@ -41,27 +41,18 @@ class wizard_create_crm_phonecall(osv.osv_memory):
categ_ids = self . pool . get ( ' crm.case.categ ' ) . search ( cr , uid , [ ( ' name ' , ' = ' , crm_categ ) ] , context = { ' lang ' : ' en_US ' } )
categ_ids = self . pool . get ( ' crm.case.categ ' ) . search ( cr , uid , [ ( ' name ' , ' = ' , crm_categ ) ] , context = { ' lang ' : ' en_US ' } )
case_section_ids = self . pool . get ( ' crm.case.section ' ) . search ( cr , uid , [ ( ' member_ids ' , ' in ' , uid ) ] , context = context )
case_section_ids = self . pool . get ( ' crm.case.section ' ) . search ( cr , uid , [ ( ' member_ids ' , ' in ' , uid ) ] , context = context )
values = {
' name ' : _ ( ' Call with ' ) + ' ' + partner . name ,
' partner_id ' : partner . id or False ,
' partner_phone ' : partner . phone ,
' partner_mobile ' : partner . mobile ,
' user_id ' : uid ,
' categ_id ' : categ_ids and categ_ids [ 0 ] or False ,
' section_id ' : case_section_ids and case_section_ids [ 0 ] or False ,
# As we now ask the user if he wants to create a phone call in CRM,
# we suppose that he will decide to create one only if the call
# has succeeded, so we create it directly in 'Held' (done) state.
# Otherwise, it would have been created in 'Todo' (open) state.
' state ' : ' done ' ,
crm_phonecall_id = crm_phonecall_obj . create ( cr , uid , values , context = context )
context . update ( {
' default_partner_id ' : partner . id or False ,
' default_partner_phone ' : partner . phone ,
' default_partner_mobile ' : partner . mobile ,
' default_categ_id ' : categ_ids and categ_ids [ 0 ] or False ,
' default_section_id ' : case_section_ids and case_section_ids [ 0 ] or False ,
} )
return {
return {
' name ' : partner . name ,
' name ' : partner . name ,
' domain ' : [ ( ' partner_id ' , ' = ' , partner . id ) ] ,
' domain ' : [ ( ' partner_id ' , ' = ' , partner . id ) ] ,
' res_model ' : ' crm.phonecall ' ,
' res_model ' : ' crm.phonecall ' ,
' res_id ' : crm_phonecall_id ,
' view_type ' : ' form ' ,
' view_type ' : ' form ' ,
' view_mode ' : ' form,tree ' ,
' view_mode ' : ' form,tree ' ,
' type ' : ' ir.actions.act_window ' ,
' type ' : ' ir.actions.act_window ' ,