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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Class to parse camt files."""
# © 2013-2016 Therp BV <>
# Copyright 2017 Open Net Sàrl
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (
import re
from lxml import etree
from odoo import models
class CamtParser(models.AbstractModel):
_name = ''
"""Parser for camt bank statement import files."""
def parse_amount(self, ns, node):
"""Parse element that contains Amount and CreditDebitIndicator."""
if node is None:
return 0.0
sign = 1
amount = 0.0
sign_node = node.xpath('ns:CdtDbtInd', namespaces={'ns': ns})
if not sign_node:
sign_node = node.xpath(
'../../ns:CdtDbtInd', namespaces={'ns': ns})
if sign_node and sign_node[0].text == 'DBIT':
sign = -1
amount_node = node.xpath('ns:Amt', namespaces={'ns': ns})
if not amount_node:
amount_node = node.xpath(
'./ns:AmtDtls/ns:TxAmt/ns:Amt', namespaces={'ns': ns})
if amount_node:
amount = sign * float(amount_node[0].text)
return amount
def add_value_from_node(
self, ns, node, xpath_str, obj, attr_name, join_str=None):
"""Add value to object from first or all nodes found with xpath.
If xpath_str is a list (or iterable), it will be seen as a series
of search path's in order of preference. The first item that results
in a found node will be used to set a value."""
if not isinstance(xpath_str, (list, tuple)):
xpath_str = [xpath_str]
for search_str in xpath_str:
found_node = node.xpath(search_str, namespaces={'ns': ns})
if found_node:
if join_str is None:
attr_value = found_node[0].text
attr_value = join_str.join([x.text for x in found_node])
obj[attr_name] = attr_value
def parse_transaction_details(self, ns, node, transaction):
"""Parse TxDtls node."""
# message
ns, node, [
], transaction, 'note', join_str='\n')
# name
ns, node, [
], transaction, 'name', join_str='\n')
# eref
ns, node, [
transaction, 'ref'
amount = self.parse_amount(ns, node)
if amount != 0.0:
transaction['amount'] = amount
# remote party values
party_type = 'Dbtr'
party_type_node = node.xpath(
'../../ns:CdtDbtInd', namespaces={'ns': ns})
if party_type_node and party_type_node[0].text != 'CRDT':
party_type = 'Cdtr'
party_node = node.xpath(
'./ns:RltdPties/ns:%s' % party_type, namespaces={'ns': ns})
if party_node:
ns, party_node[0], './ns:Nm', transaction, 'partner_name')
# Get remote_account from iban or from domestic account:
account_node = node.xpath(
'./ns:RltdPties/ns:%sAcct/ns:Id' % party_type,
namespaces={'ns': ns}
if account_node:
iban_node = account_node[0].xpath(
'./ns:IBAN', namespaces={'ns': ns})
if iban_node:
transaction['account_number'] = iban_node[0].text
ns, account_node[0], './ns:Othr/ns:Id', transaction,
def parse_entry(self, ns, node, transaction=None):
"""Parse an Ntry node and yield transactions"""
if transaction is None:
transaction = {'name': '/', 'amount': 0} # fallback defaults
ns, node, './ns:BookgDt/ns:Dt', transaction, 'date')
amount = self.parse_amount(ns, node)
if amount != 0.0:
transaction['amount'] = amount
ns, node, './ns:AddtlNtryInf', transaction, 'name')
ns, node, [
transaction, 'ref'
details_nodes = node.xpath(
'./ns:NtryDtls/ns:TxDtls', namespaces={'ns': ns})
if len(details_nodes) == 0:
yield transaction
transaction_base = transaction
for node in details_nodes:
transaction = transaction_base.copy()
self.parse_transaction_details(ns, node, transaction)
yield transaction
def get_balance_amounts(self, ns, node):
"""Return opening and closing balance.
Depending on kind of balance and statement, the balance might be in a
different kind of node:
OPBD = OpeningBalance
PRCD = PreviousClosingBalance
ITBD = InterimBalance (first ITBD is start-, second is end-balance)
CLBD = ClosingBalance
start_balance_node = None
end_balance_node = None
for node_name in ['OPBD', 'PRCD', 'CLBD', 'ITBD']:
code_expr = (
'./ns:Bal/ns:Tp/ns:CdOrPrtry/ns:Cd[text()="%s"]/../../..' %
balance_node = node.xpath(code_expr, namespaces={'ns': ns})
if balance_node:
if node_name in ['OPBD', 'PRCD']:
start_balance_node = balance_node[0]
elif node_name == 'CLBD':
end_balance_node = balance_node[0]
if not start_balance_node:
start_balance_node = balance_node[0]
if not end_balance_node:
end_balance_node = balance_node[-1]
return (
self.parse_amount(ns, start_balance_node),
self.parse_amount(ns, end_balance_node)
def parse_statement(self, ns, node):
"""Parse a single Stmt node."""
result = {}
ns, node, [
], result, 'account_number'
ns, node, './ns:Id', result, 'name')
ns, node, './ns:Acct/ns:Ccy', result, 'currency')
result['balance_start'], result['balance_end_real'] = (
self.get_balance_amounts(ns, node))
entry_nodes = node.xpath('./ns:Ntry', namespaces={'ns': ns})
transactions = []
for entry_node in entry_nodes:
transactions.extend(self.parse_entry(ns, entry_node))
result['transactions'] = transactions
result['date'] = None
if transactions:
result['date'] = sorted(transactions,
key=lambda x: x['date'],
return result
def check_version(self, ns, root):
"""Validate validity of camt file."""
# Check wether it is camt at all:
re_camt = re.compile(
if not
raise ValueError('no camt: ' + ns)
# Check wether version 052 ,053 or 054:
re_camt_version = re.compile(
if not
raise ValueError('no camt 052 or 053 or 054: ' + ns)
# Check GrpHdr element:
root_0_0 = root[0][0].tag[len(ns) + 2:] # strip namespace
if root_0_0 != 'GrpHdr':
raise ValueError('expected GrpHdr, got: ' + root_0_0)
def parse(self, data):
"""Parse a camt.052 or camt.053 or camt.054 file."""
root = etree.fromstring(
data, parser=etree.XMLParser(recover=True))
except etree.XMLSyntaxError:
# ABNAmro is known to mix up encodings
root = etree.fromstring(
if root is None:
raise ValueError(
'Not a valid xml file, or not an xml file at all.')
ns = root.tag[1:root.tag.index("}")]
self.check_version(ns, root)
statements = []
currency = None
account_number = None
for node in root[0][1:]:
statement = self.parse_statement(ns, node)
if len(statement['transactions']):
if 'currency' in statement:
currency = statement.pop('currency')
if 'account_number' in statement:
account_number = statement.pop('account_number')
return currency, account_number, statements