`report_journal_ledger` is auto-vacuumed as any transient model, but has some
ondelete="cascade" constraints that auto-remove subtables when a record is removed,
doing this operation very slow when selecting these sub-records.
Letting default ondelete="set null" would result in same performance bottleneck,
as the select on sub-table is performed the same for setting "null" value on them.
As a solution, and for avoiding a costly index operation, we delete by SQL sub-tables
rows in advance.
A bit of extra logic has been added for avoiding to remove that records if it's not
the turn of vacuum the parent table.
* Move back to CSS and FIX
NameError: variable @odoo-view-background-color is undefined in - on line 99, column 23:
98 .o_account_financial_reports_page {
99 background-color: @odoo-view-background-color;
100 color: @odoo-main-text-color;
* Porting: parent_left does not exist anymore. Using parent_path + account code to sort report lines
* FIX js error with date object not converted to string while clicking on initial balance amount
See https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1033131/58337566-5d525c80-7e46-11e9-913a-3c3e0115fb3e.gif
* IMP style and metadata
* FIX tests about new date format and partner_id computed field of account.move
* FIX errors like
2019-06-03 16:11:51,406 17857 ERROR dev_12_account_financial_report odoo.sql_db: bad query: b"\nDELETE FROM 'report_vat_report_tax'\nWHERE COALESCE(\n write_date, create_date, (now() at time zone 'UTC'))::timestamp\n < ((now() at time zone 'UTC') - interval '3600.0 seconds')\n"
ERROR: syntax error at or near "'report_vat_report_tax'"
LINE 2: DELETE FROM 'report_vat_report_tax'
* IMP translation template and IMP Italian translation
* Remove useless comments
* Use AsIs to avoid SQL injection
* Use fields.Date methods
* Remove useless data from tests
* Improve comments
* Fix wizard.multi.charts.accounts
* Move _get_partner_ids_domain to abstract wizard
* Refactor default partners in wizard to use recordsets
* Improve js style
Update indentation, remove empty lines from header.
Update test.
Update pylint.
Remove company_id on computing accounts, since account.group is not a company based model, filtering accounts is done on trial balance report.
Update account variables.
Improve condition in padding on accounts.
Add option to print hierarchy based on defined accounts/computed accounts.
Add VAT report, hierarchy from tax tags ans taxes.
Fix pylint, xlsx report generation header.
Update code to select code_prefix or name.
Update code to select code_prefix or name.
Update code to select code_prefix or name.
Fix domain in base amounts in vat report.
Change trial balance code_prefix or name.
Update trail balance, add tests for vat report.
Update pylint, amounts as monetary, many2one option on generation excels.
Update pulint.
Add VAT Report in readme.
Add VAT Report in readme.
Update array_agg.
Update array_agg.
Update array_agg.
Add option in VAT Report to be printed on Tax Tags - Tax Groups.
Add widget to hierarchy_on on trial balance.