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# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
from osv import osv,fields
import pooler
import time
class wizard_report(osv.osv_memory):
_name = ""
_columns = {
'company_id': fields.many2one('','Company',required=True),
'account_list': fields.many2many ('account.account','rel_wizard_account','account_list','account_id','Root accounts',required=True),
'filter': fields.selection([('bydate','By Date'),('byperiod','By Period'),('all','By Date and Period'),('none','No Filter')],'Date/Period Filter'),
'fiscalyear': fields.many2one('account.fiscalyear','Fiscal year',help='Keep empty to use all open fiscal years to compute the balance',required=True),
'periods': fields.many2many('account.period','rel_wizard_period','wizard_id','period_id','Periods',help='All periods in the fiscal year if empty'),
'display_account': fields.selection([('bal_all','All'),('bal_solde', 'With balance'),('bal_mouvement','With movements')],'Display accounts'),
'display_account_level': fields.integer('Up to level',help='Display accounts up to this level (0 to show all)'),
'date_from':'Start date',required=True),
'date_to':'End date',required=True),
'tot_check': fields.boolean('Show Total'),
'lab_str': fields.char('Description', size= 128),
'inf_type': fields.selection([('bgen','Balance General'),('bcom','Balance Comprobacion'),('edogp','Estado Ganancias y Perdidas'),('bml','Libro Mayor Legal')],'Tipo Informe',required=True),
_defaults = {
'date_from': lambda *a: time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
'date_to': lambda *a: time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
'filter': lambda *a:'byperiod',
'display_account_level': lambda *a: 0,
'inf_type': lambda *a:'bcom',
'company_id': lambda *a: 1,
'fiscalyear': lambda *a: 1,
'display_account': lambda *a:'bal_mouvement',
def _get_defaults(self, cr, uid, data, context=None):
if context is None:
context = {}
user = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context)
if user.company_id:
company_id =
company_id = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('').search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', '=', False)])[0]
data['form']['company_id'] = company_id
fiscalyear_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('account.fiscalyear')
data['form']['fiscalyear'] = fiscalyear_obj.find(cr, uid)
data['form']['context'] = context
return data['form']
def _check_state(self, cr, uid, data, context=None):
if context is None:
context = {}
if data['form']['filter'] == 'bydate':
self._check_date(cr, uid, data, context)
return data['form']
def _check_date(self, cr, uid, data, context=None):
if context is None:
context = {}
sql = """SELECT, f.date_start, f.date_stop
FROM account_fiscalyear f
WHERE '%s' between f.date_start and f.date_stop """%(data['form']['date_from'])
res = cr.dictfetchall()
if res:
if (data['form']['date_to'] > res[0]['date_stop'] or data['form']['date_to'] < res[0]['date_start']):
raise wizard.except_wizard(_('UserError'),_('Date to must be set between %s and %s') % (res[0]['date_start'], res[0]['date_stop']))
return 'report'
raise wizard.except_wizard(_('UserError'),_('Date not in a defined fiscal year'))
def print_report(self, cr, uid, ids,data, context=None):
if context is None:
context = {}
data = {}
data['ids'] = context.get('active_ids', [])
data['model'] = context.get('active_model', '')
data['form'] =, uid, ids[0])
return {'type': '', 'report_name': '', 'datas': data}