# Author: Damien Crier # Author: Julien Coux # Copyright 2016 Camptocamp SA # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). from odoo import _, models class GeneralLedgerXslx(models.AbstractModel): _name = "report.a_f_r.report_general_ledger_xlsx" _description = "General Ledger XLSL Report" _inherit = "report.account_financial_report.abstract_report_xlsx" def _get_report_name(self, report, data=False): company_id = data.get("company_id", False) report_name = _("General Ledger") if company_id: company = self.env["res.company"].browse(company_id) suffix = " - {} - {}".format(company.name, company.currency_id.name) report_name = report_name + suffix return report_name def _get_report_columns(self, report): res = [ {"header": _("Date"), "field": "date", "width": 11}, {"header": _("Entry"), "field": "entry", "width": 18}, {"header": _("Journal"), "field": "journal", "width": 8}, {"header": _("Account"), "field": "account", "width": 9}, {"header": _("Taxes"), "field": "taxes_description", "width": 15}, {"header": _("Partner"), "field": "partner_name", "width": 25}, {"header": _("Ref - Label"), "field": "ref_label", "width": 40}, ] if report.show_cost_center: res += [ {"header": _("Cost center"), "field": "analytic_account", "width": 15}, ] if report.show_analytic_tags: res += [ {"header": _("Tags"), "field": "tags", "width": 10}, ] res += [ {"header": _("Rec."), "field": "rec_name", "width": 15}, { "header": _("Debit"), "field": "debit", "field_initial_balance": "initial_debit", "field_final_balance": "final_debit", "type": "amount", "width": 14, }, { "header": _("Credit"), "field": "credit", "field_initial_balance": "initial_credit", "field_final_balance": "final_credit", "type": "amount", "width": 14, }, { "header": _("Cumul. Bal."), "field": "balance", "field_initial_balance": "initial_balance", "field_final_balance": "final_balance", "type": "amount", "width": 14, }, ] if report.foreign_currency: res += [ { "header": _("Cur."), "field": "currency_name", "field_currency_balance": "currency_name", "type": "currency_name", "width": 7, }, { "header": _("Amount cur."), "field": "bal_curr", "field_initial_balance": "initial_bal_curr", "field_final_balance": "final_bal_curr", "type": "amount_currency", "width": 14, }, ] res_as_dict = {} for i, column in enumerate(res): res_as_dict[i] = column return res_as_dict def _get_report_filters(self, report): return [ [ _("Date range filter"), _("From: %s To: %s") % (report.date_from, report.date_to), ], [ _("Target moves filter"), _("All posted entries") if report.target_move == "all" else _("All entries"), ], [ _("Account balance at 0 filter"), _("Hide") if report.hide_account_at_0 else _("Show"), ], [_("Centralize filter"), _("Yes") if report.centralize else _("No")], [ _("Show analytic tags"), _("Yes") if report.show_analytic_tags else _("No"), ], [ _("Show foreign currency"), _("Yes") if report.foreign_currency else _("No"), ], ] def _get_col_count_filter_name(self): return 2 def _get_col_count_filter_value(self): return 2 def _get_col_pos_initial_balance_label(self): return 5 def _get_col_count_final_balance_name(self): return 5 def _get_col_pos_final_balance_label(self): return 5 # flake8: noqa: C901 def _generate_report_content(self, workbook, report, data): res_data = self.env[ "report.account_financial_report.general_ledger" ]._get_report_values(report, data) general_ledger = res_data["general_ledger"] accounts_data = res_data["accounts_data"] partners_data = res_data["partners_data"] journals_data = res_data["journals_data"] taxes_data = res_data["taxes_data"] tags_data = res_data["tags_data"] filter_partner_ids = res_data["filter_partner_ids"] foreign_currency = res_data["foreign_currency"] # For each account for account in general_ledger: # Write account title self.write_array_title( account["code"] + " - " + accounts_data[account["id"]]["name"] ) if not account["partners"]: # Display array header for move lines self.write_array_header() # Display initial balance line for account account.update( { "initial_debit": account["init_bal"]["debit"], "initial_credit": account["init_bal"]["credit"], "initial_balance": account["init_bal"]["balance"], } ) if