# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # © 2016 Therp BV SA/NV () # License AGPL-3.0 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). from openerp import api, fields, models, exceptions class MisReportKpiStyle(models.Model): _name = 'mis.report.kpi.style' # TODO use WEB WIdget color picker name = fields.Char(string='style name', required=True) @api.depends('indent_level') def check_positive_val(self): return self.indent_level > 0 _font_style_selection = [ ('normal', 'Normal'), ('italic', 'Italic'), ] _font_weight_selection = [ ('nornal', 'Normal'), ('bold', 'Bold'), ] _font_size_selection = [ ('medium', ''), ('xx-small', 'xx-small'), ('x-small', 'x-small'), ('small', 'small'), ('large', 'large'), ('x-large', 'x-large'), ('xx-large', 'xx-large'), ] _font_size_to_size = { 'medium': 11, 'xx-small': 5, 'x-small': 7, 'small': 9, 'large': 13, 'x-large': 15, 'xx-large': 17 } color = fields.Char( required=True, help='Line color in valid RGB code (from #000000 to #FFFFFF)', ) background_color = fields.Char( required=True, help='Line color in valid RGB code (from #000000 to #FFFFFF)' ) font_style = fields.Selection( selection=_font_style_selection, ) font_weight = fields.Selection( selection=_font_weight_selection ) font_size = fields.Selection( selection=_font_size_selection ) indent_level = fields.Integer() @api.multi def font_size_to_size(self): self.ensure_one() return self._font_size_to_size.get(self.font_size, 11) @api.multi def to_xlsx_format_properties(self): self.ensure_one() props = { 'italic': self.font_style == 'italic', 'bold': self.font_weight == 'bold', 'font_color': self.color, 'bg_color': self.background_color, 'indent': self.indent_level, 'size': self.font_size_to_size() } return props @api.multi def to_css_style(self): self.ensure_one() css_attributes = [ ('font-style', self.font_style), ('font-weight', self.font_weight), ('font-size', self.font_size), ('color', self.color), ('background-color', self.background_color), ('indent-level', str(self.indent_level)) ] css_list = [ x[0] + ':' + x[1] for x in css_attributes if x[1] ] return ';'.join(css_item for css_item in css_list)