# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # # Copyright (c) 2014 Noviat nv/sa (www.noviat.com). All rights reserved. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################## import time from openerp.report import report_sxw from openerp.tools.translate import translate, _ import logging _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _ir_translation_name = 'nov.account.journal.print' class nov_journal_print(report_sxw.rml_parse): def set_context(self, objects, data, ids, report_type=None): #_logger.warn('set_context, objects = %s, data = %s, ids = %s', objects, data, ids) super(nov_journal_print, self).set_context(objects, data, ids) j_obj = self.pool.get('account.journal') p_obj = self.pool.get('account.period') fy_obj = self.pool.get('account.fiscalyear') self.sort_selection = data['sort_selection'] if data['target_move'] == 'posted': self.move_states = ['posted'] else: self.move_states = ['draft', 'posted'] self.display_currency = self.localcontext['display_currency'] = data['display_currency'] self.group_entries = data['group_entries'] self.print_by = data['print_by'] self.report_type = report_type if self.print_by == 'period': journal_period_ids = data['journal_period_ids'] objects = [] for jp in journal_period_ids: journal = j_obj.browse(self.cr, self.uid, jp[0], self.context) periods = p_obj.browse(self.cr, self.uid, jp[1], self.context) objects.extend([(journal, period) for period in periods]) self.localcontext['objects'] = self.objects = objects else: journal_fy_ids = data['journal_fy_ids'] objects = [] for jf in journal_fy_ids: journal = j_obj.browse(self.cr, self.uid, jf[0], self.context) fiscalyear = fy_obj.browse(self.cr, self.uid, jf[1], self.context) objects.append((journal, fiscalyear)) self.localcontext['objects'] = self.objects = objects def __init__(self, cr, uid, name, context): if context is None: context = {} super(nov_journal_print, self).__init__(cr, uid, name, context=context) self.localcontext.update({ 'time': time, 'title': self._title, 'amount_title': self._amount_title, 'lines': self._lines, 'sum1': self._sum1, 'sum2': self._sum2, 'tax_codes': self._tax_codes, 'sum_vat': self._sum_vat, '_': self._, }) self.context = context def _(self, src): lang = self.context.get('lang', 'en_US') return translate(self.cr, _ir_translation_name, 'report', lang, src) or src def _title(self, object): return ((self.print_by == 'period' and self._('Period') or self._('Fiscal Year')) + ' ' + object[1].name, object[0].name) def _amount_title(self): return self.display_currency and (self._('Amount'), self._('Currency')) or (self._('Debit'), self._('Credit')) def _lines(self, object): j_obj = self.pool.get('account.journal') _ = self._ journal = object[0] journal_id = journal.id if self.print_by == 'period': period = object[1] period_id = period.id period_ids = [period_id] # update status period ids_journal_period = self.pool.get('account.journal.period').search(self.cr, self.uid, [('journal_id', '=', journal_id), ('period_id', '=', period_id)]) if ids_journal_period: self.cr.execute( 'update account_journal_period set state=%s where journal_id=%s and period_id=%s and state=%s', ('printed', journal_id, period_id, 'draft')) else: self.pool.get('account.journal.period').create(self.cr, self.uid, { 'name': (journal.code or journal.name) + ':' + (period.name or ''), 'journal_id': journal.id, 'period_id': period.id, 'state': 'printed', }) _logger.error("The Entry for Period '%s', Journal '%s' was missing in 'account.journal.period' and has been fixed now !", period.name, journal.name) else: fiscalyear = object[1] period_ids = [x.id for x in fiscalyear.period_ids] select_extra, join_extra, where_extra = j_obj._report_xls_query_extra(self.cr, self.uid, self.context) self.cr.execute("SELECT l.move_id AS move_id, l.id AS aml_id, " "am.name AS move_name, coalesce(am.ref,'') AS move_ref, am.date AS move_date, " "aa.id AS account_id, aa.code AS acc_code, " "coalesce(rp.name,'') AS partner_name, coalesce(rp.ref,'') AS partner_ref, rp.id AS partner_id, " "coalesce(l.name,'') AS aml_name, " "l.date_maturity AS date_maturity, " "coalesce(ap.code, ap.name) AS period, " "coalesce(atc.code,'') AS tax_code, atc.id AS tax_code_id, coalesce(l.tax_amount,0.0) AS tax_amount, " "coalesce(l.debit,0.0) AS debit, coalesce(l.credit,0.0) AS credit, " "coalesce(amr.name,'') AS reconcile, coalesce(amrp.name,'') AS reconcile_partial, " "coalesce(l.amount_currency,0.0) AS amount_currency, " "rc.id AS currency_id, rc.name AS currency_name, rc.symbol AS currency_symbol, " "coalesce(ai.internal_number,'-') AS inv_number, coalesce(abs.name,'-') AS st_number, coalesce(av.number,'-') AS voucher_number " + select_extra + "FROM account_move_line l " "INNER JOIN account_move am ON l.move_id = am.id " "INNER JOIN account_account aa ON l.account_id = aa.id " "INNER JOIN account_period ap ON l.period_id = ap.id " "LEFT OUTER JOIN account_invoice ai ON ai.move_id = am.id " "LEFT OUTER JOIN account_voucher av ON av.move_id = am.id " "LEFT OUTER JOIN account_bank_statement abs ON l.statement_id = abs.id " "LEFT OUTER JOIN res_partner rp ON l.partner_id = rp.id " "LEFT OUTER JOIN account_tax_code atc ON l.tax_code_id = atc.id " "LEFT