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#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Generic parser for MT940 files, base for customized versions per bank."""
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# This module copyright (C) 2014 Therp BV (<>).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import re
import logging
from datetime import datetime
from openerp.addons.bank_statement_parse import parserlib
def str2amount(sign, amount_str):
"""Convert sign (C or D) and amount in string to signed amount (float)."""
factor = (1 if sign == 'C' else -1)
return factor * float(amount_str.replace(',', '.'))
def get_subfields(data, codewords):
"""Return dictionary with value array for each codeword in data.
For instance:
data =
/BENM//NAME/Kosten/REMI/Periode 01-10-2013 t/m 31-12-2013/ISDT/20
codewords = ['BENM', 'ADDR', 'NAME', 'CNTP', ISDT', 'REMI']
Then return subfields = {
'BENM': [],
'NAME': ['Kosten'],
'REMI': ['Periode 01-10-2013 t', 'm 31-12-2013'],
'ISDT': ['20'],
subfields = {}
current_codeword = None
for word in data.split('/'):
if not word and not current_codeword:
if word in codewords:
current_codeword = word
subfields[current_codeword] = []
if current_codeword in subfields:
return subfields
def get_counterpart(transaction, subfield):
"""Get counterpart from transaction.
Counterpart is often stored in subfield of tag 86. The subfield
can be BENM, ORDP, CNTP"""
if not subfield:
return # subfield is empty
if len(subfield) >= 1 and subfield[0]:
transaction.remote_account = subfield[0]
if len(subfield) >= 2 and subfield[1]:
transaction.remote_bank_bic = subfield[1]
if len(subfield) >= 3 and subfield[2]:
transaction.remote_owner = subfield[2]
if len(subfield) >= 4 and subfield[3]:
transaction.remote_owner_city = subfield[3]
def handle_common_subfields(transaction, subfields):
"""Deal with common functionality for tag 86 subfields."""
# Get counterpart from CNTP, BENM or ORDP subfields:
for counterpart_field in ['CNTP', 'BENM', 'ORDP']:
if counterpart_field in subfields:
get_counterpart(transaction, subfields[counterpart_field])
# REMI: Remitter information (text entered by other party on trans.):
if 'REMI' in subfields:
transaction.message = (
'/'.join(x for x in subfields['REMI'] if x))
# Get transaction reference subfield (might vary):
if transaction.eref in subfields:
transaction.eref = ''.join(
class MT940(object):
"""Inherit this class in your account_banking.parsers.models.parser,
define functions to handle the tags you need to handle and adjust static
variables as needed.
At least, you should override handle_tag_61 and handle_tag_86. Don't forget
to call super.
handle_tag_* functions receive the remainder of the the line (that is,
without ':XX:') and are supposed to write into self.current_transaction"""
header_lines = 3
"""One file can contain multiple statements, each with its own poorly
documented header. For now, the best thing to do seems to skip that"""
header_regex = '^{1:[0-9A-Z]{25,25}}'
'The file is considered a valid MT940 file when it contains this line'
footer_regex = '^-XXX$'
'The line that denotes end of message, we need to create a new statement'
tag_regex = '^:[0-9]{2}[A-Z]*:'
'The beginning of a record, should be anchored to beginning of the line'
def __init__(self):
self.current_statement = None
self.current_transaction = None
self.statements = []
def create_transaction(self):
"""Create and return BankTransaction object."""
transaction = parserlib.BankTransaction()
return transaction
def is_mt940(self, line):
"""determine if a line is the header of a statement"""
if not bool(re.match(self.header_regex, line)):
raise ValueError(
'This does not seem to be a MT940 format bank statement.')
def parse(self, data):
"""Parse mt940 bank statement file contents."""
iterator = data.replace('\r\n', '\n').split('\n').__iter__()
line = None
record_line = ''
while True:
if not self.current_statement:
self.handle_header(line, iterator)
line =
if not self.is_tag(line) and not self.is_footer(line):
record_line = self.append_continuation_line(
record_line, line)
if record_line:
if self.is_footer(line):
self.handle_footer(line, iterator)
record_line = ''
record_line = line
except StopIteration:
if self.current_statement:
if record_line:
record_line = ''
self.current_statement = None
return self.statements
def append_continuation_line(self, line, continuation_line):
"""append a continuation line for a multiline record.
Override and do data cleanups as necessary."""
return line + continuation_line
def create_statement(self):
"""create a BankStatement."""
return parserlib.BankStatement()
def is_footer(self, line):
"""determine if a line is the footer of a statement"""
return line and bool(re.match(self.footer_regex, line))
def is_tag(self, line):
"""determine if a line has a tag"""
return line and bool(re.match(self.tag_regex, line))
def handle_header(self, line, iterator):
"""skip header lines, create current statement"""
for dummy_i in range(self.header_lines):
self.current_statement = self.create_statement()
def handle_footer(self, line, iterator):
"""add current statement to list, reset state"""
self.current_statement = None
def handle_record(self, line):
"""find a function to handle the record represented by line"""
tag_match = re.match(self.tag_regex, line)
tag =':')
if not hasattr(self, 'handle_tag_%s' % tag):
logging.error('Unknown tag %s', tag)
handler = getattr(self, 'handle_tag_%s' % tag)
def handle_tag_20(self, data):
"""Contains unique ? message ID"""
def handle_tag_25(self, data):
"""Handle tag 25: local bank account information."""
data = data.replace('EUR', '').replace('.', '').strip()
self.current_statement.local_account = data
def handle_tag_28C(self, data):
"""get sequence number _within_this_batch_ - this alone
doesn't provide a unique id!"""
self.current_statement.statement_id = data
def handle_tag_60F(self, data):
"""get start balance and currency"""
self.current_statement.local_currency = data[7:10] = datetime.strptime(data[1:7], '%y%m%d')
self.current_statement.start_balance = str2amount(data[0], data[10:])
self.current_statement.statement_id = '%s/%s' % ('%Y-%m-%d'),
def handle_tag_62F(self, data):
"""get ending balance"""
self.current_statement.end_balance = str2amount(data[0], data[10:])
def handle_tag_64(self, data):
"""get current balance in currency"""
def handle_tag_65(self, data):
"""get future balance in currency"""
def handle_tag_61(self, data):
"""get transaction values"""
transaction = self.create_transaction()
self.current_transaction = transaction
transaction.execution_date = datetime.strptime(data[:6], '%y%m%d')
transaction.value_date = datetime.strptime(data[:6], '%y%m%d')
# ...and the rest already is highly bank dependent
def handle_tag_86(self, data):
"""details for previous transaction, here most differences between
banks occur"""
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