<%! def amount(text): return text.replace('-', '‑') # replace by a non-breaking hyphen (it will not word-wrap between hyphen and numbers) %> <%def name="format_amount(amount, display_option=None)"> <% output = amount if display_option == 'normal': output = amount elif display_option == 'round': output = u"%.0f" % round(amount) elif display_option == 'kilo': if amount: output = u"%.2fK" % (amount / 1000,) %> ${output} <%setLang(user.lang)%>
${_('Chart of Account')}
${_('Fiscal Year')}
%if filter_form(data) == 'filter_date': ${_('Dates')} %else: ${_('Periods')} %endif
${_('Displayed Accounts')}
${_('Target Moves')}
${_('Initial Balance')}
${ chart_account.name }
${ fiscalyear.name if fiscalyear else '-' }
${_('From:')} %if filter_form(data) == 'filter_date': ${formatLang(start_date, date=True) if start_date else u'' } %else: ${start_period.name if start_period else u''} %endif ${_('To:')} %if filter_form(data) == 'filter_date': ${ formatLang(stop_date, date=True) if stop_date else u'' } %else: ${stop_period.name if stop_period else u'' } %endif
%if accounts(data): ${', '.join([account.code for account in accounts(data)])} %else: ${_('All')} %endif
${ display_target_move(data) }
${ _('Yes') if initial_balance else _('No') }
%for index, params in enumerate(comp_params):
${_('Comparison %s') % (index + 1,)} (${"C%s" % (index + 1,)})
%if params['comparison_filter'] == 'filter_date': ${_('Dates : ')} ${formatLang(params['start'], date=True) } - ${formatLang(params['stop'], date=True) } %elif params['comparison_filter'] == 'filter_period': ${_('Periods : ')} ${params['start'].name} - ${params['stop'].name} %else: ${_('Fiscal Year : ')} ${params['fiscalyear'].name} %endif
${_('Initial Balance:')} ${ _('Yes') if params['initial_balance'] else _('No') }
## account name
%if comparison_mode == 'no_comparison': %if initial_balance: ## initial balance
${_('Initial Balance')}
%endif ## debit
## credit
%endif ## balance
%if comparison_mode == 'no_comparison' or not fiscalyear: ${_('Balance')} %else: ${_('Balance %s') % (fiscalyear.name,)} %endif
%if comparison_mode in ('single', 'multiple'): %for index in range(nb_comparison):
%if comp_params[index]['comparison_filter'] == 'filter_year' and comp_params[index].get('fiscalyear', False): ${_('Balance %s') % (comp_params[index]['fiscalyear'].name,)} %else: ${_('Balance C%s') % (index + 1,)} %endif
%if comparison_mode == 'single': ## no diff in multiple comparisons because it shows too data
${_('% Difference')}
%endif %endfor %endif
%for account_at in objects: <% current_account = account_at['current'] level = current_account['level'] %> %if level_print(data, level): ## how to manage levels? <% styles = [] if level_bold(data, level): styles.append('font-weight: bold;') else: styles.append('font-weight: normal;') if level_italic(data, level): styles.append('font-style: italic;') else: styles.append('font-style: normal;') if level_underline(data, level): styles.append('text-decoration: underline;') else: styles.append('text-decoration: none;') if level_uppercase(data, level): styles.append('text-transform: uppercase;') else: styles.append('font-decoration: none;') styles.append("font-size: %spx;" % (level_size(data, level),)) %>
## account name
%if comparison_mode == 'no_comparison': %if initial_balance: ## opening balance
${format_amount(current_account['init_balance'], numbers_display(data)) | amount}
%endif ## debit
${format_amount(current_account['debit'], numbers_display(data)) | amount}
## credit
${format_amount(current_account['credit'] * -1, numbers_display(data)) if current_account['credit'] else 0.0 | amount}
%endif ## balance
${format_amount(current_account['balance'], numbers_display(data)) | amount}
%if comparison_mode in ('single', 'multiple'): %for comp_account in account_at['comparisons']:
${format_amount(comp_account['balance'], numbers_display(data)) | amount}
%if comparison_mode == 'single': ## no diff in multiple comparisons because it shows too data
${format_amount(comp_account['diff'], numbers_display(data)) | amount}
%if comp_account['percent_diff'] is False: ${ '-' } %else: ${comp_account['percent_diff'] | amount} % %endif
%endif %endfor %endif
%endif %endfor