# Copyright 2018 Forest and Biomass Romania # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). from odoo import api, fields, models class VATReport(models.TransientModel): _name = "report_vat_report" """ Here, we just define class fields. For methods, go more bottom at this file. The class hierarchy is : * VATReport ** VATReportTaxTags *** VATReportTax """ # Filters fields, used for data computation company_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='res.company') date_from = fields.Date() date_to = fields.Date() based_on = fields.Selection([('taxtags', 'Tax Tags'), ('taxgroups', 'Tax Groups')], string='Based On', required=True, default='taxtags') tax_detail = fields.Boolean('Tax Detail') # Data fields, used to browse report data taxtags_ids = fields.One2many( comodel_name='report_vat_report_taxtag', inverse_name='report_id' ) class VATReportTaxTags(models.TransientModel): _name = 'report_vat_report_taxtag' _order = 'code ASC' report_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='report_vat_report', ondelete='cascade', index=True ) # Data fields, used to keep link with real object taxtag_id = fields.Many2one( 'account.account.tag', index=True ) taxgroup_id = fields.Many2one( 'account.tax.group', index=True ) # Data fields, used for report display code = fields.Char() name = fields.Char() net = fields.Float(digits=(16, 2)) tax = fields.Float(digits=(16, 2)) # Data fields, used to browse report data tax_ids = fields.One2many( comodel_name='report_vat_report_tax', inverse_name='report_tax_id' ) class VATReportTax(models.TransientModel): _name = 'report_vat_report_tax' _order = 'name ASC' report_tax_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='report_vat_report_taxtag', ondelete='cascade', index=True ) # Data fields, used to keep link with real object tax_id = fields.Many2one( 'account.tax', index=True ) # Data fields, used for report display code = fields.Char() name = fields.Char() net = fields.Float(digits=(16, 2)) tax = fields.Float(digits=(16, 2)) class VATReportCompute(models.TransientModel): """ Here, we just define methods. For class fields, go more top at this file. """ _inherit = 'report_vat_report' @api.multi def print_report(self, report_type='qweb'): self.ensure_one() if report_type == 'xlsx': report_name = 'a_f_r.report_vat_report_xlsx' else: report_name = 'account_financial_report.report_vat_report_qweb' context = dict(self.env.context) action = self.env['ir.actions.report'].search( [('report_name', '=', report_name), ('report_type', '=', report_type)], limit=1) return action.with_context(context).report_action(self) def _get_html(self): result = {} rcontext = {} context = dict(self.env.context) report = self.browse(context.get('active_id')) if report: rcontext['o'] = report result['html'] = self.env.ref( 'account_financial_report.report_vat_report').render( rcontext) return result @api.model def get_html(self, given_context=None): return self.with_context(given_context)._get_html() @api.multi def compute_data_for_report(self): self.ensure_one() # Compute report data if self.based_on == 'taxtags': self._inject_taxtags_values() self._inject_tax_taxtags_values() elif self.based_on == 'taxgroups': self._inject_taxgroups_values() self._inject_tax_taxgroups_values() # Refresh cache because all data are computed with SQL requests self.refresh() def _inject_taxtags_values(self): """Inject report values for report_vat_report_taxtags.""" query_inject_taxtags = """ WITH taxtags AS (SELECT coalesce(regexp_replace(tag.name, '[^0-9\\.]