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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- wizard action on res.partner -->
<act_window id="customer_outstanding_statement_wizard_action"
name="Customer Outstanding Statement"
view_type="form" view_mode="form"
key2="client_action_multi" target="new"
<!-- wizard view -->
<record id="customer_outstanding_statement_wizard_view" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">Customer Outstanding Statement Wizard</field>
<field name="model">customer.outstanding.statement.wizard</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<form name="Report Options">
<div style="text-align:justify">
<label string="The outstanding statement provides details of all outstanding
customer receivables up to a particular date. This includes all unpaid invoices, unclaimed
refunds and outstanding payments. The list is displayed in chronological order and is
split by currencies."/><br/><br/>
<label string="Aging details can be shown in the report, expressed in aging
buckets (30 days due, ...), so the customer can review how much is open, due or overdue."/>
<group name="main_info">
<field name="company_id" options="{'no_create': True}" groups="base.group_multi_company"/>
<group name="dates">
<field name="date_end"/>
<group name="aging_report">
<field name="show_aging_buckets"/>
<group name="multiple_partners">
<field name="number_partner_ids" readonly="1" invisible="1"/>
<field name="filter_partners_non_due" attrs="{'invisible': [('number_partner_ids', '=', 1)]}"/>
<button name="button_export_pdf" string="Export PDF" type="object" default_focus="1" class="oe_highlight"/>
<button string="Cancel" class="oe_link" special="cancel" />