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<page string="Account's Sign on Reports" position="inside">
<separator string="Debitable Accounts" colspan="4"/>
<label string="A debitable account is one which grows in the debit and diminishes in the credit" colspan="4"/>
<label string="Keep sign on Reports for these accounts and children accounts that are within Accreditable Accounts" colspan="4"/>
<field name="debit_account_ids" nolabel="1" colspan ="4" domain="[('','=',name),('company_id.partner_id','=',partner_id),]">
<field name='code'/>
<field name='name'/>
<field name='type'/>
<separator string="Accreditable Accounts" colspan="4"/>
<label string="An accreditable account is one which grows in the credit and diminishes in the debit" colspan="4"/>
<label string="Reverse sign on Reports for these accounts and children accounts that are within Debitable Accounts" colspan="4"/>
<field name="credit_account_ids" nolabel="1" colspan ="4" domain="[('','=',name),('company_id.partner_id','=',partner_id),]">
<field name='code'/>
<field name='name'/>
<field name='type'/>