To configure online bank statements provider: #. Go to *Invoicing > Configuration > Bank Accounts* #. Open bank account to configure and edit it #. Set *Bank Feeds* to *Online* #. Select ** as online bank statements provider in *Online Bank Statements (OCA)* section #. Save the bank account #. Click on provider and configure provider-specific settings. or, alternatively: #. Go to *Invoicing > Overview* #. Open settings of the corresponding journal account #. Switch to *Bank Account* tab #. Set *Bank Feeds* to *Online* #. Select ** as online bank statements provider in *Online Bank Statements (OCA)* section #. Save the bank account #. Click on provider and configure provider-specific settings. To obtain *Client ID* and *Secret*: #. Open `PayPal Developer `_ #. Go to *My Apps & Credentials* and switch to *Live* #. Under *REST API apps*, click *Create App* to create new application (e.g. *Odoo*) #. Copy *Client ID* and *Secret* to use during provider configuration #. Under *Live App Settings*, uncheck all features except *Transaction Search* #. Click Save