# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- ########################################################################### # Module Writen to OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) OpenERP Venezuela (). # All Rights Reserved # Credits###################################################### # Coded by: Humberto Arocha humberto@openerp.com.ve # Angelica Barrios angelicaisabelb@gmail.com # Jordi Esteve # Javier Duran # Planified by: Humberto Arocha # Finance by: LUBCAN COL S.A.S http://www.lubcancol.com # Audited by: Humberto Arocha humberto@openerp.com.ve ############################################################################# # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . ############################################################################## import xml import copy from operator import itemgetter import time import datetime from report import report_sxw from tools import config from tools.translate import _ from osv import osv from openerp.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval as eval class account_balance(report_sxw.rml_parse): def __init__(self, cr, uid, name, context): super(account_balance, self).__init__(cr, uid, name, context) self.sum_debit = 0.00 self.sum_credit = 0.00 self.sum_balance = 0.00 self.sum_debit_fy = 0.00 self.sum_credit_fy = 0.00 self.sum_balance_fy = 0.00 self.date_lst = [] self.date_lst_string = '' self.localcontext.update({ 'time': time, 'lines': self.lines, 'get_fiscalyear_text': self.get_fiscalyear_text, 'get_periods_and_date_text': self.get_periods_and_date_text, 'get_informe_text': self.get_informe_text, 'get_month': self.get_month, 'exchange_name': self.exchange_name, 'get_vat_by_country': self.get_vat_by_country, }) self.context = context def get_vat_by_country(self, form): """ Return the vat of the partner by country """ rc_obj = self.pool.get('res.company') country_code=rc_obj.browse(self.cr, self.uid, form['company_id'][0]).partner_id.country_id.code or '' string_vat= rc_obj.browse(self.cr, self.uid, form['company_id'][0]).partner_id.vat or '' if string_vat: if country_code=='MX': return '%s' % (string_vat[2:]) elif country_code=='VE': return '- %s-%s-%s'%(string_vat[2:3],string_vat[3:11],string_vat[11:12]) else: return string_vat else: return _('\nVAT OF COMPANY NOT AVAILABLE') def get_fiscalyear_text(self, form): """ Returns the fiscal year text used on the report. """ fiscalyear_obj = self.pool.get('account.fiscalyear') fiscalyear = None if form.get('fiscalyear'): fiscalyear = fiscalyear_obj.browse( self.cr, self.uid, form['fiscalyear']) return fiscalyear.name or fiscalyear.code else: fiscalyear = fiscalyear_obj.browse( self.cr, self.uid, fiscalyear_obj.find(self.cr, self.uid)) return "%s*" % (fiscalyear.name or fiscalyear.code) def get_informe_text(self, form): """ Returns the header text used on the report. """ afr_id = form['afr_id'] and type(form['afr_id']) in ( list, tuple) and form['afr_id'][0] or form['afr_id'] if afr_id: name = self.pool.get('afr').browse(self.cr, self.uid, afr_id).name elif form['analytic_ledger'] and form['columns'] == 'four' and form['inf_type'] == 'BS': name = _('Analytic Ledger') elif form['inf_type'] == 'BS': name = _('Balance Sheet') elif form['inf_type'] == 'IS': name = _('Income Statement') return name def get_month(self, form): ''' return day, year and month ''' if form['filter'] in ['bydate', 'all']: months = ["Enero", "Febrero", "Marzo", "Abril", "Mayo", "Junio", "Julio", "Agosto", "Septiembre", "Octubre", "Noviembre", "Diciembre"] mes = months[time.strptime(form['date_to'], "%Y-%m-%d")[1]-1] ano = time.strptime(form['date_to'], "%Y-%m-%d")[0] dia = time.strptime(form['date_to'], "%Y-%m-%d")[2] return _('From ')+self.formatLang(form['date_from'], date=True) + _(' to ')+self.formatLang(form['date_to'], date=True) elif form['filter'] in ['byperiod', 'all']: aux = [] period_obj = self.pool.get('account.period') for period in period_obj.browse(self.cr, self.uid, form['periods']): aux.append(period.date_start) aux.append(period.date_stop) sorted(aux) return _('From ')+self.formatLang(aux[0], date=True)+_(' to ')+self.formatLang(aux[-1], date=True) def get_periods_and_date_text(self, form): """ Returns the text with the periods/dates used on the report. """ period_obj = self.pool.get('account.period') periods_str = None fiscalyear_id = form[ 'fiscalyear'] or fiscalyear_obj.find(self.cr, self.uid) period_ids = period_obj.search(self.cr, self.uid, [( 'fiscalyear_id', '=', fiscalyear_id), ('special', '=', False)]) if form['filter'] in ['byperiod', 'all']: period_ids = form['periods'] periods_str = ', '.join([period.name or period.code for period in period_obj.browse( self.cr, self.uid, period_ids)]) dates_str = None if form['filter'] in ['bydate', 'all']: dates_str = self.formatLang(form[ 'date_from'], date=True) + ' - ' + self.formatLang(form['date_to'], date=True) + ' ' return {'periods': periods_str, 'date': dates_str} def special_period(self, periods): period_obj = self.pool.get('account.period') period_brw = period_obj.browse(self.cr, self.uid, periods) period_counter = [True for i in period_brw if not i.special] if not period_counter: return True return False def exchange_name(self, form): self.from_currency_id = self.get_company_currency(form['company_id'] and type(form[ 'company_id']) in (list, tuple) and form['company_id'][0] or form['company_id']) if not form['currency_id']: self.to_currency_id = self.from_currency_id else: self.to_currency_id = form['currency_id'] and type(form['currency_id']) in ( list, tuple) and form['currency_id'][0] or form['currency_id'] return self.pool.get('res.currency').browse(self.cr, self.uid, self.to_currency_id).name def exchange(self, from_amount): if self.from_currency_id == self.to_currency_id: return from_amount curr_obj = self.pool.get('res.currency') return curr_obj.compute(self.cr, self.uid, self.from_currency_id, self.to_currency_id, from_amount) def get_company_currency(self, company_id): rc_obj = self.pool.get('res.company') return rc_obj.browse(self.cr, self.uid, company_id).currency_id.id def get_company_accounts(self, company_id, acc='credit'): rc_obj = self.pool.get('res.company') if acc == 'credit': return [brw.id for brw in rc_obj.browse(self.cr, self.uid, company_id).credit_account_ids] else: return [brw.id for brw in rc_obj.browse(self.cr, self.uid, company_id).debit_account_ids] def _get_partner_balance(self, account, init_period, ctx=None): rp_obj = self.pool.get('res.partner') res = [] ctx = ctx or {} if account['type'] in ('other', 'liquidity', 'receivable', 'payable'): sql_query = """ SELECT CASE WHEN aml.partner_id IS NOT NULL THEN (SELECT name FROM res_partner WHERE aml.partner_id = id) ELSE 'UNKNOWN' END AS partner_name, CASE WHEN aml.partner_id IS NOT NULL THEN aml.partner_id ELSE 0 END AS p_idx, SUM(aml.debit) AS debit, SUM(aml.credit) AS credit FROM account_move_line AS aml INNER JOIN account_account aa ON aa.id = aml.account_id INNER JOIN account_move am ON am.id = aml.move_id %s GROUP BY p_idx, partner_name ORDER BY partner_name""" WHERE_POSTED = '' if ctx.get('state','posted')=='posted': WHERE_POSTED = "AND am.state = 'posted'" cur_periods = ', '.join([str(i) for i in ctx['periods']]) init_periods = ', '.join([str(i) for i in init_period]) WHERE = """ WHERE aml.period_id IN (%s) AND aa.id = %s AND aml.state <> 'draft' """ % (init_periods, account['id']) query_init = sql_query%(WHERE+WHERE_POSTED) WHERE = """ WHERE aml.period_id IN (%s) AND aa.id = %s AND aml.state <> 'draft' """ % (cur_periods, account['id']) query_bal = sql_query%(WHERE+WHERE_POSTED) query = ''' SELECT vinit.partner_name, (vinit.debit - vinit.credit) AS balanceinit, vbal.debit, vbal.credit, (vinit.debit - vinit.credit + vbal.debit - vbal.credit) AS balance FROM (%s) vinit JOIN (%s) vbal ON vinit.p_idx = vbal.p_idx '''%(query_init,query_bal) # import pdb # pdb.set_trace() self.cr.execute(query) res_dict = self.cr.dictfetchall() balance = account['balanceinit'] for det in res_dict: res.append({ 'partner_name': det['partner_name'], 'balanceinit': det['balanceinit'], 'debit': det['debit'], 'credit': det['credit'], 'balance': det['balance'], }) return res def _get_analytic_ledger(self, account, ctx={}): res = [] if account['type'] in ('other', 'liquidity', 'receivable', 'payable'): #~ TODO: CUANDO EL PERIODO ESTE VACIO LLENARLO CON LOS PERIODOS DEL EJERCICIO #~ FISCAL, SIN LOS PERIODOS ESPECIALES periods = ', '.join([str(i) for i in ctx['periods']]) #~ periods = str(tuple(ctx['periods'])) where = """where aml.period_id in (%s) and aa.id = %s and aml.state <> 'draft'""" % ( periods, account['id']) if ctx.get('state','posted')=='posted': where += "AND am.state = 'posted'" sql_detalle = """select aml.id as id, aj.name as diario, aa.name as descripcion, (select name from res_partner where aml.partner_id = id) as partner, aa.code as cuenta, aml.name as name, aml.ref as ref, case when aml.debit is null then 0.00 else aml.debit end as debit, case when aml.credit is null then 0.00 else aml.credit end as credit, (select code from account_analytic_account where aml.analytic_account_id = id) as analitica, aml.date as date, ap.name as periodo, am.name as asiento from account_move_line aml inner join account_journal aj on aj.id = aml.journal_id inner join account_account aa on aa.id = aml.account_id inner join account_period ap on ap.id = aml.period_id inner join account_move am on am.id = aml.move_id """ + where +\ """ order by date, am.name""" self.cr.execute(sql_detalle) resultat = self.cr.dictfetchall() balance = account['balanceinit'] for det in resultat: balance += det['debit'] - det['credit'] res.append({ 'id': det['id'], 'date': det['date'], 'journal': det['diario'], 'partner': det['partner'], 'name': det['name'], 'entry': det['asiento'], 'ref': det['ref'], 'debit': det['debit'], 'credit': det['credit'], 'analytic': det['analitica'], 'period': det['periodo'], 'balance': balance, }) return res def _get_journal_ledger(self, account, ctx={}): res = [] am_obj = self.pool.get('account.move') print 'AM OBJ ', am_obj if account['type'] in ('other', 'liquidity', 'receivable', 'payable'): #~ TODO: CUANDO EL PERIODO ESTE VACIO LLENARLO CON LOS PERIODOS DEL EJERCICIO #~ FISCAL, SIN LOS PERIODOS ESPECIALES periods = ', '.join([str(i) for i in ctx['periods']]) #~ periods = str(tuple(ctx['periods'])) where = """where aml.period_id in (%s) and aa.id = %s and aml.state <> 'draft'""" % ( periods, account['id']) if ctx.get('state','posted')=='posted': where += "AND am.state = 'posted'" sql_detalle = """SELECT DISTINCT am.id as am_id, aj.name as diario, am.name as name, am.date as date, ap.name as periodo from account_move_line aml inner join account_journal aj on aj.id = aml.journal_id inner join account_account aa on aa.id = aml.account_id inner join account_period ap on ap.id = aml.period_id inner join account_move am on am.id = aml.move_id """ + where +\ """ order by date, am.name""" self.cr.execute(sql_detalle) resultat = self.cr.dictfetchall() for det in resultat: res.append({ 'am_id': det['am_id'], 'journal': det['diario'], 'name': det['name'], 'date': det['date'], 'period': det['periodo'], 'obj': am_obj.browse(self.cr,self.uid,det['am_id']) }) print 'ACCOUNT NAME', am_obj.browse(self.cr,self.uid,det['am_id']).name return res def lines(self, form, level=0): """ Returns all the data needed for the report lines (account info plus debit/credit/balance in the selected period and the full year) """ account_obj = self.pool.get('account.account') period_obj = self.pool.get('account.period') fiscalyear_obj = self.pool.get('account.fiscalyear') def _get_children_and_consol(cr, uid, ids, level, context={}, change_sign=False): aa_obj = self.pool.get('account.account') ids2 = [] for aa_brw in aa_obj.browse(cr, uid, ids, context): if aa_brw.child_id and aa_brw.level < level and aa_brw.type != 'consolidation': if not change_sign: ids2.append([aa_brw.id, True, False, aa_brw]) ids2 += _get_children_and_consol(cr, uid, [ x.id for x in aa_brw.child_id], level, context, change_sign=change_sign) if change_sign: ids2.append(aa_brw.id) else: ids2.append([aa_brw.id, False, True, aa_brw]) else: if change_sign: ids2.append(aa_brw.id) else: ids2.append([aa_brw.id, True, True, aa_brw]) return ids2 ############################################################################# # CONTEXT FOR ENDIND BALANCE # ####################################################################### def _ctx_end(ctx): ctx_end = ctx ctx_end['filter'] = form.get('filter', 'all') ctx_end['fiscalyear'] = fiscalyear.id #~ ctx_end['periods'] = period_obj.search(self.cr, self.uid, [('fiscalyear_id','=',fiscalyear.id),('special','=',False)]) if ctx_end['filter'] not in ['bydate', 'none']: special = self.special_period(form['periods']) else: special = False if form['filter'] in ['byperiod', 'all']: if special: ctx_end['periods'] = period_obj.search(self.cr, self.uid, [( 'id', 'in', form['periods'] or ctx_end.get('periods', False))]) else: ctx_end['periods'] = period_obj.search(self.cr, self.uid, [('id', 'in', form[ 'periods'] or ctx_end.get('periods', False)), ('special', '=', False)]) if form['filter'] in ['bydate', 'all', 'none']: ctx_end['date_from'] = form['date_from'] ctx_end['date_to'] = form['date_to'] return ctx_end.copy() def missing_period(ctx_init): ctx_init['fiscalyear'] = fiscalyear_obj.search(self.cr, self.uid, [('date_stop', '<', fiscalyear.date_start)], order='date_stop') and \ fiscalyear_obj.search(self.cr, self.uid, [( 'date_stop', '<', fiscalyear.date_start)], order='date_stop')[-1] or [] ctx_init['periods'] = period_obj.search(self.cr, self.uid, [( 'fiscalyear_id', '=', ctx_init['fiscalyear']), ('date_stop', '<', fiscalyear.date_start)]) return ctx_init ############################################################################# # CONTEXT FOR INITIAL BALANCE # ####################################################################### def _ctx_init(ctx): ctx_init = self.context.copy() ctx_init['filter'] = form.get('filter', 'all') ctx_init['fiscalyear'] = fiscalyear.id if form['filter'] in ['byperiod', 'all']: ctx_init['periods'] = form['periods'] if not ctx_init['periods']: ctx_init = missing_period(ctx_init.copy()) date_start = min([period.date_start for period in period_obj.browse( self.cr, self.uid, ctx_init['periods'])]) ctx_init['periods'] = period_obj.search(self.cr, self.uid, [( 'fiscalyear_id', '=', fiscalyear.id), ('date_stop', '<=', date_start)]) elif form['filter'] in ['bydate']: ctx_init['date_from'] = fiscalyear.date_start ctx_init['date_to'] = form['date_from'] ctx_init['periods'] = period_obj.search(self.cr, self.uid, [( 'fiscalyear_id', '=', fiscalyear.id), ('date_stop', '<=', ctx_init['date_to'])]) elif form['filter'] == 'none': ctx_init['periods'] = period_obj.search(self.cr, self.uid, [( 'fiscalyear_id', '=', fiscalyear.id), ('special', '=', True)]) date_start = min([period.date_start for period in period_obj.browse( self.cr, self.uid, ctx_init['periods'])]) ctx_init['periods'] = period_obj.search(self.cr, self.uid, [( 'fiscalyear_id', '=', fiscalyear.id), ('date_start', '<=', date_start), ('special', '=', True)]) return ctx_init.copy() def z(n): return abs(n) < 0.005 and 0.0 or n self.context['state'] = form['target_move'] or 'posted' self.from_currency_id = self.get_company_currency(form['company_id'] and type(form[ 'company_id']) in (list, tuple) and form['company_id'][0] or form['company_id']) if not form['currency_id']: self.to_currency_id = self.from_currency_id else: self.to_currency_id = form['currency_id'] and type(form['currency_id']) in ( list, tuple) and form['currency_id'][0] or form['currency_id'] if 'account_list' in form and form['account_list']: account_ids = form['account_list'] account_list= form['account_list'] del form['account_list'] credit_account_ids = self.get_company_accounts(form['company_id'] and type(form[ 'company_id']) in (list, tuple) and form['company_id'][0] or form['company_id'], 'credit') debit_account_ids = self.get_company_accounts(form['company_id'] and type(form[ 'company_id']) in (list, tuple) and form['company_id'][0] or form['company_id'], 'debit') if form.get('fiscalyear'): if type(form.get('fiscalyear')) in (list, tuple): fiscalyear = form['fiscalyear'] and form['fiscalyear'][0] elif type(form.get('fiscalyear')) in (int,): fiscalyear = form['fiscalyear'] fiscalyear = fiscalyear_obj.browse(self.cr, self.uid, fiscalyear) ################################################################ # Get the accounts # ################################################################ all_account_ids = _get_children_and_consol( self.cr, self.uid, account_ids, 100, self.context) account_ids = _get_children_and_consol(self.cr, self.uid, account_ids, form[ 'display_account_level'] and form['display_account_level'] or 100, self.context) credit_account_ids = _get_children_and_consol( self.cr, self.uid, credit_account_ids, 100, self.context, change_sign=True) debit_account_ids = _get_children_and_consol( self.cr, self.uid, debit_account_ids, 100, self.context, change_sign=True) credit_account_ids = list(set( credit_account_ids) - set(debit_account_ids)) # # Generate the report lines (checking each account) # tot_check = False if not form['periods']: form['periods'] = period_obj.search(self.cr, self.uid, [( 'fiscalyear_id', '=', fiscalyear.id), ('special', '=', False)], order='date_start asc') if not form['periods']: raise osv.except_osv(_('UserError'), _( 'The Selected Fiscal Year Does not have Regular Periods')) if form['columns'] == 'qtr': period_ids = period_obj.search(self.cr, self.uid, [( 'fiscalyear_id', '=', fiscalyear.id), ('special', '=', False)], order='date_start asc') a = 0 l = [] p = [] for x in period_ids: a += 1 if a < 3: l.append(x) else: l.append(x) p.append(l) l = [] a = 0 tot_bal1 = 0.0 tot_bal2 = 0.0 tot_bal3 = 0.0 tot_bal4 = 0.0 tot_bal5 = 0.0 elif form['columns'] == 'thirteen': period_ids = period_obj.search(self.cr, self.uid, [( 'fiscalyear_id', '=', fiscalyear.id), ('special', '=', False)], order='date_start asc') tot_bal1 = 0.0 tot_bal1 = 0.0 tot_bal2 = 0.0 tot_bal3 = 0.0 tot_bal4 = 0.0 tot_bal5 = 0.0 tot_bal6 = 0.0 tot_bal7 = 0.0 tot_bal8 = 0.0 tot_bal9 = 0.0 tot_bal10 = 0.0 tot_bal11 = 0.0 tot_bal12 = 0.0 tot_bal13 = 0.0 else: ctx_end = _ctx_end(self.context.copy()) tot_bin = 0.0 tot_deb = 0.0 tot_crd = 0.0 tot_ytd = 0.0 tot_eje = 0.0 res = {} result_acc = [] tot = {} ############################################################### # Calculations of credit, debit and balance, # without repeating operations. ############################################################### account_black_ids = account_obj.search(self.cr, self.uid, ( [('id', 'in', [i[0] for i in all_account_ids]), ('type', 'not in', ('view', 'consolidation'))])) account_not_black_ids = account_obj.search(self.cr, self.uid, ([('id', 'in', [ i[0] for i in all_account_ids]),('type', '=', 'view')])) acc_cons_ids = account_obj.search(self.cr, self.uid, ([('id', 'in', [ i[0] for i in all_account_ids]), ('type', 'in', ('consolidation',))])) account_consol_ids = acc_cons_ids and account_obj._get_children_and_consol( self.cr, self.uid, acc_cons_ids) or [] account_black_ids += account_obj.search(self.cr, self.uid, ( [('id', 'in', account_consol_ids ), ('type', 'not in', ('view', 'consolidation'))])) account_black_ids = list(set(account_black_ids)) c_account_not_black_ids = account_obj.search(self.cr, self.uid, ([ ('id', 'in', account_consol_ids), ('type', '=', 'view')])) delete_cons = False if c_account_not_black_ids: delete_cons = set(account_not_black_ids) & set(c_account_not_black_ids) and True or False account_not_black_ids = list(set(account_not_black_ids) - set(c_account_not_black_ids)) # This could be done quickly with a sql sentence account_not_black = account_obj.browse( self.cr, self.uid, account_not_black_ids) account_not_black.sort(key=lambda x: x.level) account_not_black.reverse() account_not_black_ids = [i.id for i in account_not_black] c_account_not_black = account_obj.browse( self.cr, self.uid, c_account_not_black_ids) c_account_not_black.sort(key=lambda x: x.level) c_account_not_black.reverse() c_account_not_black_ids = [i.id for i in c_account_not_black] if delete_cons: account_not_black_ids = c_account_not_black_ids + account_not_black_ids account_not_black = c_account_not_black + account_not_black else: acc_cons_brw = account_obj.browse( self.cr, self.uid, acc_cons_ids) acc_cons_brw.sort(key=lambda x: x.level) acc_cons_brw.reverse() acc_cons_ids = [i.id for i in acc_cons_brw] account_not_black_ids = c_account_not_black_ids + acc_cons_ids + account_not_black_ids account_not_black = c_account_not_black + acc_cons_brw + account_not_black all_account_period = {} # All accounts per period # Iteration limit depending on the number of columns if form['columns'] == 'thirteen': limit = 13 elif form['columns'] == 'qtr': limit = 5 else: limit = 1 for p_act in range(limit): if limit != 1: if p_act == limit-1: form['periods'] = period_ids else: if form['columns'] == 'thirteen': form['periods'] = [period_ids[p_act]] elif form['columns'] == 'qtr': form['periods'] = p[p_act] if form['inf_type'] == 'IS': ctx_to_use = _ctx_end(self.context.copy()) else: ctx_i = _ctx_init(self.context.copy()) ctx_to_use = _ctx_end(self.context.copy()) account_black = account_obj.browse( self.cr, self.uid, account_black_ids, ctx_to_use) if form['inf_type'] == 'BS': account_black_init = account_obj.browse( self.cr, self.uid, account_black_ids, ctx_i) #~ Black dict_black = {} for i in account_black: d = i.debit c = i.credit dict_black[i.id] = { 'obj': i, 'debit': d, 'credit': c, 'balance': d-c } if form['inf_type'] == 'BS': dict_black.get(i.id)['balanceinit'] = 0.0 # If the report is a balance sheet # Balanceinit values are added to the dictionary if form['inf_type'] == 'BS': for i in account_black_init: dict_black.get(i.id)['balanceinit'] = i.balance #~ Not black dict_not_black = {} for i in account_not_black: dict_not_black[i.id] = { 'obj': i, 'debit': 0.0, 'credit': 0.0, 'balance': 0.0} if form['inf_type'] == 'BS': dict_not_black.get(i.id)['balanceinit'] = 0.0 all_account = dict_black.copy( ) #It makes a copy because they modify for acc_id in account_not_black_ids: acc_childs = dict_not_black.get(acc_id).get('obj').type=='view' \ and dict_not_black.get(acc_id).get('obj').child_id \ or dict_not_black.get(acc_id).get('obj').child_consol_ids for child_id in acc_childs: if child_id.type == 'consolidation' and delete_cons: continue dict_not_black.get(acc_id)['debit'] += all_account.get( child_id.id).get('debit') dict_not_black.get(acc_id)['credit'] += all_account.get( child_id.id).get('credit') dict_not_black.get(acc_id)['balance'] += all_account.get( child_id.id).get('balance') if form['inf_type'] == 'BS': dict_not_black.get(acc_id)['balanceinit'] += all_account.get( child_id.id).get('balanceinit') all_account[acc_id] = dict_not_black[acc_id] if p_act == limit-1: all_account_period['all'] = all_account else: if form['columns'] == 'thirteen': all_account_period[p_act] = all_account elif form['columns'] == 'qtr': all_account_period[p_act] = all_account ############################################################### # End of the calculations of credit, debit and balance # ############################################################### for aa_id in account_ids: id = aa_id[0] if aa_id[3].type == 'consolidation' and delete_cons: continue # # Check if we need to include this level # if not form['display_account_level'] or aa_id[3].level <= form['display_account_level']: res = { 'id': id, 'type': aa_id[3].type, 'code': aa_id[3].code, 'name': (aa_id[2] and not aa_id[1]) and 'TOTAL %s' % (aa_id[3].name.upper()) or aa_id[3].name, 'parent_id': aa_id[3].parent_id and aa_id[3].parent_id.id, 'level': aa_id[3].level, 'label': aa_id[1], 'total': aa_id[2], 'change_sign': credit_account_ids and (id in credit_account_ids and -1 or 1) or 1 } if form['columns'] == 'qtr': for pn in range(1, 5): if form['inf_type'] == 'IS': d, c, b = map(z, [ all_account_period.get(pn-1).get(id).get('debit', 0.0), all_account_period.get(pn-1).get(id).get('credit', 0.0), all_account_period.get(pn-1).get(id).get('balance', 0.0)]) res.update({ 'dbr%s' % pn: self.exchange(d), 'cdr%s' % pn: self.exchange(c), 'bal%s' % pn: self.exchange(b), }) else: i, d, c = map(z, [ all_account_period.get(pn-1).get(id).get('balanceinit', 0.0), all_account_period.get(pn-1).get(id).get('debit', 0.0), all_account_period.get(pn-1).get(id).get('credit', 0.0)]) b = z(i+d-c) res.update({ 'dbr%s' % pn: self.exchange(d), 'cdr%s' % pn: self.exchange(c), 'bal%s' % pn: