You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

826 lines
38 KiB

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (c) 2013 Noviat nv/sa ( All rights reserved.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import xlwt
from datetime import datetime
from openerp.addons.report_xls.report_xls import report_xls
from openerp.addons.report_xls.utils import rowcol_to_cell
from \
import PartnersOpenInvoicesWebkit
from import _
# import logging
# _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class open_invoices_xls(report_xls):
column_sizes = [12, 12, 20, 15, 30, 30, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 10]
def global_initializations(self, wb, _p, xlwt, _xs, objects, data):
# this procedure will initialise variables and Excel cell styles and
# return them as global ones = wb.add_sheet(_p.report_name[:31]) = True = True = 0 # Landscape = 1 = self.xls_headers['standard'] = self.xls_footers['standard']
# -------------------------------------------------------
# number of columns is 11 in case of normal report, 13 in case the
# option currency is selected and 12 in case of the regroup by currency
# option is checked
group_lines = False
# search if the regroup option is selected by browsing the accounts
# defined in objects - see account_report_open_invoices.mako
for acc in objects:
if hasattr(acc, 'grouped_ledger_lines'):
group_lines = True
if group_lines:
self.nbr_columns = 12
elif _p.amount_currency(data) and not group_lines:
self.nbr_columns = 13
self.nbr_columns = 11
# -------------------------------------------------------
# cell style for report title
self.style_font12 = xlwt.easyxf(_xs['xls_title'])
# -------------------------------------------------------
self.style_default = xlwt.easyxf(_xs['borders_all'])
# -------------------------------------------------------
self.style_default_italic = xlwt.easyxf(
_xs['borders_all'] + _xs['italic'])
# -------------------------------------------------------
self.style_bold = xlwt.easyxf(_xs['bold'] + _xs['borders_all'])
# -------------------------------------------------------
# cell style for header titles: 'Chart of accounts' - 'Fiscal year' ...
self.style_bold_blue_center = xlwt.easyxf(
_xs['bold'] + _xs['fill_blue'] + _xs['borders_all'] +
# -------------------------------------------------------
# cell style for header data: 'Chart of accounts' - 'Fiscal year' ...
self.style_center = xlwt.easyxf(
_xs['borders_all'] + _xs['wrap'] + _xs['center'])
# -------------------------------------------------------
# cell style for columns titles 'Date'- 'Period' - 'Entry'...
self.style_yellow_bold = xlwt.easyxf(
_xs['bold'] + _xs['fill'] + _xs['borders_all'])
# -------------------------------------------------------
# cell style for columns titles 'Date'- 'Period' - 'Entry'...
self.style_yellow_bold_right = xlwt.easyxf(
_xs['bold'] + _xs['fill'] + _xs['borders_all'] + _xs['right'])
# -------------------------------------------------------
self.style_right = xlwt.easyxf(_xs['borders_all'] + _xs['right'])
# -------------------------------------------------------
self.style_right_italic = xlwt.easyxf(
_xs['borders_all'] + _xs['right'] + _xs['italic'])
# -------------------------------------------------------
self.style_decimal = xlwt.easyxf(
_xs['borders_all'] + _xs['right'],
# -------------------------------------------------------
self.style_decimal_italic = xlwt.easyxf(
_xs['borders_all'] + _xs['right'] + _xs['italic'],
# -------------------------------------------------------
self.style_date = xlwt.easyxf(
_xs['borders_all'] + _xs['left'],
# -------------------------------------------------------
self.style_date_italic = xlwt.easyxf(
_xs['borders_all'] + _xs['left'] + _xs['italic'],
# -------------------------------------------------------
cell_format = _xs['xls_title'] + _xs['bold'] + \
_xs['fill'] + _xs['borders_all']
self.style_account_title = xlwt.easyxf(cell_format)
self.style_account_title_right = xlwt.easyxf(
cell_format + _xs['right'])
self.style_account_title_decimal = xlwt.easyxf(
cell_format + _xs['right'],
# -------------------------------------------------------
cell_format = _xs['bold']
self.style_partner_row = xlwt.easyxf(cell_format)
# -------------------------------------------------------
cell_format = _xs['bold'] + _xs['fill'] + _xs['borders_all']
self.style_partner_cumul = xlwt.easyxf(cell_format)
self.style_partner_cumul_right = xlwt.easyxf(
cell_format + _xs['right'])
self.style_partner_cumul_decimal = xlwt.easyxf(
cell_format + _xs['right'],
# print the first line "OPEN INVOICE REPORT - db name - Currency
def print_title(self, _p, row_position):
report_name = ' - '.join([_p.report_name.upper(),,])
c_specs = [('report_name', self.nbr_columns, 0, 'text', report_name), ]
row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs])
row_position = self.xls_write_row(, row_position, row_data, row_style=self.style_font12)
return row_position
# send an empty row to the Excel document
def print_empty_row(self, row_position):
c_sizes = self.column_sizes
c_specs = [('empty%s' % i, 1, c_sizes[i], 'text', None)
for i in range(0, len(c_sizes))]
row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs])
row_position = self.xls_write_row(, row_position, row_data, set_column_size=True)
