<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <!-- Copyright 2018 ForgeFlow, S.L. (https://www.forgeflow.com) License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). --> <odoo> <template id="partner_statement.activity_statement_document"> <t t-call="web.external_layout"> <t t-set="o" t-value="o.with_context({'lang': lang})" /> <t t-set="address"> <address t-esc="get_inv_addr(o)" t-options='{"widget": "contact", "fields": ["address", "name"], "no_marker": True}' /> <div t-if="o.vat" class="mt16"><t t-esc="company.country_id.vat_label or 'Tax ID'" />: <span t-field="o.vat" /></div> </t> <div class="page"> <h2>Statement of Account</h2> <div id="informations" class="row mt32 mb32"> <div class="col-3 bm-2"> <strong>Date:</strong> <p t-esc="d['today']" class="m-0" /> </div> <div t-if="o.ref" class="col-3 bm-2"> <strong>Partner Code:</strong> <p t-field="o.ref" class="m-0" /> </div> </div> <t t-if="d['currencies']"> <br /> <t t-foreach="d['currencies'].items()" t-as="currency"> <t t-set="display_currency" t-value="Currencies[currency[0]]" /> <t t-set="currency" t-value="currency[1]" /> <p> <span t-if="account_type == 'payable'" >Supplier </span>Statement between <span t-esc="d['start']" /> and <span t-esc="d['end']" /> in <span t-esc="display_currency.name" /> </p> <table class="table table-condensed table-statement"> <thead> <tr> <th>Reference number</th> <th>Date</th> <th>Description</th> <th class="amount">Amount</th> <th class="amount">Balance</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td /> <td> <span t-esc="d['start']" /> </td> <td> Balance Forward </td> <td /> <td class="amount"> <span t-esc="currency['balance_forward']" t-options="{'widget': 'monetary', 'display_currency': display_currency}" /> </td> </tr> <tr t-foreach="currency['lines']" t-as="line" t-att-class="'statement-blocked' if line['blocked'] else ''" > <td> <span t-esc="line['move_id']" /> </td> <td> <span t-esc="line['date']" /> </td> <td> <t t-if="line['name'] != '/'"> <t t-if="not line['ref']"> <span t-esc="line['name']" /> </t> <t t-if="line['ref'] and line['name']"> <t t-if="line['name'] not in line['ref']" > <span t-esc="line['name']" /> </t> <t t-if="line['ref'] not in line['name']" > <span t-esc="line['ref']" /> </t> <t t-if="line['name'] == line['ref']"> <span t-esc="line['name']" /> </t> </t> </t> <t t-if="line['name'] == '/'"> <span t-if="line['ref'] == 'Payment'" >Payment</span> <span t-else="" t-esc="line['ref']" /> </t> </td> <td class="amount"> <span t-esc="line['amount']" t-options="{'widget': 'monetary', 'display_currency': display_currency}" /> </td> <td class="amount"> <span t-esc="line['balance']" t-options="{'widget': 'monetary', 'display_currency': display_currency}" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td /> <td> <span t-esc="d['end']" /> </td> <td> Ending Balance </td> <td /> <td class="amount"> <span t-esc="currency['amount_due']" t-options="{'widget': 'monetary', 'display_currency': display_currency}" /> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <t t-call="partner_statement.aging_buckets" t-if="currency['buckets']" /> </t> </t> <p t-if="d.get('no_entries')"> <strong>The partner doesn't have due entries.</strong> </p> </div> </t> </template> <template id="activity_statement"> <t t-call="web.html_container"> <t t-foreach="docs" t-as="o"> <t t-set="d" t-value="data.get(o.id)" /> <t t-call="partner_statement.activity_statement_document" t-lang="o.lang" /> </t> </t> </template> <report id="action_print_activity_statement" model="res.partner" report_type="qweb-pdf" menu="False" string="Activity Statement" name="partner_statement.activity_statement" file="partner_statement.activity_statement" /> </odoo>