self.exchange(b), }) if form['inf_type'] == 'IS': d, c, b = map(z, [ all_account_period.get('all').get(id).get('debit', 0.0), all_account_period.get('all').get(id).get('credit',0.0), all_account_period.get('all').get(id).get('balance')]) res.update({ 'dbr5': self.exchange(d), 'cdr5': self.exchange(c), 'bal5': self.exchange(b), }) else: i, d, c = map(z, [ all_account_period.get('all').get(id).get('balanceinit', 0.0), all_account_period.get('all').get(id).get('debit', 0.0), all_account_period.get('all').get(id).get('credit',0.0)]) b = z(i+d-c) res.update({ 'dbr5': self.exchange(d), 'cdr5': self.exchange(c), 'bal5': self.exchange(b), }) elif form['columns'] == 'thirteen': pn = 1 for p_num in range(12): if form['inf_type'] == 'IS': d, c, b = map(z, [ all_account_period.get(p_num).get(id).get('debit', 0.0), all_account_period.get(p_num).get(id).get('credit', 0.0), all_account_period.get(p_num).get(id).get('balance', 0.0)]) res.update({ 'dbr%s' % pn: self.exchange(d), 'cdr%s' % pn: self.exchange(c), 'bal%s' % pn: self.exchange(b), }) else: i, d, c = map(z, [ all_account_period.get(p_num).get(id).get('balanceinit', 0.0), all_account_period.get(p_num).get(id).get('debit', 0.0), all_account_period.get(p_num).get(id).get('credit', 0.0)]) b = z(i+d-c) res.update({ 'dbr%s' % pn: self.exchange(d), 'cdr%s' % pn: self.exchange(c), 'bal%s' % pn: self.exchange(b), }) pn += 1 if form['inf_type'] == 'IS': d, c, b = map(z, [ all_account_period.get('all').get(id).get('debit', 0.0), all_account_period.get('all').get(id).get('credit', 0.0), all_account_period.get('all').get(id).get('balance', 0.0)]) res.update({ 'dbr13': self.exchange(d), 'cdr13': self.exchange(c), 'bal13': self.exchange(b), }) else: i, d, c = map(z, [ all_account_period.get('all').get(id).get('balanceinit', 0.0), all_account_period.get('all').get(id).get('debit', 0.0), all_account_period.get('all').get(id).get('credit', 0.0)]) b = z(i+d-c) res.update({ 'dbr13': self.exchange(d), 'cdr13': self.exchange(c), 'bal13': self.exchange(b), }) else: i, d, c = map(z, [ all_account_period.get('all').get(id).get('balanceinit', 0.0), all_account_period.get('all').get(id).get('debit', 0.0), all_account_period.get('all').get(id).get('credit', 0.0)]) b = z(i+d-c) res.update({ 'balanceinit': self.exchange(i), 'debit': self.exchange(d), 'credit': self.exchange(c), 'ytd': self.exchange(d-c), }) if form['inf_type'] == 'IS' and form['columns'] == 'one': res.update({ 'balance': self.exchange(d-c), }) else: res.update({ 'balance': self.exchange(b), }) # # Check whether we must include this line in the report or not # to_include = False if form['columns'] in ('thirteen', 'qtr'): to_test = [False] if form['display_account'] == 'mov' and aa_id[3].parent_id: # Include accounts with movements for x in range(pn-1): to_test.append(res.get( 'dbr%s' % x, 0.0) >= 0.005 and True or False) to_test.append(res.get( 'cdr%s' % x, 0.0) >= 0.005 and True or False) if any(to_test): to_include = True elif form['display_account'] == 'bal' and aa_id[3].parent_id: # Include accounts with balance for x in range(pn-1): to_test.append(res.get( 'bal%s' % x, 0.0) >= 0.005 and True or False) if any(to_test): to_include = True elif form['display_account'] == 'bal_mov' and aa_id[3].parent_id: # Include accounts with balance or movements for x in range(pn-1): to_test.append(res.get( 'bal%s' % x, 0.0) >= 0.005 and True or False) to_test.append(res.get( 'dbr%s' % x, 0.0) >= 0.005 and True or False) to_test.append(res.get( 'cdr%s' % x, 0.0) >= 0.005 and True or False) if any(to_test): to_include = True else: # Include all accounts to_include = True else: if form['display_account'] == 'mov' and aa_id[3].parent_id: # Include accounts with movements if abs(d) >= 0.005 or abs(c) >= 0.005: to_include = True elif form['display_account'] == 'bal' and aa_id[3].parent_id: # Include accounts with balance if abs(b) >= 0.005: to_include = True elif form['display_account'] == 'bal_mov' and aa_id[3].parent_id: # Include accounts with balance or movements if abs(b) >= 0.005 or abs(d) >= 0.005 or abs(c) >= 0.005: to_include = True else: # Include