return row_position
# Fill in the titles of the header summary tables: Chart of account -
# Fiscal year - ...
def print_header_titles(self, _p, data, row_position):
c_specs = [
('coa', 2, 0, 'text', _('Chart of Account'),
None, self.style_bold_blue_center),
('fy', 2, 0, 'text', _('Fiscal Year'),
None, self.style_bold_blue_center),
('df', 2, 0, 'text', _p.filter_form(data) == 'filter_date' and _(
'Dates Filter') or _('Periods Filter'), None,
('cd', 1 if self.nbr_columns == 11 else 2, 0, 'text',
_('Clearance Date'), None, self.style_bold_blue_center),
('af', 2, 0, 'text', _('Accounts Filter'),
None, self.style_bold_blue_center),
('tm', 3 if self.nbr_columns == 13 else 2, 0, 'text',
_('Target Moves'), None, self.style_bold_blue_center),
row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs])
row_position = self.xls_write_row(, row_position, row_data,
return row_position
# Fill in the data of the header summary tables: Chart of account - Fiscal
# year - ...
def print_header_data(self, _p, data, row_position):
c_specs = [
('coa', 2, 0, 'text',,
None, self.style_center),
('fy', 2, 0, 'text', if _p.fiscalyear else '-',
None, self.style_center),
df = _('From') + ': '
if _p.filter_form(data) == 'filter_date':
df += _p.start_date if _p.start_date else u''
df += if _p.start_period else u''
df += ' ' + _('To') + ': '
if _p.filter_form(data) == 'filter_date':
df += _p.stop_date if _p.stop_date else u''
df += if _p.stop_period else u''
c_specs += [
('df', 2, 0, 'text', df, None, self.style_center),
('cd', 1 if self.nbr_columns == 11 else 2, 0, 'text',
_p.date_until, None, self.style_center), # clearance date
('af', 2, 0, 'text', _('Custom Filter')
if _p.partner_ids else _p.display_partner_account(data), None,
('tm', 3 if self.nbr_columns == 13 else 2, 0, 'text',
_p.display_target_move(data), None, self.style_center),
row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs])
row_position = self.xls_write_row(, row_position, row_data, row_style=self.style_center)
return row_position
# Fill in a row with the titles of the columns for the invoice lines: Date
# - Period - Entry -...
def print_columns_title(self, _p, row_position, data, group_lines=False):
c_specs = [
('date', 1, 0, 'text', _('Date'), None, self.style_yellow_bold),
('period', 1, 0, 'text', _('Period'),
None, self.style_yellow_bold),
('entry', 1, 0, 'text', _('Entry'), None, self.style_yellow_bold),
('journal', 1, 0, 'text', _('Journal'),
None, self.style_yellow_bold),
if not group_lines:
c_specs += [('partner', 1, 0, 'text', _('Partner'),
None, self.style_yellow_bold), ]
c_specs += [
('label', 1, 0, 'text', _('Label'), None, self.style_yellow_bold),
('rec', 1, 0, 'text', _('Rec.'), None, self.style_yellow_bold),
('due_date', 1, 0, 'text', _('Due Date'),
None, self.style_yellow_bold),
('debit', 1, 0, 'text', _('Debit'),
None, self.style_yellow_bold_right),
('credit', 1, 0, 'text', _('Credit'),
None, self.style_yellow_bold_right),
('cumul', 1, 0, 'text', _('Cumul. Bal.'),
None, self.style_yellow_bold_right),
if group_lines:
c_specs += [
('currbal', 1, 0, 'text', _('Curr. Balance'),
None, self.style_yellow_bold_right),
('curr', 1, 0, 'text', _('Curr.'),
None, self.style_yellow_bold_right),
if _p.amount_currency(data):
c_specs += [
('currbal', 1, 0, 'text', _('Curr. Balance'),
None, self.style_yellow_bold_right),
('curr', 1, 0, 'text', _('Curr.'),
None, self.style_yellow_bold_right),
row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs])
row_position = self.xls_write_row(, row_position, row_data, row_style=self.style_yellow_bold)
return row_position
# Fill in a row with the code and the name of an account + the partner
# name in case of currency regrouping
def print_row_code_account(self, regroupmode, account, row_position,
if regroupmode == "regroup":
c_specs = [('acc_title', self.nbr_columns, 0, 'text',
' - '.join([account.code,, partner_name
or _('No partner')])), ]
c_specs = [
('acc_title', self.nbr_columns, 0, 'text', ' - '.
join([account.code,])), ]
row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs])
row_position = self.xls_write_row(, row_position, row_data, self.style_account_title)
return row_position + 1
def print_row_partner(self, row_position, partner_name):
c_specs = [
('partner', self.nbr_columns, 0, 'text',
partner_name or _('No partner')), ]
row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs])
row_position = self.xls_write_row(, row_position, row_data, self.style_partner_row)
return row_position
def print_group_currency(self, row_position, curr, _p):
c_specs = [
('curr', self.nbr_columns, 0, 'text',
curr or, ]
row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs])
row_position = self.xls_write_row(, row_position, row_data, self.style_bold)
return row_position
# Fill in rows of invoice line
def print_lines(self, row_position, account, line, _p, data, line_number):
label_elements = [line.get('lname') or '']
if line.get('invoice_number'):
label_elements.append("(%s)" % (line['invoice_number'],))
label = ' '.join(label_elements)
# Mako: <div class="act_as_row lines
# ${line.get('is_from_previous_periods') and
# 'open_invoice_previous_line' or ''} ${line.get('is_clearance_line')
# and 'clearance_line' or ''}">
if line.get('is_from_previous_periods') \
or line.get('is_clearance_line'):
style_line_default = self.style_default_italic
style_line_right = self.style_right_italic
style_line_date = self.style_date_italic
style_line_decimal = self.style_decimal_italic
style_line_default = self.style_default
style_line_right = self.style_right
style_line_date = self.style_date
style_line_decimal = self.style_decimal
if line.get('ldate'):
c_specs = [('date', 1, 0, 'date', datetime.strptime(
line['ldate'], '%Y-%m-%d'), None, style_line_date)]
c_specs = [('date', 1, 0, 'text', None)]
c_specs += [
('period_code', 1, 0, 'text', line.get('period_code') or ''),
('entry', 1, 0, 'text', line.get('move_name') or ''),
('journal', 1, 0, 'text', line.get('jcode') or ''),
('partner', 1, 0, 'text', line.get('partner_name') or ''),
('label', 1, 0, 'text', label),
('rec', 1, 0, 'text', line.get('rec_name') or ''),
if line.get('date_maturity'):
c_specs += [('datedue', 1, 0, 'date',
datetime.strptime(line['date_maturity'], '%Y-%m-%d'),
None, style_line_date)]
c_specs += [('datedue', 1, 0, 'text', None)]
c_specs += [
('debit', 1, 0, 'number', line.get('debit')
or 0.0, None, style_line_decimal),
('credit', 1, 0, 'number', line.get('credit')
or 0.0, None, style_line_decimal),
# determine the formula of the cumulated balance
debit_cell = rowcol_to_cell(row_position, 8)
credit_cell = rowcol_to_cell(row_position, 9)
previous_balance = rowcol_to_cell(row_position - 1, 10)
# if it is the first line, the balance is only debit - credit
if line_number == 1:
cumul_balance = debit_cell + '-' + credit_cell
# cumulate debit - credit and balance of previous line
cumul_balance = debit_cell + '-' + \
credit_cell + '+' + previous_balance
c_specs += [('cumul', 1, 0, 'number', None,
cumul_balance, style_line_decimal)]
if _p.amount_currency(data):
if account.currency_id:
c_specs += [
('curramount', 1, 0, 'number', line.get('amount_currency')
or 0.0, None, style_line_decimal),
('currcode', 1, 0, 'text', line[
'currency_code'], None, style_line_right),
c_specs += [
('curramount', 1, 0, 'text', '-', None, style_line_right),
('currcode', 1, 0, 'text', '', None, style_line_right),
row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs])
row_position = self.xls_write_row(, row_position, row_data, style_line_default)
return row_position
# Fill in rows of invoice line when the option currency regroup is
# selecself.wsd
def print_group_lines(self, row_position, account, line, _p, line_number):
label_elements = [line.get('lname') or '']
if line.get('invoice_number'):
label_elements.append("(%s)" % (line['invoice_number'],))