+', '', 'g'), ' ') AS code, tag.name, tag.id, coalesce(sum(movetax.tax_base_amount), 0.00) AS net, coalesce(sum(movetax.balance), 0.00) AS tax FROM account_account_tag AS tag INNER JOIN account_tax_account_tag AS taxtag ON tag.id = taxtag.account_account_tag_id INNER JOIN account_tax AS tax ON tax.id = taxtag.account_tax_id INNER JOIN account_move_line AS movetax ON movetax.tax_line_id = tax.id INNER JOIN account_move AS move ON move.id = movetax.move_id WHERE tag.id is not null AND movetax.tax_exigible AND move.company_id = %s AND move.date >= %s AND move.date <= %s AND move.state = 'posted' GROUP BY tag.id ORDER BY code, tag.name ) INSERT INTO report_vat_report_taxtag ( report_id, create_uid, create_date, taxtag_id, code, name, net, tax ) SELECT %s AS report_id, %s AS create_uid, NOW() AS create_date, tag.id, tag.code, tag.name, abs(tag.net), abs(tag.tax) FROM taxtags tag """ query_inject_taxtags_params = (self.company_id.id, self.date_from, self.date_to, self.id, self.env.uid) self.env.cr.execute(query_inject_taxtags, query_inject_taxtags_params) def _inject_taxgroups_values(self): """Inject report values for report_vat_report_taxtags.""" query_inject_taxgroups = """ WITH taxgroups AS (SELECT coalesce(taxgroup.sequence, 0) AS code, taxgroup.name, taxgroup.id, coalesce(sum(movetax.tax_base_amount), 0.00) AS net, coalesce(sum(movetax.balance), 0.00) AS tax FROM account_tax_group AS taxgroup INNER JOIN account_tax AS tax ON tax.tax_group_id = taxgroup.id INNER JOIN account_move_line AS movetax ON movetax.tax_line_id = tax.id INNER JOIN account_move AS move ON move.id = movetax.move_id WHERE taxgroup.id is not null AND movetax.tax_exigible AND move.company_id = %s AND move.date >= %s AND move.date <= %s AND move.state = 'posted' GROUP BY taxgroup.id ORDER BY code, taxgroup.name ) INSERT INTO report_vat_report_taxtag ( report_id, create_uid, create_date, taxgroup_id, code, name, net, tax ) SELECT %s AS report_id, %s AS create_uid, NOW() AS create_date, groups.id, groups.code, groups.name, abs(groups.net), abs(groups.tax) FROM taxgroups groups """ query_inject_taxgroups_params = (self.company_id.id, self.date_from, self.date_to, self.id, self.env.uid) self.env.cr.execute(query_inject_taxgroups, query_inject_taxgroups_params) def _inject_tax_taxtags_values(self): """ Inject report values for report_vat_report_tax. """ # pylint: disable=sql-injection query_inject_tax = """ WITH taxtags_tax AS ( SELECT tag.id AS report_tax_id, ' ' AS code, tax.name, tax.id, coalesce(sum(movetax.tax_base_amount), 0.00) AS net, coalesce(sum(movetax.balance), 0.00) AS tax FROM report_vat_report_taxtag AS tag INNER JOIN account_tax_account_tag AS taxtag ON tag.taxtag_id = taxtag.account_account_tag_id INNER JOIN account_tax AS tax ON tax.id = taxtag.account_tax_id INNER JOIN account_move_line AS movetax ON movetax.tax_line_id = tax.id INNER JOIN account_move AS move ON move.id = movetax.move_id WHERE tag.id is not null AND movetax.tax_exigible AND tag.report_id = %s AND move.company_id = %s AND move.date >= %s AND move.date <= %s AND move.state = 'posted' GROUP BY tag.id, tax.id ORDER BY tax.name ) INSERT INTO report_vat_report_tax ( report_tax_id, create_uid, create_date, tax_id, name, net, tax ) SELECT tt.report_tax_id, %s AS create_uid, NOW() AS create_date, tt.id, tt.name, abs(tt.net), abs(tt.tax) FROM taxtags_tax tt """ query_inject_tax_params = (self.id, self.company_id.id, self.date_from, self.date_to, self.env.uid) self.env.cr.execute(query_inject_tax, query_inject_tax_params) def _inject_tax_taxgroups_values(self): """ Inject report values for report_vat_report_tax. """ # pylint: disable=sql-injection query_inject_tax = """ WITH taxtags_tax AS ( SELECT taxtag.id AS report_tax_id, ' ' AS code, tax.name, tax.id, coalesce(sum(movetax.tax_base_amount), 0.00) AS net, coalesce(sum(movetax.balance), 0.00) AS tax FROM report_vat_report_taxtag AS taxtag INNER JOIN account_tax AS tax ON tax.tax_group_id = taxtag.taxgroup_id INNER JOIN account_move_line AS movetax ON movetax.tax_line_id = tax.id INNER JOIN account_move AS move ON move.id = movetax.move_id WHERE taxtag.id is not null AND movetax.tax_exigible AND taxtag.report_id = %s AND move.company_id = %s AND move.date >= %s AND move.date <= %s AND move.state = 'posted' GROUP BY taxtag.id, tax.id ORDER BY tax.name ) INSERT INTO report_vat_report_tax ( report_tax_id, create_uid, create_date, tax_id, name, net, tax ) SELECT tt.report_tax_id, %s AS create_uid, NOW() AS create_date, tt.id, tt.name, abs(tt.net), abs(tt.tax) FROM taxtags_tax tt """ query_inject_tax_params = (self.id, self.company_id.id, self.date_from, self.date_to, self.env.uid) self.env.cr.execute(query_inject_tax, query_inject_tax_params)