ''}</div>
## move
<div class="act_as_cell">${line.get('move_name') or ''}</div>
## journal
<div class="act_as_cell">${line.get('jcode') or ''}</div>
## partner
<div class="act_as_cell overflow_ellipsis">${line.get('partner_name') or ''}</div>
## label
<div class="act_as_cell">${label}</div>
## reconcile
<div class="act_as_cell">${line.get('rec_name') or ''}</div>
## maturity date
<div class="act_as_cell">${formatLang(line.get('date_maturity') or '', date=True)}</div>
## debit
<div class="act_as_cell amount">${formatLang(line.get('debit') or 0.0) | amount }</div>
## credit
<div class="act_as_cell amount">${formatLang(line.get('credit') or 0.0) | amount }</div>
## balance cumulated
<% cumul_balance += line.get('balance') or 0.0 %>
<div class="act_as_cell amount" style="padding-right: 1px;">${formatLang(cumul_balance) | amount }</div>
%if amount_currency(data):
## currency balance
<div class="act_as_cell sep_left amount">${formatLang(line.get('amount_currency') or 0.0) | amount }</div>
## curency code
<div class="act_as_cell" style="text-align: right; ">${line.get('currency_code') or ''}</div>
<div class="act_as_row lines labels">
## date
<div class="act_as_cell first_column"></div>
## period
<div class="act_as_cell"></div>
## move
<div class="act_as_cell"></div>
## journal
<div class="act_as_cell"></div>
## partner
<div class="act_as_cell"></div>
## label
<div class="act_as_cell">${_('Cumulated Balance on Partner')}</div>
## reconcile
<div class="act_as_cell"></div>
## maturity date
<div class="act_as_cell"></div>
## debit
<div class="act_as_cell amount">${formatLang(total_debit) | amount }</div>
## credit
<div class="act_as_cell amount">${formatLang(total_credit) | amount }</div>
## balance cumulated
<div class="act_as_cell amount" style="padding-right: 1px;">${formatLang(cumul_balance) | amount }</div>
%if amount_currency(data):
%if account.currency_id:
## currency balance
<div class="act_as_cell sep_left amount" style="padding-right: 1px;">${formatLang(cumul_balance_curr) | amount }</div>
<div class="act_as_cell sep_left amount" style="padding-right: 1px;">${ u'-' }</div>
## curency code
<div class="act_as_cell" style="text-align: right; ">${ if account.currency_id else u'' }</div>
account_total_debit += total_debit
account_total_credit += total_credit
account_balance_cumul += cumul_balance
account_balance_cumul_curr += cumul_balance_curr
<div class="act_as_table list_table" style="margin-top:5px;">
<div class="act_as_row labels" style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px;">
<div class="act_as_cell first_column" style="width: 330px;">${account.code} - ${}</div>
## label
<div class="act_as_cell" style="width: 395px;">${_("Cumulated Balance on Account")}</div>
## debit
<div class="act_as_cell amount" style="width: 80px;">${ formatLang(account_total_debit) | amount }</div>
## credit
<div class="act_as_cell amount" style="width: 80px;">${ formatLang(account_total_credit) | amount }</div>
## balance cumulated
<div class="act_as_cell amount" style="width: 80px; ">${ formatLang(account_balance_cumul) | amount }</div>
%if amount_currency(data):
## currency balance cumulated
%if account.currency_id:
<div class="act_as_cell amount sep_left" style="width: 80px;">${ formatLang(account_balance_cumul_curr) | amount }</div>
<div class="act_as_cell amount sep_left" style="width: 80px; padding-right: 1px;">${ u'-' }</div>
## curency code
<div class="act_as_cell amount" style="width: 30px; text-align: right;">${ if account.currency_id else u'' }</div>
%for acc in objects:
%if hasattr(acc, 'grouped_ledger_lines'):
<% fl = formatLang %>
<%include file="grouped_by_curr_open_invoices_inclusion.mako.html" args="account=acc,formatLang=fl"/>
<% fl = formatLang %>
<%include file="open_invoices_inclusion.mako.html" args="account=acc,formatLang=fl"/>


@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ class AccountReportOpenInvoicesWizard(osv.osv_memory):
_description = "Open Invoices Report"
_columns = {
'group_by_currency':fields.boolean('Group Partner by currency'),
'until_date':"Clearance date",
help="""The clearance date is essentially a tool used for debtors provisionning calculation.
@ -36,9 +37,7 @@ class AccountReportOpenInvoicesWizard(osv.osv_memory):
By default, this date is equal to the the end date (ie: 31/12/2011 if you select fy 2011).
By amending the clearance date, you will be, for instance, able to answer the question : 'based on my last year end debtors open invoices, which invoices are still unpaid today (today is my clearance date)?'
def _check_until_date(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
def get_key_id(obj, field):
@ -111,7 +110,7 @@ By amending the clearance date, you will be, for instance, able to answer the qu
if context is None:
context = {}
vals =, uid, ids,
['until_date', 'group_by_currency'],
return data


@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
<page string="Layout Options" name="layout_options">
<field name="amount_currency"/>
<field name="group_by_currency"/>
<page name="filters" position="attributes">