label = ' '.join(label_elements)
# Mako: <div class="act_as_row lines
# ${line.get('is_from_previous_periods') and
# 'open_invoice_previous_line' or ''} ${line.get('is_clearance_line')
# and 'clearance_line' or ''}">
if line.get('is_from_previous_periods') or \
style_line_default = self.style_default_italic
style_line_right = self.style_right_italic
style_line_date = self.style_date_italic
style_line_decimal = self.style_decimal_italic
style_line_default = self.style_default
style_line_right = self.style_right
style_line_date = self.style_date
style_line_decimal = self.style_decimal
debit_cell = rowcol_to_cell(row_position, 7)
credit_cell = rowcol_to_cell(row_position, 8)
previous_balance = rowcol_to_cell(row_position - 1, 9)
# if it is the first line, the balance is only debit - credit
if line_number == 1:
cumul_balance = debit_cell + '-' + credit_cell
# cumulate devit - credit and balance of previous line
cumul_balance = debit_cell + '-' + \
credit_cell + '+' + previous_balance
if line.get('ldate'):
c_specs = [('date', 1, 0, 'date', datetime.strptime(
line['ldate'], '%Y-%m-%d'), None, style_line_date)]
c_specs = [('date', 1, 0, 'text', None)]
c_specs += [
('period_code', 1, 0, 'text', line.get('period_code') or ''),
('entry', 1, 0, 'text', line.get('move_name') or ''),
('journal', 1, 0, 'text', line.get('jcode') or ''),
('label', 1, 0, 'text', label),
('rec', 1, 0, 'text', line.get('rec_name') or ''),
if line.get('date_maturity'):
c_specs += [('datedue', 1, 0, 'date',
datetime.strptime(line['date_maturity'], '%Y-%m-%d'),
None, style_line_date)]
c_specs += [('datedue', 1, 0, 'text', None)]
c_specs += [
('debit', 1, 0, 'number', line.get('debit')
or 0.0, None, style_line_decimal),
('credit', 1, 0, 'number', line.get('credit')
or 0.0, None, style_line_decimal),
('cumul', 1, 0, 'number', None, cumul_balance, style_line_decimal),
if account.currency_id:
c_specs += [
('curramount', 1, 0, 'number', line.get('amount_currency')
or 0.0, None, style_line_decimal),
('currcode', 1, 0, 'text', line.get('currency_code')
or '', None, style_line_right),
c_specs += [
('curramount', 1, 0, 'text', '-', None, style_line_right),
('currcode', 1, 0, 'text', '', None, style_line_right),
row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs])
row_position = self.xls_write_row(, row_position, row_data, style_line_default)
return (row_position, cumul_balance)
# print by partner the totals and cumulated balance (Excel formulas)
def print_cumul_partner(self, row_position, row_start_partner, account, _p,
# the text "Cumulated Balance on Partner starts in column 4 when
# selecting the option regroup by currency, 5 in the other case
start_col = 5
debit_partner_start = rowcol_to_cell(row_start_partner, start_col + 3)
debit_partner_end = rowcol_to_cell(row_position - 1, start_col + 3)
debit_partner_total = 'SUM(' + debit_partner_start + \
':' + debit_partner_end + ')'
credit_partner_start = rowcol_to_cell(row_start_partner, start_col + 4)
credit_partner_end = rowcol_to_cell(row_position - 1, start_col + 4)
credit_partner_total = 'SUM(' + credit_partner_start + \
':' + credit_partner_end + ')'
bal_curr_start = rowcol_to_cell(row_start_partner, start_col + 6)
bal_curr_end = rowcol_to_cell(row_position - 1, start_col + 6)
cumul_balance_curr = 'SUM(' + bal_curr_start + ':' + bal_curr_end + ')'
bal_partner_debit = rowcol_to_cell(row_position, start_col + 3)
bal_partner_credit = rowcol_to_cell(row_position, start_col + 4)
bal_partner_total = bal_partner_debit + '-' + bal_partner_credit
c_specs = [('empty%s' % x, 1, 0, 'text', None)
for x in range(start_col)]
c_specs += [
('init_bal', 1, 0, 'text', _('Cumulated Balance on Partner')),
('rec', 1, 0, 'text', None),
('empty5', 1, 0, 'text', None),
('debit', 1, 0, 'number', None,
debit_partner_total, self.style_partner_cumul_decimal),
