# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # © 2015 Yannick Vaucher (Camptocamp) # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). from openerp import models, fields, api class FinancialReportLine(models.Model): _inherit = 'financial.report.line' _name = 'general.ledger.line' _description = "General Ledger report line" _auto = False _order = 'account_id, date' @api.depends('invoice_number', 'name') def _get_label(self): for rec in self: label = rec.name if rec.invoice_number: label += u' ({})'.format(rec.invoice_number) rec.label = label label = fields.Char(compute='_get_label', readonly=True, store=False) class GeneralLedgerReport(models.TransientModel): _name = 'report.account.report_generalledger_qweb' _inherit = 'account.report.common' @api.multi def _get_account_ids(self): res = False context = self.env.context if (context.get('active_model') == 'account.account' and context.get('active_ids')): res = context['active_ids'] return res name = fields.Char() initial_balance = fields.Integer() account_ids = fields.Many2many( 'account.account', string='Filter on accounts', default=_get_account_ids, help="Only selected accounts will be printed. Leave empty to " "print all accounts.") journal_ids = fields.Many2many( 'account.journal', string='Filter on jourvals', help="Only selected journals will be printed. Leave empty to " "print all journals.") balance_mode = fields.Selection( [('initial_balance', 'Initial balance'), ('opening_balance', 'Opening balance')] ) display_account = fields.Char() display_ledger_lines = fields.Boolean() display_initial_balance = fields.Boolean() MAPPING = { 'date_from': 'start_date', 'date_to': 'end_date', } @api.model def _get_values_from_wizard(self, data): """ Get values from wizard """ values = {} for key, val in data.iteritems(): if key in self.MAPPING: values[self.MAPPING[key]] = val elif key == 'fiscalyear': if val: values[key] = val[0] elif key == 'journal_ids': if val: values[key] = [(6, 0, val)] else: values[key] = val return values @api.multi def _get_centralized_move_ids(self, domain): """ Get last line of each selected centralized accounts """ # inverse search on centralized boolean to finish the search to get the # ids of last lines of centralized accounts # XXX USE DISTINCT to speed up ? domain = domain[:] centralize_index = domain.index(('centralized', '=', False)) domain[centralize_index] = ('centralized', '=', True) gl_lines = self.env['general.ledger.line'].search(domain) accounts = gl_lines.mapped('account_id') line_ids = [] for acc in accounts: acc_lines = gl_lines.filtered(lambda rec: rec.account_id == acc) line_ids.append(acc_lines[-1].id) return line_ids @api.multi def _get_moves_from_dates(self): domain = self._get_moves_from_dates_domain() if self.centralize: centralized_ids = self._get_centralized_move_ids(domain) if centralized_ids: domain.insert(0, '|') domain.append(('id', 'in', centralized_ids)) return self.env['general.ledger.line'].search(domain) @api.multi def render_html(self, data=None): report_name = 'account.report_generalledger_qweb' if data is None: return values = self._get_values_from_wizard(data['form']) report = self.create(values) report_lines = report._get_moves_from_dates() # TODO warning if no report_lines self.env['report']._get_report_from_name(report_name) docargs = { 'doc_ids': report.ids, 'doc_model': self._name, 'report_lines': report_lines, 'docs': report, # XXX 'has_currency': True } return self.env['report'].render(report_name, docargs)