# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # FreeSWITCH Click2dial module for OpenERP # Copyright (C) 2014 Trever L. Adams # Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Alexis de Lattre <alexis@via.ecp.fr> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # ##############################################################################
from openerp.osv import fields, orm from openerp.tools.translate import _ import logging import ESL import sys import csv import StringIO import re
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class freeswitch_server(orm.Model): '''FreeSWITCH server object, stores the parameters of the FreeSWITCH IPBXs''' _name = "freeswitch.server" _description = "FreeSWITCH Servers" _columns = { 'name': fields.char('FreeSWITCH Server Name', size=50, required=True), 'active': fields.boolean( 'Active', help="The active field allows you to hide the FreeSWITCH " "server without deleting it."), 'ip_address': fields.char( 'FreeSWITCH IP address or DNS', size=50, required=True, help="IP address or DNS name of the FreeSWITCH server."), 'port': fields.integer( 'Port', required=True, help="TCP port on which the FreeSWITCH Event Socket listens. " "Defined in /etc/freeswitch/autoload_configs/event_socket.conf.xml on FreeSWITCH."), 'out_prefix': fields.char( 'Out Prefix', size=4, help="Prefix to dial to make outgoing " "calls. If you don't use a prefix to make outgoing calls, " "leave empty."), 'password': fields.char( 'Event Socket Password', size=30, required=True, help="Password that OpenERP will use to communicate with the " "FreeSWITCH Event Socket. Refer to " "/etc/freeswitch/autoload_configs/event_socket.conf.xml " "on your FreeSWITCH server."), 'context': fields.char( 'Dialplan Context', size=50, required=True, help="FreeSWITCH dialplan context from which the calls will be " "made; e.g. 'XML default'. Refer to /etc/freeswitch/dialplan/* on your FreeSWITCH " "server."), 'wait_time': fields.integer( 'Wait Time (sec)', required=True, help="Amount of time (in seconds) FreeSWITCH will try to reach " "the user's phone before hanging up."), 'alert_info': fields.char( 'Alert-Info SIP Header', size=255, help="Set Alert-Info header in SIP request to user's IP Phone " "for the click2dial feature. If empty, the Alert-Info header " "will not be added. You can use it to have a special ring tone " "for click2dial (a silent one !) or to activate auto-answer " "for example."), 'company_id': fields.many2one( 'res.company', 'Company', help="Company who uses the FreeSWITCH server."), }
_defaults = { 'active': True, 'port': 8021, # Default Event Socket port 'context': 'XML default', 'wait_time': 60, 'company_id': lambda self, cr, uid, context: self.pool['res.company']._company_default_get( cr, uid, 'freeswitch.server', context=context), }
def _check_validity(self, cr, uid, ids): for server in self.browse(cr, uid, ids): out_prefix = ('Out prefix', server.out_prefix) dialplan_context = ('Dialplan context', server.context) alert_info = ('Alert-Info SIP header', server.alert_info) password = ('Event Socket password', server.password)
if out_prefix[1] and not out_prefix[1].isdigit(): raise orm.except_orm( _('Error:'), _("Only use digits for the '%s' on the FreeSWITCH server " "'%s'" % (out_prefix[0], server.name))) if server.wait_time < 1 or server.wait_time > 120: raise orm.except_orm( _('Error:'), _("You should set a 'Wait time' value between 1 and 120 " "seconds for the FreeSWITCH server '%s'" % server.name)) if server.port > 65535 or server.port < 1: raise orm.except_orm( _('Error:'), _("You should set a TCP port between 1 and 65535 for the " "FreeSWITCH server '%s'" % server.name)) for check_str in [dialplan_context, alert_info, password]: if check_str[1]: try: check_str[1].encode('ascii') except UnicodeEncodeError: raise orm.except_orm( _('Error:'), _("The '%s' should only have ASCII caracters for " "the FreeSWITCH server '%s'" % (check_str[0], server.name))) return True
_constraints = [( _check_validity, "Error message in raise", [ 'out_prefix', 'wait_time', 'port', 'context', 'alert_info', 'password'] )]
def _get_freeswitch_server_from_user(self, cr, uid, context=None): '''Returns an freeswitch.server browse object''' # We check if the user has an FreeSWITCH server configured user = self.pool['res.users'].browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context) if user.freeswitch_server_id.id: fs_server = user.freeswitch_server_id else: freeswitch_server_ids = self.search( cr, uid, [('company_id', '=', user.company_id.id)], context=context) # If the user doesn't have an freeswitch server, # we take the first one of the user's company if not freeswitch_server_ids: raise orm.except_orm( _('Error:'), _("No FreeSWITCH server configured for the company '%s'.") % user.company_id.name) else: fs_server = self.browse( cr, uid, freeswitch_server_ids[0], context=context) servers = self.pool.get('freeswitch.server') server_ids = servers.search(cr, uid, [('id', '=', fs_server.id)], context=context) fake_fs_server = servers.browse(cr, uid, server_ids, context=context) for rec in fake_fs_server: fs_server = rec break return fs_server
def _connect_to_freeswitch(self, cr, uid, context=None): '''
Open the connection to the FreeSWITCH Event Socket Returns an instance of the FreeSWITCH Event Socket
user = self.pool['res.users'].browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context)
fs_server = self._get_freeswitch_server_from_user( cr, uid, context=context) # We check if the current user has a chan type if not user.freeswitch_chan_type: raise orm.except_orm( _('Error:'), _('No channel type configured for the current user.'))
