[[ repeatIn(objects, 'o') ]]
[[ o!=objects[0] and ' ' or removeParentNode('section') ]]
[[ company.name ]] [[ title(o)[0] ]] [[ title(o)[1] ]] Journal Overview [[ '- ' + company.currency_id.name ]] [[ formatLang(sum1(o)) ]] [[ formatLang(sum2(o)) ]] Entry Date Account Partner Description VAT [[ amount_title()[0] ]] [[ amount_title()[1] ]]
[[ repeatIn(lines(o), 'l') ]] [[ l['move_name'] != '/' and l['move_name'] or ('*'+str(l['move_id'])) ]] [[ l['move_date'] ]] [[ l['acc_code'] ]] [[ l['partner_name'] ]] [[ l['aml_name'] ]] [[ l['tax_code'] and (l['tax_code'] + ':') ]] [[ l['tax_code'] and formatLang(l['tax_amount']) ]] [[ l['amount1'] ]] [[ l['amount2'] ]] [[ l['draw_line'] and removeParentNode('blockTable') ]] [[ not l['draw_line'] and removeParentNode('blockTable') ]]
VAT Declaration
[[ repeatIn(tax_codes(o), 't') ]] [[ t.code + ': ' ]] [[ formatLang(sum_vat(o,t)) ]] [[ t.name ]]