('credit', 1, 0, 'number', None,
credit_partner_total, self.style_partner_cumul_decimal),
('cumul_bal', 1, 0, 'number', None,
bal_partner_total, self.style_partner_cumul_decimal),
if _p.amount_currency(data):
if account.currency_id:
c_specs += [('cumul_bal_curr', 1, 0, 'number', None,
('curr_name', 1, 0, 'text',,
None, self.style_partner_cumul_right),
c_specs += [('cumul_bal_curr', 1, 0, 'text', '-', None,
('curr_name', 1, 0, 'text', '',
None, self.style_partner_cumul_right)
row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs])
row_position = self.xls_write_row(, row_position, row_data, self.style_partner_cumul)
return row_position + 1
# print by partner the totals and cumulated balance (Excel formulas) when
# the option currency regroup is selected
def print_group_cumul_partner(self, row_position, row_start_partner,
account, _p, data):
# the text "Cumulated Balance on Partner starts in column 4 when
# selecting the option regroup by currency, 5 in the other case
start_col = 4
debit_partner_start = rowcol_to_cell(row_start_partner, start_col + 3)
debit_partner_end = rowcol_to_cell(row_position - 1, start_col + 3)
debit_partner_total = 'SUM(' + debit_partner_start + \
':' + debit_partner_end + ')'
credit_partner_start = rowcol_to_cell(row_start_partner, start_col + 4)
credit_partner_end = rowcol_to_cell(row_position - 1, start_col + 4)
credit_partner_total = 'SUM(' + credit_partner_start + \
':' + credit_partner_end + ')'
bal_curr_start = rowcol_to_cell(row_start_partner, start_col + 5)
bal_curr_end = rowcol_to_cell(row_position - 1, start_col + 5)
cumul_balance_curr = 'SUM(' + bal_curr_start + ':' + bal_curr_end + ')'
bal_partner_debit = rowcol_to_cell(row_position, start_col + 3)
bal_partner_credit = rowcol_to_cell(row_position, start_col + 4)
bal_partner_total = bal_partner_debit + '-' + bal_partner_credit
c_specs = [('empty%s' % x, 1, 0, 'text', None)
for x in range(start_col)]
c_specs += [
# , style_bold_italic),
('init_bal', 1, 0, 'text', _('Cumulated Balance on Partner')),
('rec', 1, 0, 'text', None),
('empty5', 1, 0, 'text', None),
('debit', 1, 0, 'number', None,
debit_partner_total, self.style_partner_cumul_decimal),
('credit', 1, 0, 'number', None,
credit_partner_total, self.style_partner_cumul_decimal),
('cumul_bal', 1, 0, 'number', None,
bal_partner_total, self.style_partner_cumul_decimal),
if account.currency_id:
c_specs += [
('cumul_bal_curr', 1, 0, 'number', None,
cumul_balance_curr, self.style_partner_cumul_decimal),
('curr_name', 1, 0, 'text',,
None, self.style_partner_cumul_right),
c_specs += [
('cumul_bal_curr', 1, 0, 'text', "-",
None, self.style_partner_cumul_right),
('curr_name', 1, 0, 'text', "",
None, self.style_partner_cumul_right),
row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs])
row_position = self.xls_write_row(, row_position, row_data, self.style_partner_cumul)
return row_position + 1
# print by account the totals of the credit and debit + balance calculation
def print_cumul_account(self, row_position, row_start_account, account, _p,
# This procedure will create an Excel sumif function that will check
# in the column "label" for the "Cumulated Balance.." string and make a
# sum of the debit & credit data
# the text "Cumulated Balance on Partner starts in column 4 when
# selecting the option regroup by currency, 5 in the other case
start_col = 5
# range in which we search for the text "Cumulated Balance on Partner"
reference_start = rowcol_to_cell(row_start_account, start_col)
reference_stop = rowcol_to_cell(row_position - 1, start_col)
# range in which we make the sum of all the cumulated balance lines
# (debit)
range_debit_start = rowcol_to_cell(row_start_account, start_col + 3)
range_debit_stop = rowcol_to_cell(row_position - 1, start_col + 3)