# We check if the current user has an internal number if not user.resource: raise orm.except_orm( _('Error:'), _('No resource name configured for the current user'))
_logger.debug( "User's phone: %s/%s" % (user.freeswitch_chan_type, user.resource)) _logger.debug( "FreeSWITCH server: %s:%d" % (fs_server.ip_address, fs_server.port))
# Connect to the FreeSWITCH Event Socket try: fs_manager = ESL.ESLconnection(str(fs_server.ip_address), str(fs_server.port), str(fs_server.password)) except Exception, e: _logger.error( "Error in the request to the FreeSWITCH Event Socket %s" % fs_server.ip_address) _logger.error("Here is the error message: %s" % e) raise orm.except_orm( _('Error:'), _("Problem in the request from OpenERP to FreeSWITCH. " "Here is the error message: %s" % e)) # return (False, False, False)
return (user, fs_server, fs_manager)
def test_es_connection(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): assert len(ids) == 1, 'Only 1 ID' fs_server = self.browse(cr, uid, ids[0], context=context) fs_manager = False try: fs_manager = ESL.ESLconnection(str(fs_server.ip_address), str(fs_server.port), str(fs_server.password)) except Exception, e: raise orm.except_orm( _("Connection Test Failed!"), _("Here is the error message: %s" % e)) finally: if fs_manager.connected() is not 1: raise orm.except_orm( _("Connection Test Failed!"), _("Check Host, Port and Password")) else: try: if fs_manager: fs_manager.disconnect() raise orm.except_orm( _("Connection Test Successfull!"), _("OpenERP can successfully login to the FreeSWITCH Event " "Socket."))
def _get_calling_number(self, cr, uid, context=None):
user, fs_server, fs_manager = self._connect_to_freeswitch( cr, uid, context=context) calling_party_number = False try: ret = fs_manager.api('show', "calls as delim | like callee_cid_num " + str(user.internal_number)) f = StringIO.StringIO(ret.getBody()) reader = csv.DictReader(f, delimiter='|') for row in reader: if "uuid" not in row or row["uuid"] == "" or row["uuid"] == "uuid": break if row["callstate"] not in ["EARLY", "ACTIVE", "RINGING"]: continue if row["b_cid_num"] and row["b_cid_num"] is not None: calling_party_number = row["b_cid_num"] elif row["cid_num"] and row["cid_num"] is not None: calling_party_number = row["cid_num"] except Exception, e: _logger.error( "Error in the Status request to FreeSWITCH server %s" % fs_server.ip_address) _logger.error( "Here are the details of the error: '%s'" % unicode(e)) raise orm.except_orm( _('Error:'), _("Can't get calling number from FreeSWITCH.\nHere is the " "error: '%s'" % unicode(e)))
finally: fs_manager.disconnect()
_logger.debug("Calling party number: '%s'" % calling_party_number) return calling_party_number
def get_record_from_my_channel(self, cr, uid, context=None): calling_number = self.pool['freeswitch.server']._get_calling_number( cr, uid, context=context) # calling_number = "0641981246" if calling_number: record = self.pool['phone.common'].get_record_from_phone_number( cr, uid, calling_number, context=context) if record: return record else: return calling_number else: return False
class res_users(orm.Model): _inherit = "res.users"
_columns = { 'internal_number': fields.char( 'Internal Number', size=15, help="User's internal phone number."), 'dial_suffix': fields.char( 'User-specific Dial Suffix', size=15, help="User-specific dial suffix such as aa=2wb for SCCP " "auto answer."), 'callerid': fields.char( 'Caller ID', size=50, help="Caller ID used for the calls initiated by this user."), # You'd probably think: FreeSWITCH should reuse the callerID of sip.conf! # But it cannot, cf # http://lists.digium.com/pipermail/freeswitch-users/ # 2012-January/269787.html 'cdraccount': fields.char( 'CDR Account', size=50, help="Call Detail Record (CDR) account used for billing this " "user."), 'freeswitch_chan_type': fields.selection([ ('user', 'SIP'), ('FreeTDM', 'FreeTDM'), ('Skinny', 'Skinny'), ('MGCP', 'MGCP'), ('mISDN', 'mISDN'), ('H323', 'H323'), ('SCCP', 'SCCP'), ('Local', 'Local'), ], 'FreeSWITCH Channel Type', help="FreeSWITCH channel type, as used in the FreeSWITCH dialplan. " "If the user has a regular IP phone, the channel type is 'SIP'."), 'resource': fields.char( 'Resource Name', size=64, help="Resource name for the channel type selected. For example, " "if you use 'Dial(SIP/phone1)' in your FreeSWITCH dialplan to ring " "the SIP phone of this user, then the resource name for this user " "is 'phone1'. For a SIP phone, the