# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Class to parse camt files.""" ############################################################################## # # Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Therp BV # All Rights Reserved # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################## import re from datetime import datetime from lxml import etree from openerp.addons.bank_statement_parse.parserlib import ( BankStatement, BankTransaction ) class CamtParser(object): """Parser for camt bank statement import files.""" def parse_amount(self, ns, node): """Parse element that contains Amount and CreditDebitIndicator.""" if node is None: return 0.0 sign = 1 amount = 0.0 sign_node = node.xpath('ns:CdtDbtInd', namespaces={'ns': ns}) if sign_node and sign_node[0].text == 'DBIT': sign = -1 amount_node = node.xpath('ns:Amt', namespaces={'ns': ns}) if amount_node: amount = sign * float(amount_node[0].text) return amount def add_value_from_node( self, ns, node, xpath_str, obj, attr_name, join_str=None): """Add value to object from first or all nodes found with xpath. If xpath_str is a list (or iterable), it will be seen as a series of search path's in order of preference. The first item that results in a found node will be used to set a value.""" if not isinstance(xpath_str, (list, tuple)): xpath_str = [xpath_str] for search_str in xpath_str: found_node = node.xpath(search_str, namespaces={'ns': ns}) if found_node: if join_str is None: attr_value = found_node[0].text else: attr_value = join_str.join([x.text for x in found_node]) setattr(obj, attr_name, attr_value) break def parse_transaction_details(self, ns, node, transaction): """Parse transaction details (message, party, account...).""" # message self.add_value_from_node( ns, node, [ './ns:RmtInf/ns:Ustrd', './ns:AddtlTxInf', './ns:AddtlNtryInf', ], transaction, 'message') # eref self.add_value_from_node( ns, node, [ './ns:RmtInf/ns:Strd/ns:CdtrRefInf/ns:Ref', './ns:Refs/ns:EndToEndId', ], transaction, 'eref' ) # remote party values party_type = 'Dbtr' party_type_node = node.xpath( '../../ns:CdtDbtInd', namespaces={'ns': ns}) if party_type_node and party_type_node[0].text != 'CRDT': party_type = 'Cdtr' party_node = node.xpath( './ns:RltdPties/ns:%s' % party_type, namespaces={'ns': ns}) if party_node: self.add_value_from_node( ns, party_node[0], './ns:Nm', transaction, 'remote_owner') self.add_value_from_node( ns, party_node[0], './ns:PstlAdr/ns:Ctry', transaction, 'remote_owner_country' ) address_node = party_node[0].xpath( './ns:PstlAdr/ns:AdrLine', namespaces={'ns': ns}) if address_node: transaction.remote_owner_address = [address_node[0].text] # Get remote_account from iban or from domestic account: account_node = node.xpath( './ns:RltdPties/ns:%sAcct/ns:Id' % party_type, namespaces={'ns': ns} ) if account_node: iban_node = account_node[0].xpath( './ns:IBAN', namespaces={'ns': ns}) if iban_node: transaction.remote_account = iban_node[0].text bic_node = node.xpath( './ns:RltdAgts/ns:%sAgt/ns:FinInstnId/ns:BIC' % party_type, namespaces={'ns': ns} ) if bic_node: transaction.remote_bank_bic = bic_node[0].text else: self.add_value_from_node( ns, account_node[0], './ns:Othr/ns:Id', transaction, 'remote_account' ) def parse_transaction(self, ns, node): """Parse transaction (entry) node.""" transaction = BankTransaction() self.add_value_from_node( ns, node, './ns:BkTxCd/ns:Prtry/ns:Cd', transaction, 'transfer_type' ) self.add_value_from_node( ns, node, './ns:BookgDt/ns:Dt', transaction, 'execution_date') self.add_value_from_node( ns, node, './ns:ValDt/ns:Dt', transaction, 'value_date') transaction.transferred_amount = self.parse_amount(ns, node) details_node = node.xpath( './ns:NtryDtls/ns:TxDtls', namespaces={'ns': ns}) if details_node: self.parse_transaction_details(ns, details_node[0], transaction) transaction.data = etree.tostring(node) return transaction def get_balance_amounts(self, ns, node): """Return opening and closing balance. Depending on kind of balance and statement, the balance might be in a different kind of node: OPBD = OpeningBalance PRCD = PreviousClosingBalance ITBD = InterimBalance (first ITBD is start-, second is end-balance) CLBD = ClosingBalance """ start_balance_node = None end_balance_node = None for node_name in ['OPBD', 'PRCD', 'CLBD', 'ITBD']: code_expr = ( './ns:Bal/ns:Tp/ns:CdOrPrtry/ns:Cd[text()="%s"]/../../..' % node_name ) balance_node = node.xpath(code_expr, namespaces={'ns': ns}) if balance_node: if node_name in ['OPBD', 'PRCD']: start_balance_node = balance_node[0] elif node_name == 'CLBD': end_balance_node = balance_node[0] else: if not start_balance_node: start_balance_node = balance_node[0] if not end_balance_node: end_balance_node = balance_node[-1] return ( self.parse_amount(ns, start_balance_node), self.parse_amount(ns, end_balance_node) ) def parse_statement(self, ns, node): """Parse a single Stmt node.""" statement = BankStatement() self.add_value_from_node( ns, node, [ './ns:Acct/ns:Id/ns:IBAN', './ns:Acct/ns:Id/ns:Othr/ns:Id', ], statement, 'local_account' ) self.add_value_from_node( ns, node, './ns:Id', statement, 'statement_id') self.add_value_from_node( ns, node, './ns:Acct/ns:Ccy', statement, 'local_currency') (statement.start_balance, statement.end_balance) = ( self.get_balance_amounts(ns, node)) transaction_nodes = node.xpath('./ns:Ntry', namespaces={'ns': ns}) for entry_node in transaction_nodes: transaction = self.parse_transaction(ns, entry_node) statement.transactions.append(transaction) if statement.transactions: statement.date = datetime.strptime( statement.transactions[0].execution_date, "%Y-%m-%d") return statement def check_version(self, ns, root): """Validate validity of camt file.""" # Check wether it is camt at all: re_camt = re.compile( r'(^urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.' r'|^ISO:camt.)' ) if not re_camt.search(ns): raise ValueError('no camt: ' + ns) # Check wether version 052 or 053: re_camt_version = re.compile( r'(^urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.053.' r'|^urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.052.' r'|^ISO:camt.053.' r'|^ISO:camt.052.)' ) if not re_camt_version.search(ns): raise ValueError('no camt 052 or 053: ' + ns) # Check GrpHdr element: root_0_0 = root[0][0].tag[len(ns) + 2:] # strip namespace if root_0_0 != 'GrpHdr': raise ValueError('expected GrpHdr, got: ' + root_0_0) def parse(self, data): """Parse a camt.052 or camt.053 file.""" try: root = etree.fromstring( data, parser=etree.XMLParser(recover=True)) except etree.XMLSyntaxError: # ABNAmro is known to mix up encodings root = etree.fromstring( data.decode('iso-8859-15').encode('utf-8')) if root is None: raise ValueError( 'Not a valid xml file, or not an xml file at all.') ns = root.tag[1:root.tag.index("}")] self.check_version(ns, root) statements = [] for node in root[0][1:]: statement = self.parse_statement(ns, node) if len(statement.transactions): statements.append(statement) return statements # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4: