You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

275 lines
10 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2014-2017 Akretion (
# @author Alexis de Lattre <>
# @author Sébastien BEAU <>
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (
import logging
from datetime import datetime
from openerp import models, fields, api, _
from openerp.exceptions import UserError
import re
from cStringIO import StringIO
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import unicodecsv
except (ImportError, IOError) as err:
# Paypal header depend of the country the order are the same but the
# value are translated. You can add you header here
# French
'"Date","Heure","Fuseau horaire","Description","Devise","Avant commission"'
',"Commission","Net","Solde","Numéro de transaction","Adresse email de '
'l\'expéditeur","Nom","Nom de la banque","Compte bancaire","Montant des '
'frais de livraison et de traitement","TVA","Identifiant de facture",'
'"Numéro de la transaction de référence"',
# English
'"Date","Time","Time Zone","Description","Currency","Gross ","Fee ","Net",'
'"Balance","Transaction ID","From Email Address","Name","Bank Name",'
'"Bank Account","Shipping and Handling Amount","Sales Tax","Invoice ID",'
'"Reference Txn ID"'
class AccountBankStatementImport(models.TransientModel):
_inherit = ''
def _get_paypal_encoding(self):
return 'utf-8'
def _get_paypal_date_format(self):
'''This method is designed to be inherited'''
return '%d/%m/%Y'
def _paypal_convert_amount(self, amount_str):
'''This method is designed to be inherited'''
valstr = re.sub(r'[^\d,.-]', '', amount_str)
valstrdot = valstr.replace('.', '')
valstrdot = valstrdot.replace(',', '.')
return float(valstrdot)
def _check_paypal(self, data_file):
for header in HEADERS:
if data_file.strip().startswith(header):
return True
return False
def _convert_paypal_line_to_dict(self, idx, line):
date_dt = datetime.strptime(line[0], self._get_paypal_date_format())
rline = {
'date': fields.Date.to_string(date_dt),
'time': line[1],
'description': line[3],
'currency': line[4],
'amount': line[5],
'commission': line[6],
'balance': line[8],
'transaction_id': line[9],
'email': line[10],
'partner_name': line[11],
# This two field are usefull for bank transfert
'bank_name': line[12],
'bank_account': line[13],
'invoice_number': line[16],
'origin_transaction_id': line[17],
'idx': idx,
for field in ['commission', 'amount', 'balance']:
_logger.debug('Trying to convert %s to float' % rline[field])
rline[field] = self._paypal_convert_amount(rline[field])
raise UserError(
_("Value '%s' for the field '%s' on line %d, "
"cannot be converted to float")
% (rline[field], field, idx))
return rline
def _parse_paypal_file(self, data_file):
f = StringIO()
raw_lines = []
reader = unicodecsv.reader(f, encoding=self._get_paypal_encoding()) # Drop header
for idx, line in enumerate(reader):
_logger.debug("Line %d: %s" % (idx, line))
raw_lines.append(self._convert_paypal_line_to_dict(idx, line))
return raw_lines
def _prepare_paypal_currency_vals(self, cline):
currencies = self.env['res.currency'].search(
[('name', '=', cline['currency'])])
if not currencies:
raise UserError(
_('currency %s on line %d cannot be found in odoo')
% (cline['currency'], cline['idx']))
return {
'amount_currency': cline['amount'],
'currency': cline['currency'],
'partner_name': cline['partner_name'],
'description': cline['description'],
'email': cline['email'],
'transaction_id': cline['transaction_id'],
def _post_process_statement_line(self, raw_lines):
journal_id = self.env.context.get('journal_id')
if not journal_id:
raise UserError(_('You must run this wizard from the journal'))
journal = self.env['account.journal'].browse(journal_id)
currency = journal.currency_id or journal.company_id.currency_id
currency_change_lines = {}
real_transactions = []
for line in raw_lines:
if line['currency'] !=
currency_change_lines[line['transaction_id']] = line
for line in real_transactions:
# Check if the current transaction is linked with a
# transaction of currency change if yes merge the transaction
# as for odoo it's only one line
cline = currency_change_lines.get(line['origin_transaction_id'])
if cline:
# we update the current line with currency information
vals = self._prepare_paypal_currency_vals(cline)
return real_transactions
def _prepare_paypal_statement_line(self, fline):
if fline['bank_name']:
name = '|'.join([
name = '|'.join([
return {
'date': fline['date'],
'name': name,
'ref': fline['transaction_id'],
fline['transaction_id'] + fline['date'] + fline['time'],
'amount': fline['amount'],
'bank_account_id': False,
'currency_id': fline.get('currency_id'),
'amount_currency': fline.get('amount_currency'),
def _prepare_paypal_statement(self, lines):
return {
_('PayPal Import %s > %s')
% (lines[0]['date'], lines[-1]['date']),
'date': lines[-1]['date'],
lines[0]['balance'] -
lines[0]['amount'] -
'balance_end_real': lines[-1]['balance'],
def _parse_file(self, data_file):
""" Import a file in Paypal CSV format"""
paypal = self._check_paypal(data_file)
if not paypal:
return super(AccountBankStatementImport, self)._parse_file(
raw_lines = self._parse_paypal_file(data_file)
final_lines = self._post_process_statement_line(raw_lines)
vals_bank_statement = self._prepare_paypal_statement(final_lines)
transactions = []
commission_total = 0
for fline in final_lines:
commission_total += fline['commission']
vals_line = self._prepare_paypal_statement_line(fline)
_logger.debug("vals_line = %s" % vals_line)
if commission_total:
commission_line = {
'date': vals_bank_statement['date'],
'name': _('Paypal commissions'),
'ref': _('PAYPAL-COSTS'),
'amount': commission_total,
'unique_import_id': False,
vals_bank_statement['transactions'] = transactions
return None, None, [vals_bank_statement]
def _get_paypal_partner(self, description, partner_name,
partner_email, invoice_number):
if invoice_number:
# In most case e-commerce case invoice_number
# will contain the sale order number
sale = self.env['sale.order'].search([
('name', '=', invoice_number)])
if sale and len(sale) == 1:
return sale.partner_id.commercial_partner_id
invoice = self.env['account.invoice'].search([
('number', '=', invoice_number)])
if invoice and len(invoice) == 1:
return invoice.partner_id.commercial_partner_id
if partner_email:
partner = self.env['res.partner'].search([
('email', '=', partner_email),
('parent_id', '=', False)])
if partner and len(partner) == 1:
return partner.commercial_partner_id
if partner_name:
partner = self.env['res.partner'].search([
('name', '=ilike', partner_name)])
if partner and len(partner) == 1:
return partner.commercial_partner_id
return None
def _complete_paypal_statement_line(self, line):
_logger.debug('Process line %s', line['name'])
info = line['name'].split('|')
if len(info) == 4:
partner = self._get_paypal_partner(*info)
if partner:
return {
return None
def _complete_statement(self, stmts_vals, journal_id, account_number):
'''Match the partner from paypal information'''
stmts_vals = super(AccountBankStatementImport, self).\
_complete_statement(stmts_vals, journal_id, account_number)
for line in stmts_vals['transactions']:
vals = self._complete_paypal_statement_line(line)
if vals:
return stmts_vals