all accounts to_include = True #~ ANALYTIC LEDGER if to_include and form['analytic_ledger'] and form['columns'] == 'four' and form['inf_type'] == 'BS' and res['type'] in ('other', 'liquidity', 'receivable', 'payable'): res['mayor'] = self._get_analytic_ledger(res, ctx=ctx_end) elif to_include and form['journal_ledger'] and form['columns'] == 'four' and form['inf_type'] == 'BS' and res['type'] in ('other', 'liquidity', 'receivable', 'payable'): res['journal'] = self._get_journal_ledger(res, ctx=ctx_end) elif to_include and form['partner_balance'] and form['columns'] == 'four' and form['inf_type'] == 'BS' and res['type'] in ('other', 'liquidity', 'receivable', 'payable'): res['partner'] = self._get_partner_balance(res, ctx_i['periods'], ctx=ctx_end) else: res['mayor'] = [] if to_include: result_acc.append(res) # # Check whether we must sumarize this line in the report or not # if form['tot_check'] and (res['id'] in account_list) and (res['id'] not in tot): if form['columns'] == 'qtr': tot_check = True tot[res['id']] = True tot_bal1 += res.get('bal1', 0.0) tot_bal2 += res.get('bal2', 0.0) tot_bal3 += res.get('bal3', 0.0) tot_bal4 += res.get('bal4', 0.0) tot_bal5 += res.get('bal5', 0.0) elif form['columns'] == 'thirteen': tot_check = True tot[res['id']] = True tot_bal1 += res.get('bal1', 0.0) tot_bal2 += res.get('bal2', 0.0) tot_bal3 += res.get('bal3', 0.0) tot_bal4 += res.get('bal4', 0.0) tot_bal5 += res.get('bal5', 0.0) tot_bal6 += res.get('bal6', 0.0) tot_bal7 += res.get('bal7', 0.0) tot_bal8 += res.get('bal8', 0.0) tot_bal9 += res.get('bal9', 0.0) tot_bal10 += res.get('bal10', 0.0) tot_bal11 += res.get('bal11', 0.0) tot_bal12 += res.get('bal12', 0.0) tot_bal13 += res.get('bal13', 0.0) else: tot_check = True tot[res['id']] = True tot_bin += res['balanceinit'] tot_deb += res['debit'] tot_crd += res['credit'] tot_ytd += res['ytd'] tot_eje += res['balance'] if tot_check: str_label = form['lab_str'] res2 = { 'type': 'view', 'name': 'TOTAL %s' % (str_label), 'label': False, 'total': True, } if form['columns'] == 'qtr': res2.update(dict( bal1=z(tot_bal1), bal2=z(tot_bal2), bal3=z(tot_bal3), bal4=z(tot_bal4), bal5=z(tot_bal5),)) elif form['columns'] == 'thirteen': res2.update(dict( bal1=z(tot_bal1), bal2=z(tot_bal2), bal3=z(tot_bal3), bal4=z(tot_bal4), bal5=z(tot_bal5), bal6=z(tot_bal6), bal7=z(tot_bal7), bal8=z(tot_bal8), bal9=z(tot_bal9), bal10=z(tot_bal10), bal11=z(tot_bal11), bal12=z(tot_bal12), bal13=z(tot_bal13),)) else: res2.update({ 'balanceinit': tot_bin, 'debit': tot_deb, 'credit': tot_crd, 'ytd': tot_ytd, 'balance': tot_eje, }) result_acc.append(res2) return result_acc report_sxw.report_sxw('report.afr.1cols', 'wizard.report', 'account_financial_report/report/balance_full.rml', parser=account_balance, header=False) report_sxw.report_sxw('report.afr.2cols', 'wizard.report', 'account_financial_report/report/balance_full_2_cols.rml', parser=account_balance, header=False) report_sxw.report_sxw('report.afr.4cols', 'wizard.report', 'account_financial_report/report/balance_full_4_cols.rml', parser=account_balance, header=False) report_sxw.report_sxw('report.afr.analytic.ledger', 'wizard.report', 'account_financial_report/report/balance_full_4_cols_analytic_ledger.rml', parser=account_balance, header=False) report_sxw.report_sxw('report.afr.partner.balance', 'wizard.report', 'account_financial_report/report/balance_full_4_cols_partner_balance.rml', parser=account_balance, header=False) report_sxw.report_sxw('report.afr.journal.ledger', 'wizard.report', 'account_financial_report/report/balance_full_4_cols_journal_ledger.rml', parser=account_balance, header=False) report_sxw.report_sxw('report.afr.5cols', 'wizard.report', 'account_financial_report/report/balance_full_5_cols.rml', parser=account_balance, header=False) report_sxw.report_sxw('report.afr.qtrcols', 'wizard.report', 'account_financial_report/report/balance_full_qtr_cols.rml', parser=account_balance, header=False) report_sxw.report_sxw('report.afr.13cols', 'wizard.report', 'account_financial_report/report/balance_full_13_cols.rml', parser=account_balance, header=False)