# Copyright 2016 Lorenzo Battistini - Agile Business Group # Copyright 2016 Antonio Espinosa # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). from odoo import api, fields, models class AccountTax(models.Model): _inherit = "account.tax" balance = fields.Float(string="Total Balance", compute="_compute_balance") base_balance = fields.Float(string="Total Base Balance", compute="_compute_balance") balance_regular = fields.Float(string="Balance", compute="_compute_balance") base_balance_regular = fields.Float( string="Base Balance", compute="_compute_balance" ) balance_refund = fields.Float(string="Balance Refund", compute="_compute_balance") base_balance_refund = fields.Float( string="Base Balance Refund", compute="_compute_balance" ) def get_context_values(self): context = self.env.context actual_company_id = context.get("company_id", self.env.company.id) return ( context.get("from_date", fields.Date.context_today(self)), context.get("to_date", fields.Date.context_today(self)), context.get("company_ids", [actual_company_id]), context.get("target_move", "posted"), ) @api.model def _is_unsupported_search_operator(self, operator): return operator != "=" def _compute_regular_and_refund(self, total): tax_ids = total.keys() total_refund = {} total_regular = {} for tax_id in tax_ids: total_refund[tax_id] = 0.0 total_regular[tax_id] = 0.0 move_types = total[tax_id].keys() for move_type in move_types: if move_type in ["receivable_refund", "payable_refund"]: total_refund[tax_id] += total[tax_id][move_type] else: total_regular[tax_id] += total[tax_id][move_type] return total_regular, total_refund def _compute_balance(self): total_balance_tax = self.compute_balance(tax_or_base="tax") total_balance_base = self.compute_balance(tax_or_base="base") total_balance_regular, total_balance_refund = self._compute_regular_and_refund( total_balance_tax ) ( total_base_balance_regular, total_base_balance_refund, ) = self._compute_regular_and_refund(total_balance_base) founded_taxes_ids = set(list(total_balance_tax.keys())).union( set(list(total_balance_base.keys())) ) for tax_id in list(founded_taxes_ids): tax = self.browse(tax_id) tax.balance_regular = ( total_balance_regular[tax.id] if tax.id in total_balance_regular.keys() else 0.0 ) tax.base_balance_regular = ( total_base_balance_regular[tax.id] if tax.id in total_base_balance_regular.keys() else 0.0 ) tax.balance_refund = ( total_balance_refund[tax.id] if tax.id in total_balance_refund.keys() else 0.0 ) tax.base_balance_refund = ( total_base_balance_refund[tax.id] if tax.id in total_base_balance_refund.keys() else 0.0 ) tax.balance = tax.balance_regular + tax.balance_refund tax.base_balance = tax.base_balance_regular + tax.base_balance_refund def get_target_type_list(self, move_type=None): if move_type == "refund": return ["receivable_refund", "payable_refund"] elif move_type == "regular": return ["receivable", "payable", "liquidity", "other"] return [] def get_target_state_list(self, target_move="posted"): if target_move == "posted": state = ["posted"] elif target_move == "all": state = ["posted", "draft"] else: state = [] return state def get_move_line_partial_where(self, from_date, to_date, company_ids): query = "aml.date <= %s AND aml.date >= %s AND aml.company_id IN %s" params = [to_date, from_date, tuple(company_ids)] return query, params def compute_balance(self, tax_or_base="tax"): # There's really bad performace in m2m fields. # So we better do a direct query. # See https://github.com/odoo/odoo/issues/30350 _select, _group_by, query, params = self.get_move_lines_query( tax_or_base=tax_or_base ) query = query.format(select_clause=_select, group_by_clause=_group_by) self.env.cr.execute(query, params) # pylint: disable=E8103 results = self.env.cr.fetchall() total_balance = {} for balance, tax_id, move_type in results: if tax_id not in total_balance.keys(): total_balance[tax_id] = {} total_balance[tax_id][move_type] = balance return total_balance def get_move_lines_query(self, tax_or_base="tax"): from_date, to_date, company_ids, target_move = self.get_context_values() state_list = self.get_target_state_list(target_move) base_query = self.get_move_lines_base_query() _where = "" _joins = "" _group_by = "" _params = [] _select = "SELECT SUM(balance)" _group_by = " GROUP BY am.move_type, " where, params = self.get_move_line_partial_where( from_date, to_date, company_ids ) _where += where _params += params if tax_or_base == "tax": select, where, group_by, params = self.get_balance_where(state_list) _where += where _params += params _select += select _group_by += group_by elif tax_or_base == "base": select, joins, where, group_by, params = self.get_base_balance_where( state_list ) _where += where _joins += joins _params += params _select += select _group_by += group_by query = base_query.format( select_clause="{select_clause}", where_clause=_where, additional_joins=_joins, group_by_clause="{group_by_clause}", ) return _select, _group_by, query, _params def get_move_lines_base_query(self): return ( "{select_clause} FROM account_move_line AS aml " "INNER JOIN account_move AS am ON aml.move_id = am.id " "{additional_joins}" " WHERE {where_clause}" "{group_by_clause}" ) def get_balance_where(self, state_list): select = ", aml.tax_line_id as tax_id, am.move_type" where = ( " AND am.state IN %s" " AND aml.tax_line_id IS NOT NULL" " AND aml.tax_exigible = True" ) group_by = "aml.tax_line_id" params = [tuple(state_list)] return select, where, group_by, params def get_base_balance_where(self, state_list): select = ", rel.account_tax_id as tax_id, am.move_type" joins = ( " INNER JOIN account_move_line_account_tax_rel AS rel " "ON aml.id = rel.account_move_line_id" ) group_by = "rel.account_tax_id" where = " AND am.state IN %s" " AND aml.tax_exigible = True " params = [tuple(state_list)] return select, joins, where, group_by, params def get_move_lines_domain(self, tax_or_base="tax", move_type=None): _select, _group_by, query, params = self.get_move_lines_query( tax_or_base=tax_or_base ) _select = "SELECT aml.id" _group_by = "" if tax_or_base == "tax": query += " AND aml.tax_line_id = " + str(self.id) elif tax_or_base == "base": query += " AND rel.account_tax_id = " + str(self.id) type_list = self.get_target_type_list(move_type) if type_list: query += " AND am.move_type IN %s" params += [tuple(type_list)] query = query.format(select_clause=_select, group_by_clause=_group_by) self.env.cr.execute(query, params) # pylint: disable=E8103 amls = [] for (aml_id,) in self.env.cr.fetchall(): amls.append(aml_id) domain = [("id", "in", amls)] return domain def get_lines_action(self, tax_or_base="tax", move_type=None): domain = self.get_move_lines_domain( tax_or_base=tax_or_base, move_type=move_type ) action = self.env.ref("account.action_account_moves_all_tree") vals = action.read()[0] vals["context"] = {} vals["domain"] = domain return vals def view_tax_lines(self): self.ensure_one() return self.get_lines_action(tax_or_base="tax") def view_base_lines(self): self.ensure_one() return self.get_lines_action(tax_or_base="base") def view_tax_regular_lines(self): self.ensure_one() return self.get_lines_action(tax_or_base="tax", move_type="regular") def view_base_regular_lines(self): self.ensure_one() return self.get_lines_action(tax_or_base="base", move_type="regular") def view_tax_refund_lines(self): self.ensure_one() return self.get_lines_action(tax_or_base="tax", move_type="refund") def view_base_refund_lines(self): self.ensure_one() return self.get_lines_action(tax_or_base="base", move_type="refund")