You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

278 lines
15 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# noqa: This is a backport from Odoo. OCA has no control over style here.
# flake8: noqa
import base64
from openerp import SUPERUSER_ID
from openerp.osv import fields, osv
from import _
from openerp.exceptions import Warning
import logging
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class account_bank_statement_line(osv.osv):
_inherit = ""
_columns = {
# Ensure transactions can be imported only once (if the import format provides unique transaction ids)
'unique_import_id': fields.char('Import ID', readonly=True, copy=False),
_sql_constraints = [
('unique_import_id', 'unique (unique_import_id)', 'A bank account transactions can be imported only once !')
class account_bank_statement_import(osv.TransientModel):
_name = ''
_description = 'Import Bank Statement'
_columns = {
'data_file': fields.binary('Bank Statement File', required=True, help='Get you bank statements in electronic format from your bank and select them here.'),
def import_file(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
""" Process the file chosen in the wizard, create bank statement(s) and go to reconciliation. """
if context is None:
context = {}
#set the active_id in the context, so that any extension module could
#reuse the fields chosen in the wizard if needed (see .QIF for example)
context.update({'active_id': ids[0]})
data_file = self.browse(cr, uid, ids[0], context=context).data_file
# The appropriate implementation module returns the required data
currency_code, account_number, stmts_vals = self._parse_file(cr, uid, base64.b64decode(data_file), context=context)
# Check raw data
self._check_parsed_data(cr, uid, stmts_vals, context=context)
# Try to find the bank account and currency in odoo
currency_id, bank_account_id = self._find_additional_data(cr, uid, currency_code, account_number, context=context)
# Find or create the bank journal
journal_id = self._get_journal(cr, uid, currency_id, bank_account_id, account_number, context=context)
# Create the bank account if not already existing
if not bank_account_id and account_number:
self._create_bank_account(cr, uid, account_number, journal_id=journal_id, partner_id=uid, context=context)
# Prepare statement data to be used for bank statements creation
stmts_vals = self._complete_stmts_vals(cr, uid, stmts_vals, journal_id, account_number, context=context)
# Create the bank statements
statement_ids, notifications = self._create_bank_statements(cr, uid, stmts_vals, context=context)
# Finally dispatch to reconciliation interface
model, action_id = self.pool.get('').get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'account', 'action_bank_reconcile_bank_statements')
action = self.pool[model].browse(cr, uid, action_id, context=context)
return {
'tag': action.tag,
'context': {
'statement_ids': statement_ids,
'notifications': notifications
'type': 'ir.actions.client',
def _parse_file(self, cr, uid, data_file, context=None):
""" Each module adding a file support must extends this method. It processes the file if it can, returns super otherwise, resulting in a chain of responsability.
This method parses the given file and returns the data required by the bank statement import process, as specified below.
rtype: triplet (if a value can't be retrieved, use None)
- currency code: string (e.g: 'EUR')
The ISO 4217 currency code, case insensitive
- account number: string (e.g: 'BE1234567890')
The number of the bank account which the statement belongs to
- bank statements data: list of dict containing (optional items marked by o) :
- 'name': string (e.g: '000000123')
- 'date': date (e.g: 2013-06-26)
-o 'balance_start': float (e.g: 8368.56)
-o 'balance_end_real': float (e.g: 8888.88)
- 'transactions': list of dict containing :
- 'name': string (e.g: 'KBC-INVESTERINGSKREDIET 787-5562831-01')
- 'date': date
- 'amount': float
- 'unique_import_id': string
-o 'account_number': string
Will be used to find/create the in odoo
-o 'note': string
-o 'partner_name': string
-o 'ref': string
raise Warning(_('Could not make sense of the given file.\nDid you install the module to support this type of file ?'))
def _check_parsed_data(self, cr, uid, stmts_vals, context=None):
""" Basic and structural verifications """
if len(stmts_vals) == 0:
raise Warning(_('This file doesn\'t contain any statement.'))
no_st_line = True
for vals in stmts_vals:
if vals['transactions'] and len(vals['transactions']) > 0:
no_st_line = False
if no_st_line:
raise Warning(_('This file doesn\'t contain any transaction.'))
def _find_additional_data(self, cr, uid, currency_code, account_number, context=None):
""" Get the res.currency ID and the ID """
currency_id = False # So if no currency_code is provided, we'll use the company currency
if currency_code:
currency_ids = self.pool.get('res.currency').search(cr, uid, [('name', '=ilike', currency_code)], context=context)
company_currency_id = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context)
if currency_ids:
if currency_ids[0] != company_currency_id:
currency_id = currency_ids[0]
bank_account_id = None
if account_number and len(account_number) > 4:
account_number = account_number.replace(' ', '').replace('-', '')
cr.execute("select id from res_partner_bank where replace(replace(acc_number,' ',''),'-','') like %s and journal_id is not null", ('%' + account_number + '%',))
bank_account_ids = [id[0] for id in cr.fetchall()]
if bank_account_ids:
bank_account_id = bank_account_ids[0]
return currency_id, bank_account_id
def _get_journal(self, cr, uid, currency_id, bank_account_id, account_number, context=None):
""" Find or create the journal """
if context is None:
context = {}
bank_pool = self.pool.get('')
# Find the journal from context or bank account
journal_id = context.get('journal_id')
if bank_account_id:
bank_account = bank_pool.browse(cr, uid, bank_account_id, context=context)
if journal_id:
if and != journal_id:
raise Warning(_('The account of this statement is linked to another journal.'))
if not
bank_pool.write(cr, uid, [bank_account_id], {'journal_id': journal_id}, context=context)
journal_id =
# If importing into an existing journal, its currency must be the same as the bank statement
if journal_id:
journal_currency_id = self.pool.get('account.journal').browse(cr, uid, journal_id, context=context)
if currency_id and currency_id != journal_currency_id:
raise Warning(_('The currency of the bank statement is not the same as the currency of the journal !'))
