- _description in account_financial_report_abstract
- _description in vat.report.wizard
- Two fields using same label 'Accounts' in account.group
- Two fields using same label 'Account' in report_journal_ledger_move_line
- Two fields using same label 'Partner' in report_journal_ledger_move_line
- Two fields using same label 'Accounts' in report_trial_balance_account
- Two fields using same label 'Tax' in report_vat_report_taxtag
- Two fields using same label 'Tax' in report_vat_report_tax
- Two fields using same label 'Filter accounts' in general.ledger.report.wizard
* Move to less files to compile variables
* hide contacts on partner
* Add reports to res partner actions
* initialize wizard from context
* initialize wizard by current fiscal year
All reports:
- Rename field to hide accounts at 0 to 'hide_account_at_0'
Trial Balance:
- Add possibility to filter by hierarchy levels
- XLSX format will show the hierarchy levels in bold
General Ledger:
- Add the possibility to filter by analytic tags
- Fixes an error on the default date
Journal Ledger:
- The filter on Journals is now optional. If the user does not choose
a journal, by default it will display all journals.
Aged Partner Balance:
- Fixes an error on the default date
- Adds 'Period balance' column
- Renames the option 'Hide accounts at 0'. Means no initial, no debit, credit
or ending balance for the period.
- Fixes logic to remove lines with 0 activity for the period.
- improve the calculation in the Trial Balance
of undistributed profits/losses account, and provide a footer note
to the user explaining why will the ending balances will not be zero, but the
period's total profit and loss.
- add an extra line for P&L application so that the trial balance zeroes in the
balance, and total debits = total credits
- refactoring of the unaffected earnings reporting in the general ledger
and trial balance.
Update indentation, remove empty lines from header.
Update test.
Update pylint.
Remove company_id on computing accounts, since account.group is not a company based model, filtering accounts is done on trial balance report.
Update account variables.
Improve condition in padding on accounts.
Add option to print hierarchy based on defined accounts/computed accounts.
Add VAT report, hierarchy from tax tags ans taxes.
Fix pylint, xlsx report generation header.
Update code to select code_prefix or name.
Update code to select code_prefix or name.
Update code to select code_prefix or name.
Fix domain in base amounts in vat report.
Change trial balance code_prefix or name.
Update trail balance, add tests for vat report.
Update pylint, amounts as monetary, many2one option on generation excels.
Update pulint.
Add VAT Report in readme.
Add VAT Report in readme.
Update array_agg.
Update array_agg.
Update array_agg.
Add option in VAT Report to be printed on Tax Tags - Tax Groups.
Add widget to hierarchy_on on trial balance.