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In order to test the PDF Aged Partner Balance Report webkit wizard I will print report with default setting
!python {model: account.account}: |
from datetime import datetime
data_dict = {'chart_account_id':ref('account.chart0'), 'until_date': '%s-12-31' %(}
from import test_reports
test_reports.try_report_action(cr, uid, 'action_account_aged_trial_balance_menu_webkit',wiz_data=data_dict, context=ctx, our_module='account_financial_report_webkit')
In order to test the PDF Aged Partner Balance Report webkit wizard I will print report with filters and currency
!python {model: account.account}: |
from datetime import datetime
data_dict = {'chart_account_id':ref('account.chart0'), 'fiscalyear_id': ref('account.data_fiscalyear'),
'until_date': '%s-12-31' %(, 'target_move': 'posted',
'amount_currency': True, 'result_selection': 'customer_supplier'}
from import test_reports
test_reports.try_report_action(cr, uid, 'action_account_aged_trial_balance_menu_webkit',wiz_data=data_dict, context=ctx, our_module='account_financial_report_webkit')
In order to test the PDF Aged Partner Balance Report webkit wizard I will print report with filters on partners
!python {model: account.account}: |
from datetime import datetime
data_dict = {'chart_account_id':ref('account.chart0'), 'fiscalyear_id': ref('account.data_fiscalyear'),
'until_date': '%s-12-31' %(, 'target_move': 'posted',
'amount_currency': True, 'result_selection': 'customer_supplier',
'partner_ids': [ref('base.res_partner_2'), ref('base.res_partner_1')]}
from import test_reports
test_reports.try_report_action(cr, uid, 'action_account_aged_trial_balance_menu_webkit',wiz_data=data_dict, context=ctx, our_module='account_financial_report_webkit')
In order to test the PDF Aged Partner Balance Report webkit wizard I will print report with filters on periods
!python {model: account.account}: |
from datetime import datetime
data_dict = {'chart_account_id':ref('account.chart0'), 'fiscalyear_id': ref('account.data_fiscalyear'),
'until_date': '%s-12-31' %(, 'target_move': 'posted',
'amount_currency': True, 'result_selection': 'customer_supplier',
'filter': 'filter_period', 'period_to': ref('account.period_12')}
from import test_reports
test_reports.try_report_action(cr, uid, 'action_account_aged_trial_balance_menu_webkit',wiz_data=data_dict, context=ctx, our_module='account_financial_report_webkit')