* Move back to CSS and FIX
NameError: variable @odoo-view-background-color is undefined in - on line 99, column 23:
98 .o_account_financial_reports_page {
99 background-color: @odoo-view-background-color;
100 color: @odoo-main-text-color;
* Porting: parent_left does not exist anymore. Using parent_path + account code to sort report lines
* FIX js error with date object not converted to string while clicking on initial balance amount
See https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1033131/58337566-5d525c80-7e46-11e9-913a-3c3e0115fb3e.gif
* IMP style and metadata
* FIX tests about new date format and partner_id computed field of account.move
* FIX errors like
2019-06-03 16:11:51,406 17857 ERROR dev_12_account_financial_report odoo.sql_db: bad query: b"\nDELETE FROM 'report_vat_report_tax'\nWHERE COALESCE(\n write_date, create_date, (now() at time zone 'UTC'))::timestamp\n < ((now() at time zone 'UTC') - interval '3600.0 seconds')\n"
ERROR: syntax error at or near "'report_vat_report_tax'"
LINE 2: DELETE FROM 'report_vat_report_tax'
* IMP translation template and IMP Italian translation
* Remove useless comments
* Use AsIs to avoid SQL injection
* Use fields.Date methods
* Remove useless data from tests
* Improve comments
* Fix wizard.multi.charts.accounts
* Move _get_partner_ids_domain to abstract wizard
* Refactor default partners in wizard to use recordsets
* Improve js style
- _description in account_financial_report_abstract
- _description in vat.report.wizard
- Two fields using same label 'Accounts' in account.group
- Two fields using same label 'Account' in report_journal_ledger_move_line
- Two fields using same label 'Partner' in report_journal_ledger_move_line
- Two fields using same label 'Accounts' in report_trial_balance_account
- Two fields using same label 'Tax' in report_vat_report_taxtag
- Two fields using same label 'Tax' in report_vat_report_tax
- Two fields using same label 'Filter accounts' in general.ledger.report.wizard
* Move to less files to compile variables
* hide contacts on partner
* Add reports to res partner actions
* initialize wizard from context
* initialize wizard by current fiscal year
All reports:
- Rename field to hide accounts at 0 to 'hide_account_at_0'
Trial Balance:
- Add possibility to filter by hierarchy levels
- XLSX format will show the hierarchy levels in bold
General Ledger:
- Add the possibility to filter by analytic tags
- Fixes an error on the default date
Journal Ledger:
- The filter on Journals is now optional. If the user does not choose
a journal, by default it will display all journals.
Aged Partner Balance:
- Fixes an error on the default date
* Move back to CSS and FIX
NameError: variable @odoo-view-background-color is undefined in - on line 99, column 23:
98 .o_account_financial_reports_page {
99 background-color: @odoo-view-background-color;
100 color: @odoo-main-text-color;
* Porting: parent_left does not exist anymore. Using parent_path + account code to sort report lines
* FIX js error with date object not converted to string while clicking on initial balance amount
See https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1033131/58337566-5d525c80-7e46-11e9-913a-3c3e0115fb3e.gif
* IMP style and metadata
* FIX tests about new date format and partner_id computed field of account.move
* FIX errors like
2019-06-03 16:11:51,406 17857 ERROR dev_12_account_financial_report odoo.sql_db: bad query: b"\nDELETE FROM 'report_vat_report_tax'\nWHERE COALESCE(\n write_date, create_date, (now() at time zone 'UTC'))::timestamp\n < ((now() at time zone 'UTC') - interval '3600.0 seconds')\n"
ERROR: syntax error at or near "'report_vat_report_tax'"
LINE 2: DELETE FROM 'report_vat_report_tax'
* IMP translation template and IMP Italian translation
* Remove useless comments
* Use AsIs to avoid SQL injection
* Use fields.Date methods
* Remove useless data from tests
* Improve comments
* Fix wizard.multi.charts.accounts
* Move _get_partner_ids_domain to abstract wizard
* Refactor default partners in wizard to use recordsets
* Improve js style
- _description in account_financial_report_abstract
- _description in vat.report.wizard
- Two fields using same label 'Accounts' in account.group
- Two fields using same label 'Account' in report_journal_ledger_move_line
- Two fields using same label 'Partner' in report_journal_ledger_move_line
- Two fields using same label 'Accounts' in report_trial_balance_account
- Two fields using same label 'Tax' in report_vat_report_taxtag
- Two fields using same label 'Tax' in report_vat_report_tax
- Two fields using same label 'Filter accounts' in general.ledger.report.wizard
* Move to less files to compile variables
* hide contacts on partner
* Add reports to res partner actions
* initialize wizard from context
* initialize wizard by current fiscal year
All reports:
- Rename field to hide accounts at 0 to 'hide_account_at_0'
Trial Balance:
- Add possibility to filter by hierarchy levels
- XLSX format will show the hierarchy levels in bold
General Ledger:
- Add the possibility to filter by analytic tags
- Fixes an error on the default date
Journal Ledger:
- The filter on Journals is now optional. If the user does not choose
a journal, by default it will display all journals.
Aged Partner Balance:
- Fixes an error on the default date