# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # © 2016 Therp BV () # © 2016 ACSONE SA/NV () # License AGPL-3.0 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). from odoo import api, fields, models, _ from odoo.exceptions import UserError from .accounting_none import AccountingNone from .data_error import DataError class PropertyDict(dict): def __getattr__(self, name): return self.get(name) def copy(self): # pylint: disable=copy-wo-api-one,method-required-super return PropertyDict(self) PROPS = [ 'color', 'background_color', 'font_style', 'font_weight', 'font_size', 'indent_level', 'prefix', 'suffix', 'dp', 'divider', ] TYPE_NUM = 'num' TYPE_PCT = 'pct' TYPE_STR = 'str' CMP_DIFF = 'diff' CMP_PCT = 'pct' CMP_NONE = 'none' class MisReportKpiStyle(models.Model): _name = 'mis.report.style' @api.constrains('indent_level') def check_positive_val(self): for record in self: if record.indent_level < 0: raise UserError(_('Indent level must be greater than ' 'or equal to 0')) _font_style_selection = [ ('normal', 'Normal'), ('italic', 'Italic'), ] _font_weight_selection = [ ('nornal', 'Normal'), ('bold', 'Bold'), ] _font_size_selection = [ ('medium', 'medium'), ('xx-small', 'xx-small'), ('x-small', 'x-small'), ('small', 'small'), ('large', 'large'), ('x-large', 'x-large'), ('xx-large', 'xx-large'), ] _font_size_to_xlsx_size = { 'medium': 11, 'xx-small': 5, 'x-small': 7, 'small': 9, 'large': 13, 'x-large': 15, 'xx-large': 17 } # style name # TODO enforce uniqueness name = fields.Char(string='Style name', required=True) # color color_inherit = fields.Boolean(default=True) color = fields.Char( string='Text color', help='Text color in valid RGB code (from #000000 to #FFFFFF)', default='#000000', ) background_color_inherit = fields.Boolean(default=True) background_color = fields.Char( help='Background color in valid RGB code (from #000000 to #FFFFFF)', default='#FFFFFF', ) # font font_style_inherit = fields.Boolean(default=True) font_style = fields.Selection( selection=_font_style_selection, ) font_weight_inherit = fields.Boolean(default=True) font_weight = fields.Selection( selection=_font_weight_selection ) font_size_inherit = fields.Boolean(default=True) font_size = fields.Selection( selection=_font_size_selection ) # indent indent_level_inherit = fields.Boolean(default=True) indent_level = fields.Integer() # number format prefix_inherit = fields.Boolean(default=True) prefix = fields.Char(size=16, string='Prefix') suffix_inherit = fields.Boolean(default=True) suffix = fields.Char(size=16, string='Suffix') dp_inherit = fields.Boolean(default=True) dp = fields.Integer(string='Rounding', default=0) divider_inherit = fields.Boolean(default=True) divider = fields.Selection([('1e-6', _('µ')), ('1e-3', _('m')), ('1', _('1')), ('1e3', _('k')), ('1e6', _('M'))], string='Factor', default='1') @api.model def merge(self, styles): """ Merge several styles, giving priority to the last. Returns a PropertyDict of style properties. """ r = PropertyDict() for style in styles: if not style: continue if isinstance(style, dict): r.update(style) else: for prop in PROPS: inherit = getattr(style, prop + '_inherit', None) if inherit is None: value = getattr(style, prop) if value: r[prop] = value elif not inherit: value = getattr(style, prop) r[prop] = value return r @api.model def render(self, lang, style_props, type, value): if type == 'num': return self.render_num(lang, value, style_props.divider, style_props.dp, style_props.prefix, style_props.suffix) elif type == 'pct': return self.render_pct(lang, value, style_props.dp) else: return self.render_str(lang, value) @api.model def render_num(self, lang, value, divider=1.0, dp=0, prefix=None, suffix=None, sign='-'): # format number following user language if value is None or value is AccountingNone: return u'' value = round(value / float(divider or 1), dp or 0) or 0 r = lang.format('%%%s.%df' % (sign, dp or 0), value, grouping=True) r = r.replace('-', u'\N{NON-BREAKING HYPHEN}') if prefix: r = prefix + u'\N{NO-BREAK SPACE}' + r if suffix: r = r + u'\N{NO-BREAK SPACE}' + suffix return r @api.model def render_pct(self, lang, value, dp=1, sign='-'): return self.render_num(lang, value, divider=0.01, dp=dp, suffix='%', sign=sign) @api.model def render_str(self, lang, value): if value is None or value is AccountingNone: return u'' return unicode(value) @api.model def compare_and_render(self, lang, style_props, type, compare_method, value, base_value, average_value=1, average_base_value=1): delta = AccountingNone style_r = style_props.copy() if isinstance(value, DataError) or isinstance(base_value, DataError): return AccountingNone, '', style_r if value is None: value = AccountingNone if base_value is None: base_value = AccountingNone if type == TYPE_PCT: delta = value - base_value if delta and round(delta, (style_props.dp or 0) + 2) != 0: style_r.update(dict( divider=0.01, prefix='', suffix=_('pp'))) else: delta = AccountingNone elif type == TYPE_NUM: if value and average_value: value = value / float(average_value) if base_value and average_base_value: base_value = base_value / float(average_base_value) if compare_method == CMP_DIFF: delta = value - base_value if delta and round(delta, style_props.dp or 0) != 0: pass else: delta = AccountingNone elif compare_method == CMP_PCT: if base_value and round(base_value, style_props.dp or 0) != 0: delta = (value - base_value) / abs(base_value) if delta and round(delta, 1) != 0: style_r.update(dict( divider=0.01, dp=1, prefix='', suffix='%')) else: delta = AccountingNone if delta is not AccountingNone: delta_r = self.render_num( lang, delta, style_r.divider, style_r.dp, style_r.prefix, style_r.suffix, sign='+') return delta, delta_r, style_r else: return AccountingNone, '', style_r @api.model def to_xlsx_style(self, props, no_indent=False): num_format = '0' if props.dp: num_format += '.' num_format += '0' * props.dp if props.prefix: num_format = u'"{} "{}'.format(props.prefix, num_format) if props.suffix: num_format = u'{}" {}"'.format(num_format, props.suffix) xlsx_attributes = [ ('italic', props.font_style == 'italic'), ('bold', props.font_weight == 'bold'), ('size', self._font_size_to_xlsx_size.get(props.font_size, 11)), ('font_color', props.color), ('bg_color', props.background_color), ('num_format', num_format), ] if props.indent_level is not None and not no_indent: xlsx_attributes.append( ('indent', props.indent_level)) return dict([a for a in xlsx_attributes if a[1] is not None]) @api.model def to_css_style(self, props, no_indent=False): css_attributes = [ ('font-style', props.font_style), ('font-weight', props.font_weight), ('font-size', props.font_size), ('color', props.color), ('background-color', props.background_color), ] if props.indent_level is not None and not no_indent: css_attributes.append( ('text-indent', '{}em'.format(props.indent_level))) return '; '.join(['%s: %s' % a for a in css_attributes if a[1] is not None]) or None