foreign_currency: account.update( {"initial_bal_curr": account["init_bal"]["bal_curr"]} ) self.write_initial_balance_from_dict(account) # Display account move lines for line in account["move_lines"]: line.update( { "account": account["code"], "journal": journals_data[line["journal_id"]]["code"], } ) if line["currency_id"]: line.update( { "currency_name": line["currency_id"][1], "currency_id": line["currency_id"][0], } ) if line["ref_label"] != "Centralized entries": taxes_description = "" tags = "" for tax_id in line["tax_ids"]: taxes_description += taxes_data[tax_id]["tax_name"] + " " for tag_id in line["tag_ids"]: tags += tags_data[tag_id]["name"] + " " line.update( {"taxes_description": taxes_description, "tags": tags,} ) self.write_line_from_dict(line) # Display ending balance line for account account.update( { "final_debit": account["fin_bal"]["debit"], "final_credit": account["fin_bal"]["credit"], "final_balance": account["fin_bal"]["balance"], } ) if foreign_currency: account.update( {"final_bal_curr": account["fin_bal"]["bal_curr"],} ) self.write_ending_balance_from_dict(account) else: # For each partner for partner in account["list_partner"]: # Write partner title self.write_array_title(partners_data[partner["id"]]["name"]) # Display array header for move lines self.write_array_header() # Display initial balance line for partner partner.update( { "initial_debit": partner["init_bal"]["debit"], "initial_credit": partner["init_bal"]["credit"], "initial_balance": partner["init_bal"]["balance"], "name": partners_data[partner["id"]]["name"], "type": "partner", "currency_id": accounts_data[account["id"]]["currency_id"], } ) if foreign_currency: partner.update( {"initial_bal_curr": partner["init_bal"]["bal_curr"],} ) self.write_initial_balance_from_dict(partner) # Display account move lines for line in partner["move_lines"]: line.update( { "account": account["code"], "journal": journals_data[line["journal_id"]]["code"], } ) if line["currency_id"]: line.update( { "currency_name": line["currency_id"][1], "currency_id": line["currency_id"][0], } ) if line["ref_label"] != "Centralized entries": taxes_description = "" tags = "" for tax_id in line["tax_ids"]: taxes_description += ( taxes_data[tax_id]["tax_name"] + " " ) for tag_id in line["tag_ids"]: tags += tags_data[tag_id]["name"] + " " line.update( {"taxes_description": taxes_description, "tags": tags,} ) self.write_line_from_dict(line) # Display ending balance line for partner partner.update( { "final_debit": partner["fin_bal"]["debit"], "final_credit": partner["fin_bal"]["credit"], "final_balance": partner["fin_bal"]["balance"], } ) if foreign_currency and partner["currency_id"]: partner.update( { "final_bal_curr": partner["fin_bal"]["bal_curr"], "currency_name": partner["currency_id"].name, "currency_id": partner["currency_id"].id, } ) self.write_ending_balance_from_dict(partner) # Line break self.row_pos += 1 if not filter_partner_ids: account.update( { "final_debit": account["fin_bal"]["debit"], "final_credit": account["fin_bal"]["credit"], "final_balance": account["fin_bal"]["balance"], } ) if foreign_currency and account["currency_id"]: account.update( { "final_bal_curr": account["fin_bal"]["bal_curr"], "currency_name": account["currency_id"].name, "currency_id": account["currency_id"].id, } ) self.write_ending_balance_from_dict(account) # 2 lines break self.row_pos += 2 def write_initial_balance_from_dict(self, my_object): """Specific function to write initial balance for General Ledger""" if "partner" in my_object["type"]: label = _("Partner Initial balance") elif "account" in my_object["type"]: label = _("Initial balance") super(GeneralLedgerXslx, self).write_initial_balance_from_dict(my_object, label) def write_ending_balance_from_dict(self, my_object): """Specific function to write ending balance for General Ledger""" if "partner" in my_object["type"]: name = my_object["name"] label = _("Partner ending balance") elif "account" in my_object["type"]: name = my_object["code"] + " - " + my_object["name"] label = _("Ending balance") super(GeneralLedgerXslx, self).write_ending_balance_from_dict( my_object, name, label )