[[ setLang(data['form']['lang']) ]] Profit And Loss [[ get_data(data) or removeParentNode('para')]] Chart of Account Fiscal Year Filter By [[ get_filter(data)!='No Filter' and get_filter(data) ]] Display Account Target Moves [[ get_account(data) or removeParentNode('para') ]] [[ get_fiscalyear(data) or '' ]] [[ get_filter(data)=='No Filter' and get_filter(data) or removeParentNode('para') ]] [[ get_filter(data)=='Date' or removeParentNode('blockTable') ]] Start Date End Date [[ formatLang(get_start_date(data),date=True) ]] [[ formatLang(get_end_date(data),date=True) ]] [[ get_filter(data)=='Periods' or removeParentNode('blockTable') ]] Start Period End Period [[ get_start_period(data) or removeParentNode('para') ]] [[ get_end_period(data) or removeParentNode('para') ]] [[ (data['form']['display_account']=='bal_all' and 'All') or (data['form']['display_account']=='bal_movement' and 'With movements') or 'With balance is not equal to 0']] [[ get_target_move(data) ]] Code Particular Balance Code Particular Balance [[ repeatIn(get_lines(),'a' ) ]] [[ a['code'] ]] [[ a['type'] == 'view' and ( setTag('para','para',{'style':'terp_default_Bold_9'})) or removeParentNode('font') ]] [[ '. '*(a['level']-1) ]][[ a['type'] == 'view' and ( setTag('para','para',{'style':'terp_default_Bold_9'})) or removeParentNode('font') ]][[ a['name'] ]] [[ a['type'] == 'view' and ( setTag('para','para',{'style':'terp_default_Right_9_Bold'})) or removeParentNode('font') ]] [[ a['code'] and formatLang(a['balance']) or removeParentNode('font') ]] [[ company.currency_id.symbol ]] [[ a['code1'] ]][[ a['type1'] == 'view' and ( setTag('para','para',{'style':'terp_default_Bold_9'})) or removeParentNode('font') ]] [[ '. '*(a['level1']-1) ]][[ a['type1'] == 'view' and ( setTag('para','para',{'style':'terp_default_Bold_9'})) or removeParentNode('font') ]][[ a['name1'] ]] [[ a['type1'] == 'view' and ( setTag('para','para',{'style':'terp_default_Right_9_Bold'})) or removeParentNode('font') ]] [[ a['code1'] and formatLang(a['balance1']) or removeParentNode('font') ]] [[ company.currency_id.symbol ]] [[ final_result()['type'] == get_trans('Net Profit') and final_result()['type'] or '' ]] [[ final_result()['balance'] and final_result()['type'] == get_trans('Net Profit') and formatLang(final_result()['balance']) ]] [[ company.currency_id.symbol ]] [[ final_result()['type'] == get_trans('Net Loss') and final_result()['type'] or '' ]] [[ final_result()['balance'] and final_result()['type'] == get_trans('Net Loss') and formatLang(final_result()['balance']) ]] [[ final_result()['balance'] and final_result()['type'] == get_trans('Net Loss') and company.currency_id.symbol ]] Total: [[ formatLang(sum_dr()) ]] [[ company.currency_id.symbol ]] Total: [[ formatLang(sum_cr()) ]] [[ company.currency_id.symbol ]]