# range in which we make the sum of all the cumulated balance lines
# (crebit)
range_credit_start = rowcol_to_cell(row_start_account, start_col + 4)
range_credit_stop = rowcol_to_cell(row_position - 1, start_col + 4)
search_key = _('Cumulated Balance on Partner')
total_debit_account = 'SUMIF(' + reference_start + ':' + \
reference_stop + ';"' + search_key + '";' + range_debit_start + \
':' + range_debit_stop + ')'
total_credit_account = 'SUMIF(' + reference_start + ':' + \
reference_stop + ';"' + search_key + '";' + range_credit_start + \
':' + range_credit_stop + ')'
bal_account_debit = rowcol_to_cell(row_position, start_col + 3)
bal_account_credit = rowcol_to_cell(row_position, start_col + 4)
bal_account_total = bal_account_debit + '-' + bal_account_credit
bal_curr_start = rowcol_to_cell(row_start_account, start_col + 6)
bal_curr_end = rowcol_to_cell(row_position - 1, start_col + 6)
cumul_balance_curr = 'SUMIF(' + reference_start + ':' + \
reference_stop + ';"' + search_key + '";' + \
bal_curr_start + ':' + bal_curr_end + ')'
c_specs = [
('acc_title', start_col, 0, 'text',
' - '.join([account.code,])),
('init_bal', 2, 0, 'text',
_('Cumulated Balance on Account')),
('empty2', 1, 0, 'text', None),
('debit', 1, 0, 'number', None,
total_debit_account, self.style_account_title_decimal),
('credit', 1, 0, 'number', None,
total_credit_account, self.style_account_title_decimal),
('balance', 1, 0, 'number', None,
bal_account_total, self.style_account_title_decimal),
if _p.amount_currency(data):
if account.currency_id:
c_specs += [('cumul_bal_curr', 1, 0, 'number', None,
('curr_name', 1, 0, 'text',,
None, self.style_account_title_right),
c_specs += [('cumul_bal_curr', 1, 0, 'text', "-", None,
('curr_name', 1, 0, 'text', "",
None, self.style_account_title_right)
row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs])
row_position = self.xls_write_row(, row_position, row_data, self.style_account_title)
return row_position + 1
# print by account the totals of the credit and debit + balance calculation
def print_group_cumul_account(self, row_position, row_start_account,
# This procedure will create an Excel sumif function that will check
# in the column "label" for the "Cumulated Balance.." string and make a
# sum of the debit & credit data
# the text "Cumulated Balance on Partner starts in column 4 when
# selecting the option regroup by currency, 5 in the other case
start_col = 4
# range in which we search for the text "Cumulated Balance on Partner"
reference_start = rowcol_to_cell(row_start_account, start_col)
reference_stop = rowcol_to_cell(row_position - 1, start_col)
# range in which we make the sum of all the cumulated balance lines
# (debit)
range_debit_start = rowcol_to_cell(row_start_account, start_col + 3)
range_debit_stop = rowcol_to_cell(row_position - 1, start_col + 3)
# range in which we make the sum of all the cumulated balance lines
# (crebit)
range_credit_start = rowcol_to_cell(row_start_account, start_col + 4)
range_credit_stop = rowcol_to_cell(row_position - 1, start_col + 4)
search_key = _('Cumulated Balance on Partner')
total_debit_account = 'SUMIF(' + reference_start + ':' + \
reference_stop + ';"' + search_key + '";' + range_debit_start + \
':' + range_debit_stop + ')'
total_credit_account = 'SUMIF(' + reference_start + ':' + \
reference_stop + ';"' + search_key + '";' + range_credit_start + \
':' + range_credit_stop + ')'
bal_account_debit = rowcol_to_cell(row_position, start_col + 3)
bal_account_credit = rowcol_to_cell(row_position, start_col + 4)
bal_account_total = bal_account_debit + '-' + bal_account_credit
bal_curr_start = rowcol_to_cell(row_start_account, start_col + 6)
bal_curr_end = rowcol_to_cell(row_position - 1, start_col + 6)
cumul_balance_curr = 'SUMIF(' + reference_start + ':' + \
reference_stop + ';"' + search_key + '";' + \
bal_curr_start + ':' + bal_curr_end + ')'
c_specs = [
('acc_title', start_col, 0, 'text',
