You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

169 lines
7.5 KiB

<html xmlns="">
<style type="text/css">
.overflow_ellipsis {
text-overflow: ellipsis;
overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;
def amount(text):
return text.replace('-', '&#8209;') # replace by a non-breaking hyphen (it will not word-wrap between hyphen and numbers)
<div class="act_as_table data_table">
<div class="act_as_row labels">
<div class="act_as_cell">${_('Chart of Account')}</div>
<div class="act_as_cell">${_('Fiscal Year')}</div>
<div class="act_as_cell">
%if filter_form(data) == 'filter_date':
${_('Dates Filter')}
${_('Periods Filter')}
<div class="act_as_cell">${_('Journal Filter')}</div>
<div class="act_as_cell">${_('Target Moves')}</div>
<div class="act_as_row">
<div class="act_as_cell">${ }</div>
<div class="act_as_cell">${ if fiscalyear else '-' }</div>
<div class="act_as_cell">
%if filter_form(data) == 'filter_date':
${formatLang(start_date, date=True) if start_date else u'' }
${ if start_period else u''}
%if filter_form(data) == 'filter_date':
${ formatLang(stop_date, date=True) if stop_date else u'' }
${ if stop_period else u'' }
<div class="act_as_cell">
%if journals(data):
${', '.join([ for journal in journals(data)])}
<div class="act_as_cell">${ display_target_move(data) }</div>
%for journal_period in objects:
account_total_debit = 0.0
account_total_credit = 0.0
account_total_currency = 0.0
<div class="account_title bg" style="width: 1080px; margin-top: 20px; font-size: 12px;">${} - ${}</div>
<!-- we use div with css instead of table for tabular data because div do not cut rows at half at page breaks -->
<div class="act_as_table list_table" style="margin-top: 5px;">
<div class="act_as_thead">
<div class="act_as_row labels">
## date
<div class="act_as_cell first_column">${_('Date')}</div>
## move
<div class="act_as_cell">${_('Entry')}</div>
## account code
<div class="act_as_cell">${_('Account')}</div>
## date
<div class="act_as_cell">${_('Due Date')}</div>
## partner
<div class="act_as_cell" style="width: 280px;">${_('Partner')}</div>
## label
<div class="act_as_cell" style="width: 310px;">${_('Label')}</div>
## debit
<div class="act_as_cell amount">${_('Debit')}</div>
## credit
<div class="act_as_cell amount">${_('Credit')}</div>
%if amount_currency(data):
## currency balance
<div class="act_as_cell amount sep_left">${_('Curr. Balance')}</div>
## curency code
<div class="act_as_cell amount" style="text-align: right;">${_('Curr.')}</div>
%for move in journal_period.moves:
new_move = True
%for line in move.line_id:
<div class="act_as_tbody">
account_total_debit += line.debit or 0.0
account_total_credit += or 0.0
<div class="act_as_row lines">
## date
<div class="act_as_cell first_column">${formatLang(, date=True) if new_move else ''}</div>
## move
<div class="act_as_cell">${ if new_move else ''}</div>
## account code
<div class="act_as_cell">${line.account_id.code}</div>
## date
<div class="act_as_cell">${formatLang(line.date_maturity or '', date=True)}</div>
## partner
<div class="act_as_cell overflow_ellipsis" style="width: 280px;">${ if new_move else ''}</div>
## label
<div class="act_as_cell overflow_ellipsis" style="width: 310px;">${}</div>
## debit
<div class="act_as_cell amount">${formatLang(line.debit) if line.debit else ''}</div>
## credit
<div class="act_as_cell amount">${formatLang( if else ''}</div>
%if amount_currency(data):
## currency balance
<div class="act_as_cell amount sep_left">${formatLang(line.amount_currency) if line.amount_currency else ''}</div>
## curency code
<div class="act_as_cell amount" style="text-align: right;">${line.currency_id.symbol or ''}</div>
new_move = False
<div class="act_as_row lines labels">
## date
<div class="act_as_cell first_column"></div>
## move
<div class="act_as_cell"></div>
## account code
<div class="act_as_cell"></div>
## date
<div class="act_as_cell"></div>
## partner
<div class="act_as_cell" style="width: 280px;"></div>
## label
<div class="act_as_cell" style="width: 310px;"></div>
## debit
<div class="act_as_cell amount">${formatLang(account_total_debit) | amount }</div>
## credit
<div class="act_as_cell amount">${formatLang(account_total_credit) | amount }</div>
%if amount_currency(data):
## currency balance
<div class="act_as_cell amount sep_left"></div>
## currency code
<div class="act_as_cell" style="text-align: right; right;"></div>