phone number is often used as " "resource name, but not always."), 'alert_info': fields.char( 'User-specific Alert-Info SIP Header', size=255, help="Set a user-specific Alert-Info header in SIP request to " "user's IP Phone for the click2dial feature. If empty, the " "Alert-Info header will not be added. You can use it to have a " "special ring tone for click2dial (a silent one !) or to " "activate auto-answer for example."), 'variable': fields.char( 'User-specific Variable', size=255, help="Set a user-specific 'Variable' field in the FreeSWITCH " "Event Socket 'originate' request for the click2dial " "feature. If you want to have several variable headers, separate " "them with '|'."), 'freeswitch_server_id': fields.many2one( 'freeswitch.server', 'FreeSWITCH Server', help="FreeSWITCH server on which the user's phone is connected. " "If you leave this field empty, it will use the first FreeSWITCH " "server of the user's company."), }
_defaults = { 'freeswitch_chan_type': 'SIP', }
def _check_validity(self, cr, uid, ids): for user in self.browse(cr, uid, ids): strings_to_check = [ (_('Resource Name'), user.resource), (_('Internal Number'), user.internal_number), (_('Caller ID'), user.callerid), ] for check_string in strings_to_check: if check_string[1]: try: check_string[1].encode('ascii') except UnicodeEncodeError: raise orm.except_orm( _('Error:'), _("The '%s' for the user '%s' should only have " "ASCII caracters") % (check_string[0], user.name)) return True
_constraints = [( _check_validity, "Error message in raise", ['resource', 'internal_number', 'callerid'] )]
class PhoneCommon(orm.AbstractModel): _inherit = 'phone.common'
def click2dial(self, cr, uid, erp_number, context=None): res = super(PhoneCommon, self).click2dial( cr, uid, erp_number, context=context) if not erp_number: raise orm.except_orm( _('Error:'), _('Missing phone number'))
user, fs_server, fs_manager = \ self.pool['freeswitch.server']._connect_to_freeswitch( cr, uid, context=context) fs_number = self.convert_to_dial_number( cr, uid, erp_number, context=context) # Add 'out prefix' if fs_server.out_prefix: _logger.debug('Out prefix = %s' % fs_server.out_prefix) fs_number = '%s%s' % (fs_server.out_prefix, fs_number) _logger.debug('Number to be sent to FreeSWITCH = %s' % fs_number)
# The user should have a CallerID if not user.callerid: raise orm.except_orm( _('Error:'), _('No callerID configured for the current user'))
variable = "" if user.freeswitch_chan_type == 'SIP': # We can only have one alert-info header in a SIP request if user.alert_info: variable += 'alert_info=' + user.alert_info elif fs_server.alert_info: variable += 'alert_info=' + fs_server.alert_info if user.variable: for user_variable in user.variable.split('|'): if len(variable) and len(user_variable): variable += ',' variable += user_variable.strip() if user.callerid: caller_name = re.search(r'([^<]*).*', user.callerid).group(1).strip() caller_number = re.search(r'.*<(.*)>.*', user.callerid).group(1).strip() if caller_name: if len(variable): variable += ',' caller_name = caller_name.replace(",", r"\,") variable += 'effective_caller_id_name=' + caller_name if caller_number: if len(variable): variable += ',' variable += 'effective_caller_id_number=' + caller_number if fs_server.wait_time != 60: if len(variable): variable += ',' variable += 'ignore_early_media=true' + ',' variable += 'originate_timeout=' + str(fs_server.wait_time) channel = '%s/%s' % (user.freeswitch_chan_type, user.resource) if user.dial_suffix: channel += '/%s' % user.dial_suffix
try: # originate FreeTDM/1/3 1234567 XML Internal-FXS # originate user/2005 1003 XML Internal-FXS # originate <effective_caller_id_number=1234,originate_timeout=7,call_timeout=7>user/2005 1005 XML Internal-FXS 'Caller ID showed to OpenERP user' 90125 dial_string = (('<' + variable + '>') if variable else '') + \ channel + ' ' + fs_number + ' ' + fs_server.context + ' ' + \ '\'FreeSWITCH/Odoo Connector\' ' + fs_number # raise orm.except_orm(_('Error :'), dial_string) fs_manager.api('originate', dial_string.encode("ascii")) except Exception, e: _logger.error( "Error in the Originate request to FreeSWITCH server %s" % fs_server.ip_address) _logger.error( "Here are the details of the error: '%s'" % unicode(e)) raise orm.except_orm( _('Error:'), _("Click to dial with FreeSWITCH failed.\nHere is the error: " "'%s'") % unicode(e)) finally: fs_manager.disconnect()
res['dialed_number'] = fs_number return res