OUTER JOIN account_move_reconcile amr ON l.reconcile_id = amr.id " "LEFT OUTER JOIN account_move_reconcile amrp ON l.reconcile_partial_id = amrp.id " "LEFT OUTER JOIN res_currency rc ON l.currency_id = rc.id " + join_extra + "WHERE l.period_id IN %s AND l.journal_id = %s " "AND am.state IN %s " + where_extra + "ORDER BY " + self.sort_selection + ", move_date, move_id, acc_code", (tuple(period_ids), journal_id, tuple(self.move_states))) lines = self.cr.dictfetchall() # add reference of corresponding origin document if journal.type in ('sale', 'sale_refund', 'purchase', 'purchase_refund'): [x.update({'docname': (_('Invoice') + ': ' + x['inv_number']) or (_('Voucher') + ': ' + x['voucher_number']) or '-'}) for x in lines] elif journal.type in ('bank', 'cash'): [x.update({'docname': (_('Statement') + ': ' + x['st_number']) or (_('Voucher') + ': ' + x['voucher_number']) or '-'}) for x in lines] else: code_string = j_obj._report_xls_document_extra(self.cr, self.uid, self.context) #_logger.warn('code_string= %s', code_string) [x.update({'docname': eval(code_string) or '-'}) for x in lines] # group lines if self.group_entries: lines = self._group_lines(lines) # format debit, credit, amount_currency for pdf report if self.display_currency and self.report_type == 'pdf': curr_obj = self.pool.get('res.currency') [x.update({ 'amount1': self.formatLang(x['debit'] - x['credit']), 'amount2': self.formatLang(x['amount_currency'], monetary=True, currency_obj=curr_obj.browse(self.cr, self.uid, x['currency_id'])), }) for x in lines] else: [x.update({'amount1': self.formatLang(x['debit']), 'amount2': self.formatLang(x['credit'])}) for x in lines] # insert a flag in every move_line to indicate the end of a move # this flag will be used to draw a full line between moves for cnt in range(len(lines) - 1): if lines[cnt]['move_id'] != lines[cnt + 1]['move_id']: lines[cnt]['draw_line'] = 1 else: lines[cnt]['draw_line'] = 0 lines[-1]['draw_line'] = 1 return lines def _group_lines(self, lines_in): _ = self._ def group_move(lines_in): if len(lines_in) == 1: return lines_in lines_grouped = {} for line in lines_in: key = (line['account_id'], line['tax_code_id'], line['partner_id']) if not key in lines_grouped: lines_grouped[key] = line else: lines_grouped[key]['debit'] += line['debit'] lines_grouped[key]['credit'] += line['credit'] lines_grouped[key]['tax_amount'] += line['tax_amount'] lines_grouped[key]['aml_name'] = _('Grouped Entries') lines_out = lines_grouped.values() lines_out.sort(key=lambda x: x['acc_code']) return lines_out lines_out = [] grouped_lines = [lines_in[0]] move_id = lines_in[0]['move_id'] line_cnt = len(lines_in) for i in range(1, line_cnt): line = lines_in[i] if line['move_id'] == move_id: grouped_lines.append(line) if i == line_cnt - 1: lines_out += group_move(grouped_lines) else: lines_out += group_move(grouped_lines) grouped_lines = [line] move_id = line['move_id'] return lines_out def _tax_codes(self, object): journal_id = object[0].id if self.print_by == 'period': period_id = object[1].id period_ids = [period_id] else: fiscalyear = object[1] period_ids = [x.id for x in fiscalyear.period_ids] self.cr.execute( "SELECT distinct tax_code_id FROM account_move_line l " "INNER JOIN account_move am ON l.move_id = am.id " "WHERE l.period_id in %s AND l.journal_id=%s AND l.tax_code_id IS NOT NULL AND am.state IN %s", (tuple(period_ids), journal_id, tuple(self.move_states))) ids = map(lambda x: x[0], self.cr.fetchall()) if ids: self.cr.execute('SELECT id FROM account_tax_code WHERE id IN %s ORDER BY code', (tuple(ids),)) tax_code_ids = map(lambda x: x[0], self.cr.fetchall()) else: tax_code_ids = [] tax_codes = self.pool.get('account.tax.code').browse(self.cr, self.uid, tax_code_ids, self.context) return tax_codes def _totals(self, field, object, tax_code_id=None): journal_id = object[0].id if self.print_by == 'period': period_id = object[1].id period_ids = [period_id] else: fiscalyear = object[1] period_ids = [x.id for x in fiscalyear.period_ids] select = "SELECT sum(" + field + ") FROM account_move_line l " \ "INNER JOIN account_move am ON l.move_id = am.id " \ "WHERE l.period_id IN %s AND l.journal_id=%s AND am.state IN %s" if field == 'tax_amount': select += " AND tax_code_id=%s" % tax_code_id self.cr.execute(select, (tuple(period_ids), journal_id, tuple(self.move_states))) return self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0 def _sum1(self, object): return self._totals('debit', object) def _sum2(self, object): if self.display_currency: return '' else: return self._totals('credit', object) def _sum_vat(self, object, tax_code): return self._totals('tax_amount', object, tax_code.id) def formatLang(self, value, digits=None, date=False, date_time=False, grouping=True, monetary=False, dp=False, currency_obj=False): if isinstance(value, (float, int)) and not value: return '' else: return super(nov_journal_print, self).formatLang(value, digits, date, date_time, grouping, monetary, dp, currency_obj) report_sxw.report_sxw('report.nov.account.journal.print', 'account.journal', 'addons/account_journal_report_xls/report/nov_account_journal.rml', parser=nov_journal_print, header=False) # 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