' - '.join([account.code,])),
('init_bal', 2, 0, 'text',
_('Cumulated Balance on Account')),
('empty2', 1, 0, 'text', None),
('debit', 1, 0, 'number', None,
total_debit_account, self.style_account_title_decimal),
('credit', 1, 0, 'number', None,
total_credit_account, self.style_account_title_decimal),
('balance', 1, 0, 'number', None,
bal_account_total, self.style_account_title_decimal),
if account.currency_id:
c_specs += [('cumul_bal_curr', 1, 0, 'number', None,
cumul_balance_curr, self.style_account_title_decimal),
('curr_name', 1, 0, 'text',,
None, self.style_account_title_decimal),
c_specs += [('cumul_bal_curr', 1, 0, 'text', "-", None,
('curr_name', 1, 0, 'text', "",
None, self.style_account_title_right)
row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs])
row_position = self.xls_write_row(, row_position, row_data, self.style_account_title)
return row_position + 1
# export the invoice AR/AP lines when the option currency regroup is
# selected
def print_grouped_line_report(self, row_pos, account, _xs, xlwt, _p, data):
if account.grouped_ledger_lines and \
row_start_account = row_pos
for partner_name, p_id, p_ref, p_name \
in _p['partners_order'][]:
row_pos = self.print_row_code_account(
"regroup", account, row_pos, partner_name)
for curr, grouped_lines in account.grouped_ledger_lines.\
get(p_id, []):
row_pos = self.print_group_currency(row_pos, curr, _p)
# Print row: Titles "Date-Period-Entry-Journal..."
row_pos = self.print_columns_title(
_p, row_pos, data, group_lines=True)
row_pos_start = row_pos
line_number = 0
for line in grouped_lines:
line_number += 1
row_pos, cumul_balance = self.print_group_lines(
row_pos, account, line, _p, line_number)
row_pos = self.print_group_cumul_partner(
row_pos, row_pos_start, account, _p, data)
row_pos = self.print_group_cumul_account(
row_pos, row_start_account, account)
return row_pos
# export the invoice AR/AP lines
def print_ledger_lines(self, row_pos, account, _xs, xlwt, _p, data):
if _p['ledger_lines'][] \
and _p['partners_order'][]:
row_start_account = row_pos
# Print account line: code - account
row_pos = self.print_row_code_account(
"noregroup", account, row_pos, "")
for partner_name, p_id, p_ref, p_name \
in _p['partners_order'][]:
# Print partner row
row_pos = self.print_row_partner(row_pos, partner_name)
# Print row: Titles "Date-Period-Entry-Journal..."
row_pos = self.print_columns_title(
_p, row_pos, data, group_lines=False)
row_pos_start = row_pos
line_number = 0
for line in _p['ledger_lines'][].get(p_id, []):
line_number += 1
# print ledger lines
row_pos = self.print_lines(
row_pos, account, line, _p, data, line_number)
row_pos = self.print_cumul_partner(
row_pos, row_pos_start, account, _p, data)
row_pos = self.print_cumul_account(
row_pos, row_start_account, account, _p, data)
return row_pos
def generate_xls_report(self, _p, _xs, data, objects, wb): # main function
# Initializations
self.global_initializations(wb, _p, xlwt, _xs, objects, data)
row_pos = 0
# Print Title
row_pos = self.print_title(_p, row_pos)
# Print empty row to define column sizes
row_pos = self.print_empty_row(row_pos)
# Print Header Table titles (Fiscal Year - Accounts Filter - Periods
# Filter...)
row_pos = self.print_header_titles(_p, data, row_pos)
# Print Header Table data
row_pos = self.print_header_data(_p, data, row_pos)
# Freeze the line
# Print empty row
row_pos = self.print_empty_row(row_pos)
for acc in objects:
if hasattr(acc, 'grouped_ledger_lines'):
# call xls equivalent of
# "grouped_by_curr_open_invoices_inclusion.mako.html"
row_pos = self.print_grouped_line_report(
row_pos, acc, _xs, xlwt, _p, data)
# call xls equivalent of "open_invoices_inclusion.mako.html"
row_pos = self.print_ledger_lines(
row_pos, acc, _xs, xlwt, _p, data)
row_pos += 1
'account.account', parser=PartnersOpenInvoicesWebkit)