[[setLang(user.context_lang)]] Año Fiscal: [[ get_fiscalyear_text(data['form']) or removeParentNode('para') ]] Periodos: [[ get_periods_and_date_text(data['form'])['periods'] or removeParentNode('para') ]] Fecha Intervalo: [[ get_periods_and_date_text(data['form'])['date'] or removeParentNode('para') ]]
[[ repeatIn(lines(data['form']), 'a') ]] Cuenta Descripcion Saldo Inicial Debe Haber Saldo Final [[a['label']==True and a['code'] or '' ]] [[ a['type']=='view' and a['name'].upper() or a['name'].title() ]] [[ (a['total']==True) and formatLang(a['balanceinit'], digits=2, grouping=True) or '']] [[ (a['total']==True) and formatLang(a['debit'], digits=2, grouping=True) or '']] [[ (a['total']==True) and formatLang(a['credit'], digits=2, grouping=True) or '']] [[ (a['total']==True) and formatLang(a['balance'], digits=2, grouping=True) or '']]
[[ (a['type'] <> 'view') or removeParentNode('blockTable') ]] Fecha - Periodo Referencia Cuenta Analitica Debe Haber Balance [[ repeatIn(a['analisis'], 'm') ]] [[ set_fecha(m['date']) ]] - [[ m['period'] ]] [[ m['ref'] ]] [[ m['analytic'] ]] [[ formatLang(m['debit'], digits=2) or '0,00' ]] [[ formatLang(m['credit'], digits=2) or '0,00' ]] [[ formatLang(m['balance'], digits=2) or '0,00' ]]