@ -18,3 +18,21 @@ Akretion (alexis.delattre \_at\_ akretion.com). |
To know more about the OpenERP-Asterisk connector, refer to the documentation |
available on the Akretion website |
http://www.akretion.com/en/products-and-services/openerp-asterisk-voip-connector |
[//]: # (addons) |
Available addons |
---------------- |
addon | version | summary |
--- | --- | --- |
[asterisk_click2dial](asterisk_click2dial/) | 0.4 | Asterisk-OpenERP connector |
[asterisk_click2dial_crm](asterisk_click2dial_crm/) | 0.1 | Asterisk Click2dial CRM |
[base_phone](base_phone/) | 0.1 | Validate phone numbers |
[base_phone_popup](base_phone_popup/) | 0.4 | Pop-up the related form view to the user on incoming calls |
[crm_claim_phone](crm_claim_phone/) | 0.1 | Validate phone numbers in CRM Claims |
[crm_phone](crm_phone/) | 0.1 | Validate phone numbers in CRM |
[event_phone](event_phone/) | 0.1 | Validate phone numbers in Events |
[hr_phone](hr_phone/) | 0.1 | Validate phone numbers in HR |
[hr_recruitment_phone](hr_recruitment_phone/) | 0.1 | Validate phone numbers in HR Recruitment |
[ovh_telephony_connector](ovh_telephony_connector/) | 0.1 | OVH-Odoo telephony connector (click2call) |
[//]: # (end addons) |