# If there is no journal, create one (and its account)
# I think it's too dangerous, so I disable that code by default -- Alexis de Lattre
# -- Totally disabled, Ronald Portier
# if context.get('allow_auto_create_journal') and not journal_id and account_number:
# journal_id = self._create_journal(cr, uid, currency_id, account_number, context=context)
# if bank_account_id:
# bank_pool.write(cr, uid, [bank_account_id], {'journal_id': journal_id}, context=context)
# If we couldn't find/create a journal, everything is lost
if not journal_id:
raise Warning(_('Cannot find in which journal import this statement. Please manually select a journal.'))
return journal_id
def _create_journal(self, cr, uid, currency_id, account_number, context=None):
""" Create a journal and its account """
wmca_pool = self.pool.get('wizard.multi.charts.accounts')
company = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context).company_id
vals_account = {'currency_id': currency_id, 'acc_name': account_number, 'account_type': 'bank'}
vals_account = wmca_pool._prepare_bank_account(cr, uid, company, vals_account, context=context)
account_id = self.pool.get('account.account').create(cr, uid, vals_account, context=context)
vals_journal = {'currency_id': currency_id, 'acc_name': _('Bank') + ' ' + account_number, 'account_type': 'bank'}
vals_journal = wmca_pool._prepare_bank_journal(cr, uid, company, vals_journal, account_id, context=context)
return self.pool.get('account.journal').create(cr, uid, vals_journal, context=context)
def _create_bank_account(self, cr, uid, account_number, journal_id=False, partner_id=False, context=None):
type_model, type_id = self.pool.get('').get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'base', 'bank_normal')
type_id = self.pool.get('').browse(cr, uid, type_id, context=context)
bank_code = type_id.code
except ValueError:
bank_code = 'bank'
account_number = account_number.replace(' ', '').replace('-', '')
vals_acc = {
'acc_number': account_number,
'state': bank_code,
# Odoo users bank accounts (which we import statement from) have company_id and journal_id set
# while 'counterpart' bank accounts (from which statement transactions originate) don't.
# Warning : if company_id is set, the method post_write of class bank will create a journal
if journal_id:
vals_acc['partner_id'] = uid
vals_acc['journal_id'] = journal_id
vals_acc['company_id'] = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context)
return self.pool.get('').create(cr, uid, vals_acc, context=context)
def _complete_stmts_vals(self, cr, uid, stmts_vals, journal_id, account_number, context=None):
for st_vals in stmts_vals:
st_vals['journal_id'] = journal_id
for line_vals in st_vals['transactions']:
unique_import_id = line_vals.get('unique_import_id', False)
if unique_import_id:
line_vals['unique_import_id'] = (account_number and account_number + '-' or '') + unique_import_id
if not line_vals.get('partner_id') and not line_vals.get('bank_account_id'):
# Find the partner and his bank account or create the bank account. The partner selected during the
# reconciliation process will be linked to the bank when the statement is closed.
partner_id = False
bank_account_id = False
identifying_string = line_vals.get('account_number', False)
if identifying_string:
ids = self.pool.get('').search(cr, uid, [('acc_number', '=', identifying_string)], context=context)
if ids:
bank_account_id = ids[0]
partner_id = self.pool.get('').browse(cr, uid, bank_account_id, context=context)
bank_account_id = self._create_bank_account(cr, uid, identifying_string, context=context)
line_vals['partner_id'] = partner_id
line_vals['bank_account_id'] = bank_account_id
return stmts_vals
def _create_bank_statements(self, cr, uid, stmts_vals, context=None):
""" Create new bank statements from imported values, filtering out already imported transactions, and returns data used by the reconciliation widget """
bs_obj = self.pool.get('')
bsl_obj = self.pool.get('')
# Filter out already imported transactions and create statements
statement_ids = []
ignored_statement_lines_import_ids = []
for st_vals in stmts_vals:
filtered_st_lines = []
for line_vals in st_vals['transactions']:
if not 'unique_import_id' in line_vals \
or not line_vals['unique_import_id'] \
or not bool(, SUPERUSER_ID, [('unique_import_id', '=', line_vals['unique_import_id'])], limit=1, context=context)):
if len(filtered_st_lines) > 0:
# Remove values that won't be used to create records
st_vals.pop('transactions', None)
for line_vals in filtered_st_lines:
line_vals.pop('account_number', None)
# Create the satement
st_vals['line_ids'] = [[0, False, line] for line in filtered_st_lines]
statement_ids.append(bs_obj.create(cr, uid, st_vals, context=context))
if len(statement_ids) == 0:
raise Warning(_('You have already imported that file.'))
# Prepare import feedback
notifications = []
num_ignored = len(ignored_statement_lines_import_ids)
if num_ignored > 0:
notifications += [{
'type': 'warning',
'message': _("%d transactions had already been imported and were ignored.") % num_ignored if num_ignored > 1 else _("1 transaction had already been imported and was ignored."),
'details': {
'name': _('Already imported items'),
'model': '',
'ids':, uid, [('unique_import_id', 'in', ignored_statement_lines_import_ids)], context=context)
return statement_ids, notifications