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# Author: Julien Coux
# Copyright 2016 Camptocamp SA
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (
from odoo import _, models
class OpenItemsXslx(models.AbstractModel):
_name = 'report.a_f_r.report_open_items_xlsx'
_inherit = 'report.account_financial_report.abstract_report_xlsx'
def _get_report_name(self, report, data=False):
company_id = data.get('company_id', False)
report_name = _('Open Items')
if company_id:
company = self.env[''].browse(company_id)
suffix = ' - %s - %s' % (,
report_name = report_name + suffix
return report_name
def _get_report_columns(self, report):
res = {
0: {'header': _('Date'), 'field': 'date', 'width': 11},
1: {'header': _('Entry'), 'field': 'move_id_name', 'width': 18},
2: {'header': _('Journal'), 'field': 'journal', 'width': 8},
3: {'header': _('Account'), 'field': 'account', 'width': 9},
4: {'header': _('Partner'), 'field': 'partner', 'width': 25},
5: {'header': _('Ref - Label'), 'field': 'ref', 'width': 40},
6: {'header': _('Due date'), 'field': 'date_maturity', 'width': 11},
7: {'header': _('Original'),
'field': 'original',
'type': 'amount',
'width': 14},
8: {'header': _('Residual'),
'field': 'amount_residual',
'field_final_balance': 'residual',
'type': 'amount',
'width': 14},
if report.foreign_currency:
foreign_currency = {
9: {'header': _('Cur.'), 'field': 'currency_name',
'field_currency_balance': 'currency_name',
'type': 'currency_name',
'width': 7},
10: {'header': _('Cur. Original'),
'field': 'amount_currency',
'type': 'amount_currency',
'width': 14},
11: {'header': _('Cur. Residual'),
'field': 'amount_residual_currency',
'type': 'amount_currency',
'width': 14},
res = {**res, **foreign_currency}
return res
def _get_report_filters(self, report):
return [
[_('Date at filter'), report.date_at.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")],
[_('Target moves filter'),
_('All posted entries') if report.target_move == 'posted' else _(
'All entries')],
[_('Account balance at 0 filter'),
_('Hide') if report.hide_account_at_0 else _('Show')],
[_('Show foreign currency'),
_('Yes') if report.foreign_currency else _('No')],
def _get_col_count_filter_name(self):
return 2
def _get_col_count_filter_value(self):
return 2
def _get_col_count_final_balance_name(self):
return 5
def _get_col_pos_final_balance_label(self):
return 5
def _generate_report_content(self, workbook, report, data):
res_data = self.env[
report, data)
# For each account
Open_items = res_data['Open_Items']
accounts_data = res_data['accounts_data']
partners_data = res_data['partners_data']
total_amount = res_data['total_amount']
for account_id in Open_items.keys():
# Write account title
self.write_array_title(accounts_data[account_id]['code'] + ' - ' +
# For each partner
if Open_items[account_id]:
for partner_id in Open_items[account_id]:
type_object = 'partner'
# Write partner title
# Display array header for move lines
# Display account move lines
for line in Open_items[account_id][partner_id]:
# Display ending balance line for partner
partners_data[partner_id], type_object, total_amount,
account_id, partner_id)
# Line break
self.row_pos += 1
# Display ending balance line for account
type_object = 'account'
# 2 lines break
self.row_pos += 2
def write_ending_balance_from_dict(self, my_object, type_object,
total_amount, account_id=False,
"""Specific function to write ending balance for Open Items"""
if type_object == 'partner':
name = my_object['name']
my_object['residual'] = total_amount[account_id][partner_id][
label = _('Partner ending balance')
elif type_object == 'account':
name = my_object['code'] + ' - ' + my_object['name']
my_object['residual'] = total_amount[account_id][
label = _('Ending balance')
super(OpenItemsXslx, self).write_ending_balance_from_dict(
my_object, name, label)