import logging import io from odoo import api, models, _ from odoo.exceptions import UserError from odoo.addons.base_iban.models.res_partner_bank import _map_iban_template from odoo.addons.base_iban.models.res_partner_bank import validate_iban _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: from ofxparse import OfxParser except ImportError: _logger.debug("ofxparse not found.") OfxParser = None class AccountBankStatementImport(models.TransientModel): _inherit = '' def _check_journal_bank_account(self, journal, account_number): res = super( AccountBankStatementImport, self )._check_journal_bank_account(journal, account_number) if not res: e_acc_num = journal.bank_account_id.sanitized_acc_number e_acc_num = e_acc_num.replace(" ", "") validate_iban(e_acc_num) country_code = e_acc_num[:2].lower() iban_template = _map_iban_template[country_code].replace( " ", "") e_acc_num = "".join( [c for c, t in zip(e_acc_num, iban_template) if t == "C"]) res = (e_acc_num == account_number) return res @api.model def _check_ofx(self, data_file): if not OfxParser: return False try: ofx = OfxParser.parse(io.BytesIO(data_file)) except Exception as e: _logger.debug(e) return False return ofx @api.model def _prepare_ofx_transaction_line(self, transaction): # Since ofxparse doesn't provide account numbers, # we cannot provide the key 'bank_account_id', # nor the key 'account_number' # If you read odoo10/addons/account_bank_statement_import/ #, it's the only 2 keys # we can provide to match a partner. name = transaction.payee if transaction.checknum: name += " " + transaction.checknum if transaction.memo: name += " : " + transaction.memo vals = { 'date':, 'name': name, 'ref':, 'amount': float(transaction.amount), 'unique_import_id':, } return vals def _parse_file(self, data_file): ofx = self._check_ofx(data_file) if not ofx: return super(AccountBankStatementImport, self)._parse_file( data_file) transactions = [] total_amt = 0.00 try: for transaction in ofx.account.statement.transactions: vals = self._prepare_ofx_transaction_line(transaction) if vals: transactions.append(vals) total_amt += vals['amount'] except Exception as e: raise UserError(_( "The following problem occurred during import. " "The file might not be valid.\n\n %s") % e.message) balance = float(ofx.account.statement.balance) vals_bank_statement = { 'name': ofx.account.number, 'transactions': transactions, 'balance_start': balance - total_amt, 'balance_end_real': balance, } return ofx.account.statement.currency, ofx.account.number, [ vals_bank_statement]