############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # This module copyright (C) 2004-2009 Tiny SPRL (), # Copyright (C) 2012 Therp BV (), # Copyright (C) 2013 Agile Business Group sagl # () () # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################## import time import pooler from report import report_sxw from common_report_header import common_report_header from tools.translate import _ class report_pl_account_horizontal(report_sxw.rml_parse, common_report_header): def __init__(self, cr, uid, name, context=None): super(report_pl_account_horizontal, self).__init__( cr, uid, name, context=context) self.result_sum_dr = 0.0 self.result_sum_cr = 0.0 self.res_pl = {} self.result = {} self.result_temp = [] self.localcontext.update({ 'time': time, 'get_lines': self.get_lines, 'get_lines_another': self.get_lines_another, 'get_data': self.get_data, 'sum_dr': self.sum_dr, 'sum_cr': self.sum_cr, 'final_result': self.final_result, 'get_fiscalyear': self._get_fiscalyear, 'get_account': self._get_account, 'get_start_period': self.get_start_period, 'get_end_period': self.get_end_period, 'get_sortby': self._get_sortby, 'get_filter': self._get_filter, 'get_start_date': self._get_start_date, 'get_end_date': self._get_end_date, 'get_target_move': self._get_target_move, 'get_trans': self._get_trans }) self.context = context def set_context(self, objects, data, ids, report_type=None): new_ids = ids if (data['model'] == 'ir.ui.menu'): new_ids = 'chart_account_id' in data['form'] and data['form'][ 'chart_account_id'] and [data['form'][ 'chart_account_id'][0]] or [] objects = self.pool.get('account.account').browse( self.cr, self.uid, new_ids) lang_dict = self.pool.get('res.users').read( self.cr, self.uid, self.uid, ['context_lang']) data['lang'] = lang_dict.get('context_lang') or False return super(report_pl_account_horizontal, self).set_context( objects, data, new_ids, report_type=report_type) def final_result(self): return self.res_pl def sum_dr(self): if self.res_pl['type'] == _('Net Profit'): self.result_sum_dr += self.res_pl['balance'] return self.result_sum_dr def sum_cr(self): if self.res_pl['type'] == _('Net Loss'): self.result_sum_cr += self.res_pl['balance'] return self.result_sum_cr def _get_trans(self, source): return _(source) def get_data(self, data): def get_account_repr(account, account_type): return { 'code': account.code, 'name': account.name, 'level': account.level, 'balance': account.balance and ( account_type == 'income' and -1 or 1) * account.balance, 'type': account.type, } cr, uid = self.cr, self.uid db_pool = pooler.get_pool(self.cr.dbname) account_pool = db_pool.get('account.account') currency_pool = db_pool.get('res.currency') types = [ 'expense', 'income' ] ctx = self.context.copy() ctx['fiscalyear'] = data['form'].get('fiscalyear_id', False) if ctx['fiscalyear']: ctx['fiscalyear'] = ctx['fiscalyear'][0] if data['form']['filter'] == 'filter_period': ctx['periods'] = data['form'].get('periods', False) elif data['form']['filter'] == 'filter_date': ctx['date_from'] = data['form'].get('date_from', False) ctx['date_to'] = data['form'].get('date_to', False) ctx['state'] = data['form'].get('target_move', 'all') cal_list = {} account_id = data['form'].get('chart_account_id', False) if account_id: account_id = account_id[0] account_ids = account_pool._get_children_and_consol( cr, uid, account_id, context=ctx) accounts = account_pool.browse(cr, uid, account_ids, context=ctx) for typ in types: accounts_temp = [] for account in accounts: if (account.user_type.report_type) and ( account.user_type.report_type == typ ): currency = ( account.currency_id and account.currency_id or account.company_id.currency_id) if typ == 'expense' and account.type != 'view' and ( account.debit != account.credit ): self.result_sum_dr += account.debit - account.credit if typ == 'income' and account.type != 'view' and ( account.debit != account.credit ): self.result_sum_cr += account.credit - account.debit if data['form']['display_account'] == 'bal_movement': if ( not currency_pool.is_zero( self.cr, self.uid, currency, account.credit) ) or ( not currency_pool.is_zero( self.cr, self.uid, currency, account.debit) ) or ( not currency_pool.is_zero( self.cr, self.uid, currency, account.balance) ): accounts_temp.append( get_account_repr(account, typ)) elif data['form']['display_account'] == 'bal_solde': if not currency_pool.is_zero( self.cr, self.uid, currency, account.balance ): accounts_temp.append( get_account_repr(account, typ)) else: accounts_temp.append(get_account_repr(account, typ)) if self.result_sum_dr > self.result_sum_cr: self.res_pl['type'] = _('Net Loss') self.res_pl['balance'] = ( self.result_sum_dr - self.result_sum_cr) else: self.res_pl['type'] = _('Net Profit') self.res_pl['balance'] = ( self.result_sum_cr - self.result_sum_dr) self.result[typ] = accounts_temp cal_list[typ] = self.result[typ] if cal_list: temp = {} for i in range( 0, max(len(cal_list['expense']), len(cal_list['income'])) ): if i < len(cal_list['expense']) and i < len( cal_list['income'] ): temp = { 'code': cal_list['expense'][i]['code'], 'name': cal_list['expense'][i]['name'], 'level': cal_list['expense'][i]['level'], 'balance': cal_list['expense'][i]['balance'], 'type': cal_list['expense'][i]['type'], 'code1': cal_list['income'][i]['code'], 'name1': cal_list['income'][i]['name'], 'level1': cal_list['income'][i]['level'], 'balance1': cal_list['income'][i]['balance'], 'type1': cal_list['income'][i]['type'], } self.result_temp.append(temp) else: if i < len(cal_list['income']): temp = { 'code': '', 'name': '', 'level': False, 'balance': False, 'type': False, 'code1': cal_list['income'][i]['code'], 'name1': cal_list['income'][i]['name'], 'level1': cal_list['income'][i]['level'], 'balance1': cal_list['income'][i]['balance'], 'type1': cal_list['income'][i]['type'], } self.result_temp.append(temp) if i < len(cal_list['expense']): temp = { 'code': cal_list['expense'][i]['code'], 'name': cal_list['expense'][i]['name'], 'level': cal_list['expense'][i]['level'], 'balance': cal_list['expense'][i]['balance'], 'type': cal_list['expense'][i]['type'], 'code1': '', 'name1': '', 'level1': False, 'balance1': False, 'type1': False, } self.result_temp.append(temp) return None def get_lines(self): return self.result_temp def get_lines_another(self, group): return self.result.get(group, []) report_sxw.report_sxw( 'report.account.profit_horizontal', 'account.account', 'addons/account_financial_report_horizontal/report/' 'account_profit_horizontal.rml', parser=report_pl_account_horizontal, header='internal landscape') report_sxw.report_sxw( 'report.account.profit_loss', 'account.account', 'addons/account_financial_report_horizontal/report/' 'account_profit_loss.rml', parser=report_pl_account_horizontal, header='internal') # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4: